Fillable Printable Affidavit of Loss or Release of Interest Template
Fillable Printable Affidavit of Loss or Release of Interest Template

Affidavit of Loss or Release of Interest Template

The Department of Licensing has a policy of providing equal access to its services.
TD-420-040 (R/7/09)W Page 1 of 2 If you need special accommodation, please call (360) 902-3600 or TTY (360) 664-8885.
Affidavit of Loss/ Release of Interest
License /Registration number Year Make Series and body
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) OR Vessel Hull Identification Number (HIN) Title number
Affidavit of Loss
The following is not in my possession because it was lost, stolen, destroyed, or mutilated: (Check the applicable box)
Title Registration Tab Decal Plate(s)
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. If signing
for a business, I have full authority to do so.
_______________________________ ______________________________ _______________
Signature Printed name (Position and company name if signing for business) WA driver license, ID, or UBI
_______________________________ ______________________________ _______________
Signature Printed name (Position and company name if signing for business) WA driver license, ID, or UBI
Notarization/ Certification for Affidavit of Loss
State of _____________________________________, County of __________________________________
Signed or attested before me on __________________ by ________________________________________
(Seal or stamp) ___________________________________________
Printed or stamped name
Title ___________________________________ and ___________________________________________
Dealer or county/office number or notary expiration date
Release of interest
I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. If signing
for a business, I have full authority to do so.
_______________________________ ______________________________ _______________
Signature of person releasing interest Printed name (Position and company name if signing for business) WA driver license, ID, or UBI
_______________________________ ______________________________ _______________
Signature of person releasing interest Printed name (Position and company name if signing for business) WA driver license, ID, or UBI
Gross weight license
I authorize this Gross Weight License to be transferred to the new owner and remain with the vehicle described above.
_______________________________ ______________________________ _______________
Signature of person authorizing transfer Printed name (Position and company name if signing for business) WA driver license, ID, or UBI
Notarization/ Certification for Release of Interest and/or Gross Weight transfer
State of _____________________________________, County of __________________________________
Signed or attested before me on __________________ by ________________________________________
(Seal or stamp) ___________________________________________
Printed or stamped name
Title ___________________________________ and ___________________________________________
Dealer or county/office number or notary expiration date

Financial Institutions
If releasing interest on a vehicle sold to a Washington dealer or resident, you can speed up the transfer process by giving
the released title or Affidavit of Loss/Release of Interest to the buyer with a release of interest from the seller (your debtor).
The buyer can then take the documents to any vehicle/vessel licensing office and transfer the title.
Odometer Disclosure
A vehicle odometer disclosure is required when transferring a motor vehicle that is nine (9) years old or newer, unless
You must transfer title within fifteen days of the date of sale.
Seller’s report of sale
The seller must file a report of sale within five days of the date of sale, excluding weekends and state holidays, at any
vehicle/vessel licensing office for a fee. It can also be filed online at
Vehicle owner deceased
The chart below shows what documentation you need to attach to the title application when transferring ownership from
the deceased person. The person who inherits the vehicle/vessel may sell it or keep it. A release of interest is required if
the inheritor is not keeping the vehicle/vessel.
Action taken with assets Documents needed for new title application Legal authority
Legal Action (administered probated,
court ordered)
Certified letter of testamentary, or
Letter of administration, or
Certificate of County Clerk TD420-041
WAC 308-56A-335(4a)
WAC 308-93-520(4a)
“Joint Tenants with Rights of
Survivorship” appears on the vehicle
record and title
Certified copy of death certificate WAC 308-56A-335(4c)
WAC 308-93-520(4b
Community Property Agreement Certified copy of death certificate, and
Copy of community property agreement
WAC 308-56A-335(4c)
WAC 308-93-520(4c)
RCW 26.16.120
Estate not administered Certified copy of death certificate, and
Affidavit of Inheritance (release of interest if
required), or affidavit of succession (optional) if the
estate is under $60,000
RCW 11.62.005
RCW 11.62.010
WAC 308-56A-335(4d)
WAC 308-93-520(4d)
The above information is in addition to other documents required for title transfers.
Power of Attorney (POA)
To properly sign by Power of Attorney:
• Printorsignthenameofthepersonorbusinessgrantingpowerofattorney“by”
• Signyournameadding“POA”afteryoursignature.Ifsigningforabusiness,includeyourjobtitleandcompanyname.
John Q. Public by Jane C. Doe, POA
Person signing for a business: Business Inc. by Jane C. Doe, POA
Business signing by POA for another business: Business Inc. by Jane C. Doe, POA, V.P. for Business 2 Inc.
Name Change – Person
A person changing their name on a Washington Certificate of Ownership (title) must submit:
• ThecurrenttitleorAfdavitofLoss,and
• Acopyofthecourtorderauthorizingthenamechangeifthenamechangeisaresultofcourtaction,or
• AnAfdavitofnamechange(
change a person’s name on a title unless specifically authorized in the POA.
A person changing their name on the certificate of ownership does not need to release their interest in the vehicle
in their former name. A title transfer is required when registered owners are added or deleted. Name Change due to
business mergers-contact a local vehicle licensing office for assistance.
TD-420-040 (R/7/09)W Page 2 of 2