Fillable Printable Christmas Card Template
Fillable Printable Christmas Card Template

Christmas Card Template

Child’s name...............................................! ! ! Class ...........................................
I would like ........... A5 cards @ 60p each or £5 for 10! Cost .........
I would like ............ A6 cards @ 30p each or £2.50 for 10 Cost.........
N.B. These must be ordered in even number quantities
I enclose the total cost of .................. (Cheques should be made payable to Andreas School)
Please only paint / draw within the line. Everything within the line will be reproduced, anything outside will
not be. Please try to leave a border of 2mm or more between the line and your design. This will help to
make the reproduction quicker and easier. Please DO NOT use glitter as it will not reproduce.
The picture can be drawn by adults or children.
The picture can be either way up, landscape or portrait. Please tick which side is the top of your card
Please return this form with your picture by Monday 2nd December at the
The earlier you return it the earlier you will get your cards.
This is the top of my card
This is the top of my card
This is the top of my card