Fillable Printable Blank Fax Cover Sheet Template
Fillable Printable Blank Fax Cover Sheet Template

Blank Fax Cover Sheet Template

Fax Cover Sheet
Date: _________________
Number of Pages (including this one):_________
Please complete the following information and include this fax cover sheet when faxing
documents to Apple.
Case Number and/or Repair Number: _________________________________________
Product Serial Number(s): ____________________________________________________
Agreement Number(s): _______________________________________________________
Customer Name: ____________________________________________________________
(Last Name) (First Name)
Customer Phone Number: _____________________________________________________
Customer Fax Number: _______________________________________________________
Customer Email Address: _____________________________________________________
Description of the exact nature of your request:
Please DO NOT fax documentation more than once unless specifically requested to do so by an
Apple representative. Duplicated faxes will cause processing delays for all customers.
• Faxes should only be sent to 1 of the numbers listed below based on the nature of the request.
USA & Canada
Asia Pacific
All documentation relating to an iPod
All other Proof of Purchase or
Administration documentation
(including agreement
cancellation or transfer requests)
+1-916 405-3655