Fillable Printable Template - Authorization to Use Schedule Letter
Fillable Printable Template - Authorization to Use Schedule Letter

Template - Authorization to Use Schedule Letter
For information only. Tailor to your requirement and agency policy
Letter Authorizing use of Multiple Award Schedule contracts
[Insert Date]
[Insert Company Name]
[Insert Attention: POC]
[Insert Address]
Subject: Authorization to Utilize GSA Multiple Award Schedule contracts
Reference: [Insert Contractor Name & Task Order Number]
[Insert Company Name] is hereby authorized to place orders under the GSA Multiple Award
Schedule program as an alternative source in procuring equipment and supplies for services for
the exclusive use and ownership of the Government. This authority applies to the above
referenced Task Order. Such authority may be exercised at any time prior to the Order
completion date of [Insert Contract Completion Date].
You are responsible for compliance with the applicable acquisition policies and procedures
prescribed in FAR 51.1, particularly FAR 51.103, regarding purchasing from GSA Multiple
Award Schedule contracts. Please reference this letter and the contract number on any delivery
orders issued subject to this authority. The following statement shall be included on your
Schedule Purchase Order:
This Order is authorized by [Insert OCO’s Organization], per letter dated [Insert Date].
In the event of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this Order and
those of the Multiple Award Schedule contract, the latter will govern.
You are authorized to order only those supplies and services required in the performance of this
Task Order. You shall maintain records for all property or services acquired under this
authorization, including orders, receipts, inspections, usage, and payments.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
[Contracting Officer Name]
[Division Name]
[Contact Information]