Fillable Printable Affidavit of a Smoke Detecting Alarm's Existence
Fillable Printable Affidavit of a Smoke Detecting Alarm's Existence

Affidavit of a Smoke Detecting Alarm's Existence

P.O. BOX 109
PINE BUSH, N.Y. 12566
State of New York
County of Orange
I, being duly sworn, deposes and say:
1. I am the owner of property located at:____________________________
2. I attest that the property has installed on its premises an
operable single station smoke detecting alarm de vice .
3. I ma ke th is aff i davi t in accor da nc e wit h Sec ti on 37 8 s ubd iv isio n 5 of the
Executive Law.
Sworn to before me this
____day of _________ 20___
Notary Public