
Fillable Printable Alaska Rental Application

Fillable Printable Alaska Rental Application

Alaska Rental Application

Alaska Rental Application

Address & Unit #
Applying For
I (we) apply to rent an apartment at BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. The information provided below will
be used by landlord to evaluate my (our) rental application.
Full Legal Name: ____________________________________ Home Phone: ______________
Current Address: ____________________________________________How Long: _________
Email Address: ________________________________________________________________
Landlord or Agent: ____________________________________Phone: ___________________
Former Address: ____________________________________________ How Long: _________
Employer: ____________________________________________________________________
Position/Income: _____________________________ How Long: ________________________
Military Personnel Rank: __
Commanding Officer: ________________________
Work Address: ___________________________________Work Phone: ___________________
DOB: __ __
SSN: ____________________ ADL: _________________
Auto Make/Model: __________________ Plate No: ___________Year: _______Color: ________
Full Legal Name: __________________________________ Home Phone: ______
Email Address: ________________________________________________________________
Current Address: _________________________________________________________________
Former Address: _________________________________________________________________
Employer: ______________________________________________________________________
Position/Income: _________________________________ How Long: ____________________
Military Personnel Rank: __
Commanding Officer: ________________________
Work Address: ___________________________________Work Phone: ___________________
SSN: _________________ ADL: _________________
Auto Make/Model: __________________ Plate No: ___________Year: _______Color: ______
Page of
Page of
Bank Reference: _________________________________Account No: _____________________
Bank Reference: _________________________________Account No: _____________________
Credit Reference: _______________ Account No: ____________Purpose of Credit: ___________
Credit Reference: _______________ Account No: ____________Purpose of Credit: ___________
Personal Reference: _______________________________________ Phone: _______________
Personal Reference: _______________________________________ Phone: _______________
Nearest Relative Not Living With You: __________________________Phone: _______________
Have you ever filed a petition for bankruptcy? _______
Have you ever been evicted from any tenancy? _______
Have you ever willfully and intentionally refused to pay any rent when due? _______
consent to release of the above information to any credit repository or credit reporting agency or any
subscriber or member thereof and represent that the information provided herein is true and correct.
I (we) request and authorize a _____individual; ______joint credit report. A $
BBBB.00 application fee per
adult must accompany submission o
f this application.
(Waived if Military on the PTP program)
I agree that Landlord may terminate any agreement enter into in reliance on any misstatement made
Signature: ___________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________
Names of Persons living with you, and relationship. (child, relative, friend…)
1) _________________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________________
4) _________________________________________________________
5) _________________________________________________________
6) _________________________________________________________
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Rules and Regulations
1. No Pets are allowed in or on the premises.
2. Smoking is NOT allowed inside the apartments.
3. No persons may reside in the apartments for a period in excess of 14 days, except those persons
whose names appear on the Rental Agreement, and their dependants. Unless arrangements have
been made with Management.
4. Tenant shall keep that part of the premises occupied and used by the Tenant in a clean and safe
5. Rubbish, garbage and other waste will be disposed of in the provided dumpster. Cigarette butts are
considered garbage and are required to be kept picked up. No garbage is allowed to be placed in
entryways, stored in garages, or outside of dumpster.
6. All electrical, plumbing, sanitary, heating, ventilating, kitchen and other facilities and appliances will be
used in a safe and reasonable manner.
7. Tenant shall not deliberately or negligently destroy, deface, damage, impair or remove any part of the
premises or knowingly permit any person to do so.
8. No goods or materials of any kind or description which are combustible or would increase fire risk or
shall in any way increase the fire insurance rate with respect to the premises or any law or regulations,
may be taken or placed in a storage area or the residence itself. Storage in all such areas shall be at
Resident’s risk and Management shall not be responsible for any loss or damage.
9. No nails, screws or adhesive hangers except standard picture hooks, shade brackets, and curtain rod
brackets may be placed in walls, woodwork, or any part of the residence. Shades and/blinds must be
the type that mount inside the window casing.
10. Tenant shall not unreasonably disturb, or permit others on the premises with the Tenant’s consent to
unreasonably disturb, a neighbor’s peaceful enjoyment of the premises.
11. Tenant shall maintain all smoke detection devices on the premises in good working order and shall
promptly notify Landlord in the event of any malfunction.
12. Tenant is responsible for contents insurance if they so desire. Tenant’s personal contents are not
covered under Management’s policy.
13. Each Apartment is allowed 2 parking spaces. Non-operative vehicles are not permitted on premises.
Any such non-operative vehicle may be removed by Management at the expense of resident.
14. No major repairs to vehicles are allowed on property, including changing the oil.
15. Attaching anything to the side or top of the building is not allowed. Such as, but not limited to;
Clothesline, TV antenna, fence or gate.
16. Tenant shall notify management immediately of any repairs necessary and Management shall have
access to the premises at any reasonable time for maintenance, repair, or to protect the property.
17. Waterbeds are not allowed in the units.
18. Plug in type room fresheners are not allowed. It has been found that these contribute to a large number
of house fires.
19. DO NOT place aluminum foil in the windows for darkening. This causes moisture build up and damages
sheetrock and promotes mold to grow in the walls which promotes an unhealthy living environment.
20. During winter months DO NOT leave garage doors open. If this happens and lines freeze the tenant will
be responsible for all repairs.
The landlord reserves the right at any time to modify the above rules an
d regulations as Management
determines to be necessa
ry for the safety, care and cleanliness of the premises, the preservation of good order or
for the comfort and benefit of Residents generally.
Breach of any of these Rules and Regulations may result in the issuance of the 10-day eviction notice.
Date of Posting Rules and Regulations: ________________________________
Signature Of Tenant
Signature Of Manager
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