
Fillable Printable Alabama Residential Lease Application

Fillable Printable Alabama Residential Lease Application

Alabama Residential Lease Application

Alabama Residential Lease Application

Residential Lease Application
Contact Phone #: _____________________Interested in Leasing : __________________
Email: ____________________________ Date of App. _______________________
Personal Identification Information
Name of the Tenant: _____________________________________________________
Other Names Tenant has used: ______________________________________________
Driver license #______________________________ State_______ Expiration________
SS# _______________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________
Marital Status: ____________Name of Spouse: _________________________________
Children Names: _________________________________________________________
Name of Tenant # 2: ______________________________________________________
SS# Tenant # 2: _______________________ Date of Birth: __________________
Who will live in the property except children and applicant? _____________________
1. Present Address: _________________________________ Zip: _________________
a. How Long? _______________ Reason For Leaving: ___________________
b. Landlord’s name and phone number: ________________________________
2. Previous Address: ____________________________________________________
a. When? ____________ Reason for Leaving ___________________________
b. Landlord’s name and phone number: ________________________________
3. Previous Address: ____________________________________________________
a. When? ____________ Reason for Leaving ___________________________
b. Landlord’s name and phone number: ________________________________
Employment Information (Tenant #1)
Place of Employment: _____________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
City___________, State _________, Zip__________
Supervisor: ______________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________Ext. ________
Job Title: _________________________________________
Work Hours: ____________ Monthly pay________________
How long at current job? _____________________________
Others sources of income: ____________________________
Employment Information(Tenant #2)
Place of Employment: _____________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City___________, State _________, Zip__________
Supervisor: ______________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________Ext. ________
Job Title: _________________________________________
Work Hours: ____________ Monthly pay________________
How long at current job? _____________________________
Others sources of income: ____________________________
Terms of Residency/Debtor Information
1. Do you intend to reside here indefinitely? ( ) Yes ( ) No
-If no, how long? ____________________________________________
2. Have your ever-filed bankruptcy? ( ) Yes ( ) No
-If yes, court and case number? _________________________________
3. Do you own now or have you owned property that was foreclosed?
-If yes, please give address of property and foreclosure
4. Are you a party of a lawsuit? ( ) Yes ( ) No
If yes, please describe. ________________________________________
Banking Information - No Bank Account? Sorry having a regular checking account
is a minimum requirement
Bank Name:____________________ Phone: ___________________________________
Checking Account No: ____________________________________________________
Do you smoke (circle one)? NO YES ONLY OUTSIDE
Are there any judgments against you? ( ) Yes ( ) No
-If yes, please describe. ____________________________________________________
Credit Reference (a person you know who can vouch for you not immediate family)
Name: __________________________ Phone: ____________________
Do you have any pets that you would like to occupy the residence? ( ) Yes ( ) No
- If yes, please describe. ____________________________________________________
Note: This question does not imply that pets are allowed.
Have you ever been evicted from a rental unit? ( ) Yes ( ) No
-If yes, please describe in detail ______________________________________________
Motor Vehicle Information
Year Make/Model Color Tag Number State
___________ _____________________ ________ ___________ _______
___________ _____________________ ________ ___________ _______
List of Credit Cards - balance should approximate what is reported in credit report
Type: _________ Card #(only put last four numbers) ____________________________
Type: _________ Card #(only put last four numbers)_____________________________
Creditors Type of Debt Amount Owed Monthly Payment
____________ _______________ _______________ ___________________
____________ _______________ _______________ ___________________
Emergency Contact:
Person to notify in case of emergency: ________________ Phone:__________________
Radon Gas Disclosure.
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that, when it has accumulated in a building
in sufficient quantities, may present health risks to persons exposed to it over time.
Levels of Radon that exceed federal and state guidelines have been found in every State
of the United States. Addition information regarding radon gas may be obtained from
your County public health unit.
Condition and Information
All pages of this lease application must be signed by all persons who will sign the lease agreement.
Additional tenant information is on page 2.
The completing of this application by Tenant and the acceptance of this application by Landlord creates no
obligation of Landlord to approve this application.
This application will be approved or rejected usually with in five (5) days of being submitted to landlord.
However, there is no obligation of Landlord to notify tenant unless the application is approved.
If this application is approved, Tenant must make the security deposit and sign the lease before the tenancy
Landlord complies with all Federal and State laws regarding discrimination and does not discriminate
based upon age, sex, race, marital status, religion, national origin, or other prohibited classifications.
I/We, _______________________________________, the undersigned applicant(s)
authorize the landlord or his/her/their agent to order and review my/our credit
and criminal history and investigate the accuracy of the information contained in the
application. I/We further authorize all banks, employers, creditors, credit card
companies, references, and all other persons to provide to landlord and all information
concerning my/our credit.
Applicant # 1
Signed: _________________________________________ Date: ______________
Applicant # 2
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