Fillable Printable Complaint for Divorce - Alabama
Fillable Printable Complaint for Divorce - Alabama

Complaint for Divorce - Alabama
In re: the Marriage of
Docket No.
The Plaintiff, ______________________________, respectfully declares the following:
1. Plaintiff's Residence: Plaintiff resides at
_______________________________________________________________ [insert Plaintiff's
address] and has been a resident of the State of Alabama for _________ [insert period of residence in
months and years].
2. Defendant's Residence: Defendant resides at
____________________________________________________________________ [insert
Defendant's address] and has been a resident of the State of Alabama for _________ [insert period of
residence in months and years].
3. Marriage: On ______________________, _____, in __________________ (city),
__________________ (county), I__________________ (state), the Plaintiff and Defendant married.
An official copy of the marriage license is attached to this COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE.
4. Children: Plaintiff and Defendant have the following children born or adopted into their marriage:
Name: ____________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________
Name: ____________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________
Name: ____________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________
Name: ____________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________
5. Jurisdiction: This Court is that of proper jurisdiction to hear this cause. The Defendant has agreed to
file an Affidavit of Consent in this cause. Neither the Plaintiff or Defendant has been involved in any
litigation or other proceeding involving the other party in this or any other jurisdiction with respect to
their marriage or any other domestic matter.
6. Grounds for No-Fault: Plaintiff wishes a dissolution of marriage with Defendant based on the
following grounds:
[Note: This paragraph must describe sufficient legal basis for divorce as recognized by the laws of the
State of Alabama. Sufficient basis for a no-fault divorce within Alabama is limited to the following: (1)

irretrievable breakdown of the marriage; (2) complete incompatibility of temperament such that the
parties can no longer live together; (3) voluntary separation for more than 1 year.
7. Marital Settlement Agreement: Plaintiff and Defendant ___________ have (copy attached)
___________ have not entered into a Marital Settlement Agreement that formalizes an allocation of
their property and finances and matters relating to child custody and visitation.
NOW, THEREFORE, Plaintiff requests that the court order a JUDGEMENT FOR DIVORCE and
such further relief as Plaintiff may have requested herein.
I, ______________________________________________[name of Petitioner], affirm under penalty
of perjury that I am the Petitioner in the foregoing COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE and that all
statements in this Petition are accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have filed this Complaint in good
faith and have not colluded with anyone in relation to it.
Petitioner's Signature Date
Petitioner's Address, Line 1
Petitioner's Address, Line 2
Subscribed and sworn to before me on this ____ day of __________________, 2010.
In re: the Marriage of
Docket No.
1. A COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE was filed between Plaintiff and Defendant on the _________ day
of __________________, 2010.
2. The marriage between Plaintiff and Defendant is irretrievably broken and efforts at reconciliation
have failed.
3. I, _____________, have received a copy of the COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE, and I have read it
thoroughly and understand it. I do not wish to contest this proceeding. I do not object to the
declarations made in the COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE. I do hereby consent to the relief requested in
therein and to the entry of a JUDGEMENT FOR DIVORCE dissolving and forever terminating the
marriage between Plaintiff and Defendant. I consent that the court may hear this cause on any day
convenient to the court without further notice to me. I further consent that the court may enter any
order granting any and all the relief sought in the COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE.
4. I waive any and all rights I may have to a motion for a new trial, a record testimony, findings of fact
and conclusions of law, notice of trial, a notice of entry of a JUDGEMENT FOR DIVORCE and my
right to appeal. I do not waive any future rights I may have to the modification of any judgment or
decree in relation to this cause.
5. I affirm under penalty of perjury that all statements in this Affidavit of Consent are accurate to the
best of my knowledge. I have filed this Affidavit of Consent in good faith and have not colluded with
anyone in relation to it, nor have I been subject to any force or duress in signing it.
Signature Date
Address, Line 1
Address, Line 2
Subscribed and sworn to before me on this ____ day of __________________, 2010.
AGREEMENT made on this ____ day of ___________________, 2010, by and between
_____________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as "Wife"), who resides at
_________________________________ [insert full residential address of Wife] and
____________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as "Husband"), who resides at
________________________ [insert full residential address of Husband].
WHEREAS, we were married on the ____ day of _____________________, 2010, in
_________________________, State of _________________________, and we now mutually desire to
dissolve our marriage and mutually agree to live permanently separate and apart from each other, as if we were
WHEREAS, we each have exercised good faith and have made fair, accurate, and complete disclosure to each
other regarding all financial and property matters pertaining to this marital settlement agreement;
WHEREAS, we mutually desire to settle by agreement all matters regarding our marital affairs, child custody and
visitation, personal and real property, and finances;
WHEREAS, we mutually intend this agreement to be a final disposition regarding the marital issues addressed
herein and intend that this agreement be incorporated into any subsequent JUDGEMENT FOR DIVORCE.
THEREFORE, in exchange for the mutual promises herein contained, we agree to live separately and to divide
our property and finances according to the following mutually agreed upon terms and conditions:
Husband and Wife have the following child(ren) born or adopted into their marriage:
Name: ____________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________
Name: ____________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________
Name: ____________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________
Name: ____________________________________ Date of Birth: __________________
To settle all issues in relation to custody in a manner consistent with the best interest of the child(ren), Husband
and Wife agree as follows:
Husband shall have sole custody of ______________________________________
Wife shall have sole custody of __________________________________________
Husband and Wife shall have joint custody of _______________________________
To settle all issues in relation to the visitation rights in a manner consistent with the best interest of the child(ren),
Husband and Wife agree as follows:
1) Husband shall have the following rights of visitation:

