- Divorce or Legal Separation - California
- Divorce Information and Forms - Arkansas
- Instructions Uncontested Divorce Packet (No Children) - Hawaii
- Marital Dissolution Agreement - Tennessee
- Divorce Packet with Property and/or assets (No Children) - Oklahoma
- Petition for Dissolution of Marriage - Oklahoma
Fillable Printable Dissolution Agreement of Marriage - Connecticut
Fillable Printable Dissolution Agreement of Marriage - Connecticut

Dissolution Agreement of Marriage - Connecticut

1. Our ("X" one)
JD-FM-172 Rev. 7-10
C.G.S. ยงยง 46b-51, 46b-38oo
The plaintiff and defendant agree that:
2. The custody of the child(ren) shall be as follows:
Court Use Only
Judicial District of
At (Town)
Docket number
Plaintiff's name (Last, first middle initial) Defendant's name (Last, first, middle initial)
Instructions: The instructions for filling out this form are on form JD-FM-172A.
marriage civil union has broken down irretrievably.
Joint legal custody to
Primary residence with:
Sole custody to:
A parenting responsibility plan in the best interest(s) of the minor child(ren)
3. As to visitation with the child(ren):
Who will pick up/drop off for visits or parenting time transition:
Holiday and school vacation schedule:
The amounts/percentages indicated below for Child Support, Health Care Insurance Coverage and Unreimbursed
Health Care Costs, and Child Care Costs must follow the Child Support and Arrearage Guidelines (the Guidelines), which
are available at Clerk's Offices and on the Judicial Branch website at www.jud.ct.gov/publications, unless you ask for one of
the deviation criteria to apply (reasons for an amount different than the Guidelines).
4. As to current and/or past due Child Support:
This amount follows the Guidelines.
5. As to the child's or children's required Health Care Insurance Coverage and Unreimbursed Health Care Costs:
This amount follows the Guidelines.
(Continued on back/next page)
shall be incorporated by reference or
as follows:
This amount is different from the Guidelines (deviation). Give reason for deviation from the Guidelines (see
Guidelines for reason that applies):
This amount is different from the Guidelines (deviation). Give reason for deviation from the Guidelines (see
Guidelines for reason that applies):

JD-FM-172 (Back) Rev. 7-10
6. As to Child Care Costs that qualify under the Guidelines:
This amount follows the Guidelines.
7. As to post-majority educational support ("x" one):
8. As to alimony:
9. As to income withholding, we understand that the support orders are by immediate income withholding unless for cause
or we both agree to it being contingent: We agree to a(n)
Immediate Contingent
income withholding.
10. As to division of property:
As to real property
As to personal property
11. As to division of debts:
12. As to the change of name:
Plaintiff's name is restored to the birthname of
former name of
Defendant's name is restored to the birthname of
former name of
13. Other:
Plaintiff (Print name)
Defendant (Print name)
Plaintiff's signature
Defendant's signature
Date signed
Date signed
We certify that the above statements are our agreement.
Both of the parties have made a knowing and intelligent waiver of their right to request a post-majority educational
support order; or
The parties ask the Court to reserve jurisdiction to determine whether a post-majority educational support order
should issue and the terms of the order; or
The parties ask the Court to find that it is more likely than not that the parents would have provided post-majority
educational support, and for the Court to reserve jurisdiction to determine whether to enter an educational support
order and the terms of the order; or
The parties ask the Court to enter a post-majority education support as follows (Attach additional sheets if
This amount is different from the Guidelines (deviation). Give reason for deviation from the Guidelines (see
Guidelines for reason that applies):