
Fillable Printable Boat Bill of Sale Form - New Jersey

Fillable Printable Boat Bill of Sale Form - New Jersey

Boat Bill of Sale Form - New Jersey

Boat Bill of Sale Form - New Jersey

New$Jersey$Boat$Bi ll$Of$Sale$$$
I$$$ $
Make$$ Model$$ $
Year$$ Title$#$$$ $
Hours$of$Usage:$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Hull$#$$ $
Engine$serial$#$$ Make$$$ Model$$ Type$$ $
Engine$serial$#$$ Make$$$ Model$$ Type$$ $
Condition$$ Or$$As$Is$$ $
For$$$$ .$$$ $
Payment$in$the$form$of$$$ $ (Check$#)$$ $
Street$$ City$$ State$ $$ Zip$$ $
Seller$Phone$$ Email$$ $
boat$and $motor(s).$A s$seller$I$attest$that$all$of$the$infor m ation$above$is$true$to$the$
best$of$my$knowle dge.$$
$$Seller$Signature$$ On$this$date$$ /$$$ /$$$ $
Buyer$Signature$$ On$this$date$$ /$$$ /$$$ $
P.O. Box 017
T renton, NJ 0866 6-0017
1-888-486-3 339 (in stat e)
1-609-292-6500 (out of state)
The Boat Ownership Certificate Act requires that vessels and hulls shall be titled. These articles are
defined as follows.
1. Vessel means a boat or watercraft, other than a sea plane, used or capable of being used as
a means of transpor t at ion on the w at er .
2. Hull means a vessel exclusive of all means o f propul sion.
3. For the pur pose of this a ct , all vessel s more t han 12 feet i n le ngth must be t it l ed.
Instructions Ple as e Read Carefully
1) Owner or purchaser should submit any supporting documents as proof of ownership.
2) This form should be completed by the owner of a vessel or hull purchased prior to the effective date of
the Boat Ownership Certificate Act, or purchased out of state, who does not have a Manufacturers
Certif icat e of Origin or a Cert ificat e of Ownership.
3) Please type or print clearly.
I, the undersigned, hereby apply for Certificate of Ownership for the Vessel or Hull described above,
and certif y that the statements on this application are correct and true.
Signatur e X _______________________________
Date _______________________
Last Na me Firs t Name Middle Initial
Street Address City State Zip
NJ Driver License No. (if Business, Corporation Code) Date of Birth Sex Eye Color
Name of L ie nhol de r or Fi na nc i a l I ns ti tutio n Corporation Code (15 Digit)
Street Address
City State Zip
Hull Identificatio n Number (HIN) Year Make
Type of Boat Length (Feet & Inches) Hull Material
Use Type of Propulsion Type of Fuel
New Jerse y
Motor Vehicle Commission
Applic ation for Certificate of Title for Vessel
Purch ase Pr ice $ ____ ___ ____ ___ ______
Sales/Use Tax $ _____________________
Ex. Code __________ Initials__________
OS/SS-27 (R4/10)
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