- Dissolution of Marriage - Connecticut
- Petition for Dissolution of Marriage - Missouri
- Petition for Simplifies Dissolution of Marriage - Florida
- Certificate of Dissolution of Marriage - Missouri
- Sample Answer to Petition for Dissolution of Marriage - Florida
- Petition for Dissolution of Marriage Without Children - New Mexico
Fillable Printable Dissolution (Divorce), Cases with No Children - Oregon
Fillable Printable Dissolution (Divorce), Cases with No Children - Oregon

Dissolution (Divorce), Cases with No Children - Oregon

INSTRUCTIONS - Page 1 of 6
1C Dissolution No Children Jackson
Filing for Dissolution (Divorce), Cases with No Children
Instructions for Packet 1C
Notice about these instructions and
These instructions are not a complete statement of the law. They cover basic procedure for
uncomplicated divorce cases. For legal information, please talk to a lawyer and/or visit your local law
library. Each court has local rules, programs and procedures that may not be explained in these
instructions. The Jackson County Court Family Law Unit can be contacted at 541-776-7171 ext 582 and
the Family Law Resource Center can be contacted at 541-776-7171 ext 129.
This set of forms and instructions will allow you to file for and obtain a divorce where the parties do not
have minor children. Please read them completely and carefully.
The instructions are broken down into four basic steps. The forms that go with each step are listed
Page (Instructions)
1. Starting your Divorce
□ Petition for Dissolution with Continuation of Health Coverage and the Disclosure (ORS
107.089) handouts attached.
□ Summons
□ Notice of Statutory Restraining Order Preventing Dissipation of Assets – ATTACH TO
□ CIF Information Sheet – Information only
□ 2 Confidential Information Forms (CIFs) – one for each party’s information
□ Notice of CIF Filing
□ Acknowledgment about Dissolution (Divorce/Separation)
□ Record of Dissolution of Marriage/Domestic Partnership (Vital Statistics form)
□ Declaration of Service
2. Waiting for a Response; Taking a Default
□ Ex Parte Motion and Declaration for Order for Default
□ Order for Default
. Resolving Your Case
Finalizing Your Divorce
Declaration Supporting Judgment of Dissolution
□ General Judgment of Dissolution
□ Possible Attachment: Uniform Support Declaration
When filling out the forms, follow these directions:
Complete ALL forms entirely. If a form is in this packet, it is required. Check off each form above
as you complete it to determine if you are ready to meet with the facilitator or open your case.
You are the named “petitioner” on all court forms and your spouse/partner is the “respondent”.
Use full names (first, middle or middle initial, last) and print the names the same on all forms.
Make an appointment with the Family Law Resource Center by calling 541-776-7171 ext. 129 for
document review, OR follow the packet instructions for making copies and serving the other party.
File the original with the court clerk.
The clerk will give you a case number when you file your papers. Make sure to put this on all
copies and originals.
Keep the court informed of your current address so you get notice of all court dates. You are
required to use your residential address on any court form. You may use a contact address
where you regularly check in. If you use a contact address, the court will assume that you will
receive all notices sent to that address. Note: If you fear for your safety, you may be able to
obtain a non-disclosure order. Consult with your local court for instructions as well as the
appropriate forms.

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1C Dissolution No Children Jackson
Legal Issues to Consider before completing your documents.
A divorce case starts with a “petition” which lists the items you are asking the court to order in the
“Judgment”. The judgment is the document that finalizes your divorce, and contains your rights and
responsibilities. Oregon law provides that a number of issues must be addressed in the judgment. Before
you fill out the petition, you should think about how you want to handle these issues.
You may not know what real or personal property to ask for in the beginning because you are not sure
what property you own either alone or together with the other party. Or you may not know how much
spousal support to ask for in the beginning because you do not know how much the other party earns.
The Petition provides options for either indicating a specific amount or distribution of property or, where
you do not know, you may ask that these be made
“equitably” (i.e., fairly) or “prior to judgment” so that
you have time after filing the petition to find out what property you own or how much the other party
earns. HOWEVER:
• if you do NOT ask for a specific amount or distribution in the Petition, or
• what you ask for in the Judgment is different from what you asked for in the Petition, the court
may require you to re-serve documents on the other party before it will enter a final judgment.
This is so that the other parent knows what is being asked for in the Judgment is different from what was
in the Petition.
Spousal Support. Oregon law provides for three different categories of spousal support: transitional,
compensatory and spousal maintenance. Transitional support may be ordered for a spouse/partner to get
work related education and training. Compensatory spousal support may be ordered if one party has
significantly contributed to the education, training, vocational skills, career or earning capacity of the other
spouse/partner. Spousal maintenance may be ordered fo
r the support of one spouse/partner. The judge
will consider a number of factors when making the award, and may order more than one type of support.
For more information on what the judge will consider, please refer to ORS 107.105 (to view, visit your
local law library or www.leg.state.or.us/ors).
Property and Debts. – Statutory Restraining Order. Oregon law requires both Petitioner and
Respondent to obey a restraining order preventing either party from dissipating (selling, destroying,
removing, disposing of) real or personal property, making unilateral (without the agreement of the other
party) changes to insurance policies, and making extraordinary expenditures. Expenditures that are
necessary for the safety or welfare of the parties are not prohibited. By filing yo
ur petition, you agree
to be bound by the terms of this order. The order is effective on both the petitioner and the
respondent once the notice has been served on the respondent. If you violate the order, you may be
subject to sanctions. You must attach a copy of the “Notice of Statutory Restraining Order Preventing the
Dissipation of Assets in Domestic Relations Actions” to the Summons and serve it on the Respondent.
For information about these issues, talk to a lawyer and/or go to the Oregon State Bar’s web site
(www.osbar.org), “Public Info” and read under “Legal Information Topics” the sections on “Bankruptcy and
Credit,” “Real Estate,” and “Taxes.” If either spouse/partner has a retirement plan, you should talk to an
attorney before filling out the petition. The attorney can advise you if this packet will work for your
situation. If the parties own real estate located in Oregon, a “lis pendens” notice (notice of pending suit)
may be filed with the county clerk as provided in ORS 93.740 (to view, visit your local law library or
If Both Spouses/partners Already Agree.
There are two ways to handle your case if both spouses/partners agree on all issues: (1) one
spouse/partner can file as petitioner, the other spouse/partner can accept service of the petition and not
file a response (if there is no disagreement with what the petitioner requested in the petition) and
judgment will be entered based on what was stated in the petition, or (2) the parties can file as co-
petitioners (see Packet #9B). Forms to file as co-petitioners may also be available through your local
court, courthouse facilitator and/or attorney.
If your spouse/partner (the respondent) does not agree with you at first and files a response, then later
decides that what you requested in the petition is okay, he or she can file a Waiver of Further Appearance
and Consent to Entry of Judgment form to avoid having to go through the court process
further. Your
local courthouse facilitator can help you with this process.

