Fillable Printable Construction Liability Release
Fillable Printable Construction Liability Release

Construction Liability Release

Building construction is a dangerous occupation. Even professionals become injured. As a volunteer,
you are not covered by Workers Compensation Insurance, nor does HopeHouse have liability coverage
for injury of volunteers. We ask that all volunteers accept full responsibility for their own safety.
Release from Liability Waiver
Assumption of Risk Agreement
To be read and signed by all persons intending to work for HopeHouse International, Inc. Construction
project in the Ukraine.
I acknowledge that I or my dependent(s) have voluntarily applied to participate with HopeHouse
International, Inc. construction project in Ukraine, (please indicate date of travel)
___________________________without pay as a volunteer and not as a consumer in the construction
and other activities while in Ukraine.
I understand that these activities are not conducted in the lease or sale of good and services. I or my
dependent(s) am/are aware that construction is a hazardous activity. I am voluntarily participating in the
activities of construction, which include, but are not limited to, the construction of residential buildings,
loading and unloading materials, painting, finishing, framing, roofing, laying concrete blocks, working with
cement, transportation to and from building sites, and other related activities, with the knowledge that
medical facilities may not be available in the event of illness or injury to myself. This release is intended
to be broad in its effect. I hereby agree to accept any and all risk of injury, illness or death, and verify this
statement by placing my signature below.
As consideration for being permitted to participate in these activities and use their tools and facilities, I
hereby agree that I, my assignees, heirs, guardians and legal representatives will not make a claim
against, sue or attach the property of HopeHouse International, Inc. it’s directors, officers, agents,
employees, volunteers, suppliers, contractors or subcontractors for injury, illness or damage resulting
from negligent, intentional or others acts. I hereby release HopeHouse International, Inc. from all actions,
claims, or demands that I, or my representatives, now have or may hereafter have for injury, death or
damage resulting from my participation in HopeHouse Construction project activities. I or my
dependent(s) have carefully read this assumption or risk, release of liability and I or my dependent(s) fully
understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a legal contract between myself
and HopeHouse International, Inc. and that it affects my legal rights. I am signing this document of my
own free will.
I understand that HopeHouse International, Inc. cannot be liable for any injuries or illnesses that I or my
dependent(s) may suffer. I expressly waive any such claim for compensation or liability on the part of
HopeHouse International, Inc.
____________________________________ State of ______________________
Print Name
County of _____________________
Participant's signature Date Sworn to and subscribed before me
this _____ day of __________, 201_.
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: __________