Fillable Printable SAMPLE Authorization Letter Template
Fillable Printable SAMPLE Authorization Letter Template

SAMPLE Authorization Letter Template
SAMPLE Authorization Letter Template
[Organization LETTERHEAD]
October 26, 2012
Institutional Review Board
c/o: Research & Sponsored Programs O#ce
CSU Channel Islands
One University Drive – Madera Hall 1300
Camarillo, CA 93012
Dear IRB Members,
After reviewing the proposed study, “[project title]”, presented by [name of
researcher], [title and department a#liation] at California State University Channel
Islands, I am granting permission for the study to be conducted at [school site].
I understand the purpose of the project is to determine [insert purpose of research].
The primary activity at [Name of School] will be [list all research activities to be
conducted at the site]. The following students are eligible to participate: [describe
participants i.e. grade, class].
I understand that [provide a brief description of activities] will occur for [time and
instructions: e.g.: three weeks during normal classroom instruction, and during
students’ regularly scheduled spelling instruction. This is a daily event, with lessons
lasting from 20 to 25 minutes.] I expect that this project will end not later than
[provide an end date].
I understand that [name of researcher] will obtain consent for all [Name of School]
students participating in the study. [Name of researcher] has agreed to provide to
my o#ce a copy of all CSU Channel Islands approved study protocol materials
including the approved consent documents before [s/he] recruits participants on
campus. Any data collected by [name of researcher] will be kept con;dential and
will be stored in a secure location per the approved protocol. [name of researcher]
has also agreed to provide to us a copy of the aggregate results of the research.
If the CSU Channel Islands Institutional Review Board has any concerns about the
permission being granted by this letter, please contact me at the [phone number
&/or email address] listed below.
[signature if submission is original] [name and tle of ranking authority as appropriate] [name of
organizaon] [direct phone &/or email]