Husband shall have visitation rights on the following days and times [choose one:] ______ each
weekend OR ______ every other weekend:
Husband shall have visitation rights on the following days and times during [choose one:] ______ each
week OR ______ every other week:
Yearly Vacation:
Husband shall have visitation rights for the following vacation periods each year:
Every other year for all major holidays. As well as holidays when school is out. He will get her during the
summer when school is out as well as every other year for her birthday.
Holidays (Even-Numbered Years):
Husband shall have visitation rights for the following holidays during even-numbered years:
Holidays (Odd-Numbered Years):
Husband shall have visitation rights for the following holidays during odd-numbered years:
Other Visitation Rights:
Husband shall have the following additional visitation rights:
2) Wife shall have the following rights of visitation:
Wife shall have visitation rights on the following days and times [choose one:] ______ each weekend
OR ______ every other weekend:
Wife shall have visitation rights on the following days and times during [choose one:] ______ each week
OR ______ every other week:
Yearly Vacation:
Wife shall have visitation rights for the following vacation periods each year:

Holidays (Even-Numbered Years):
Wife shall have visitation rights for the following holidays during even-numbered years:
Holidays (Odd-Numbered Years):
Wife shall have visitation rights for the following holidays during odd-numbered years:
Other Visitation Rights:
Wife shall have the following additional visitation rights:
Husband shall reside at _________________________________________________
Wife shall reside at_____________________________________________________
Husband and Wife own the following real property as their family residence, located at
Husband and Wife agree that ___________________________ shall continue to reside at
the above mentioned family residence.
Rights, responsibilities and expenses regarding the above mentioned family residence shall
be distributed as follows:
1) Title:
Husband shall have the following rights of title and ownership in the family residence:
Wife shall have the following rights of title and ownership in the family residence:
2) Expenses, Mortgage and Maintenance:

Husband shall be responsible for and pay the following expenses regarding the family residence:
Wife shall be responsible for and pay the following expenses regarding the family residence:
Husband and Wife jointly own the following other real estate to be divided as follows:
1) To Husband:
2) To Wife:
Husband and Wife jointly own the following household goods to be divided as follows:
1) To Husband:
2) To Wife:
Husband and Wife jointly own the following automobiles to be divided as follows:
1) To Husband:

2) To Wife:
Husband and Wife own the following other personal property to be divided as follows:
1) To Husband:
2) To Wife:
Husband and Wife jointly hold the following bank accounts:
________________________________________ (Account Number)
________________________________________ (Account Balance)
(Name and Address of Institution)
________________________________________ (Account Number)
________________________________________ (Account Balance)
(Name and Address of Institution)
________________________________________ (Account Number)
________________________________________ (Account Balance)

(Name and Address of Institution)
________________________________________ (Account Number)
________________________________________ (Account Balance)
(Name and Address of Institution)
The above mentioned accounts shall be divided as follows:
1) To Husband:
2) To Wife:
Husband and Wife jointly hold the following debts outstanding:
________________________________________ (Account Number)
________________________________________ (Account Balance)
(Name and Address of Institution)
________________________________________ (Account Number)
________________________________________ (Account Balance)

(Name and Address of Institution)
________________________________________ (Account Number)
________________________________________ (Account Balance)
(Name and Address of Institution)
________________________________________ (Account Number)
________________________________________ (Account Balance)
(Name and Address of Institution)
The above mentioned debts shall be divided as follows:
1) Husband agrees to pay and assume all responsibility for the following debts:
2) Wife agrees to pay and assume all responsibility for the following debts:
Husband and Wife agree that from the date of this agreement, neither shall assume any joint debt or liability.
Husband and Wife agree that each shall be individually responsible for all debts that he or she acquires
subsequent to the date of this agreement.
A. Husband and Wife agree that any joint tax liability shall be assumed as follows:
1) By Husband:
For __________________________________________________________________________

2) By Wife:
B. The custodial parent shall have the sole right to claim as a dependent for state and federal income tax
purposes any child over which he or she has custody. In the event of joint custody, the Husband and Wife agree
as follows with respect to who shall hold this right:
A. Husband owns the following life insurance policies naming Wife as beneficiary:
___________________________________ (Policy Number)
___________________________________ (Policy Amount)
(Name and Address of Institution)
___________________________________ (Policy Number)
___________________________________ (Policy Amount)
(Name and Address of Institution)
___________________________________ (Policy Number)
___________________________________ (Policy Amount)
(Name and Address of Institution)