INSTRUCTIONS - Page 3 of 6
1C Dissolution No Children Jackson
Fill out the forms listed in Step 1: Starting your Divorce.
See the Confidential Information Form (CIF) information sheet about how the CIF protects certain
information from being disclosed to the public.
Have your documents reviewed.
You may have your documents reviewed by a lawyer or a courthouse facilitator. The Jackson County
Law Resource Center (facilitator) may be reached at 541-776-7171 ext. 129 or
. For information about how to find a lawyer, call the Oregon State Bar
Lawyer Referral Service at 1-800-452-7636. If you are low income, you might get your documents
reviewed for a smaller fee through the Oregon State Bar’s Modest Means program at
1-800-452-7636, or you may call your local Legal Aid office at 541-776-7292.
Make copies
Make at least two photocopies of all the documents you filled out, one for your records and another to
serve on the other party. You do not need to serve the other party with the Confidential
Information Sheets (CIFs). If you have an appointment with the Family Law Resource Center, copies
will be made for you of the documents required for service.
File the forms with the court
File the original Step 1 forms with the court, EXCEPT the Summons and Declaration or Acceptance of
Service. The court clerk will ask you for a filing fee when you go to file the papers. Please see Jackson
County Court fee schedule at
for current fees. If you feel you cannot pay
this fee, ask the court if you may apply for a fee waiver or fee deferral. You will need to fill out a
fee waiver
or deferral form and file this document with the court too. If the fee is waived, you do not have to pay it. If
the fee is deferred, you will not have to pay the fee now, but you may be required to pay it later. There
are several required handouts in this packet. You will need two copies of each handout. You need to
keep one copy for yourself and have the other copy served on the other party. (See the section “Serving
the Other Party” below.)
Serving the other party
You are required to have your spouse/partner served (have papers delivered to) with (a) copies of the
documents given to you by the clerk, including the Statutory Restraining Order described above, and
copies of the Petition, Summons and Notice of Filing CIFs.
If the other party is willing to accept service, s/he must fill out and sign the Acceptance of
Service form and file it with the court. It is not necessary that your spouse/partner agree with what is in
the papers, just that he/she is willing to acknowledge receipt of them.
If the other party will not complete the Acceptance of Service form, YOU CANNOT SERVE
THE PAPERS YOURSELF. You may have service completed by the Sheriff in the county where your
spouse/partner lives, by a private process server, or by another individual who is a competent person 18
years or older, an Oregon resident (or of the state where service is made) and not a party nor an attorney
for a party. Caution should be used before asking a friend or relative to serve the papers if your
spouse/partner might react angrily or violently. A Declaration of Service along with the original summons
must be filed with the court after service has been made.
The best way to serve the other party is to have the person serving the papers hand them directly to the
respondent (personal service). If personal service cannot be done, there are other ways to serve the
papers including “substitute service,” “office service,” and “service by mail” — see the Table below. You
may ask the Sheriff or a private process server about these other options or consult an attorney.

INSTRUCTIONS - Page 4 of 6
1C Dissolution No Children Jackson
Standard Methods of
Personal Service Delivery of papers directly to the other party
Substitute Service Delivery of papers to a person living at the other party’s home who
is at least 14 years old, PLUS mailing of the documents to the
other party’s home address by first class regular mail
Office Service
Delivery of papers to a person who appears to be in charge at the
other party’s place of employment (who has a business duty to
give the documents to the other party), done during working
hours, PLUS mailing of the document to the home or business
address of the other party by first class regular mail
Service by Mail
(Return Receipt Requested)
Delivery by mailing the documents certified or registered, return-
receipt requested, or by Express mail, PLUS mailing of documents
to home or business address of the other party by first class
regular mail.
If you are not able to have your spouse/partner served by any of the methods described above, you may
ask a judge to allow you to use another service method. The judge might allow you to publish, post or
mail the documents. In order to make this request, use Packet 6A-Alternative Form of Service.
Oregon law gives your spouse/partner 30 days to respond to your petition. The time starts running from
the date of service. The response must be written, and must be filed with the required filing fee. Your
spouse/partner may ask the court to waive or defer the fee.
If your Spouse/partner is in the Military.
If your spouse/partner is in the active military service of the United States and has not responded to the
petition, you may have to go through some extra steps. The court won’t go further with your case
of the following things has happened: (1) your spouse/partner is no longer in the active military, (2)
your spouse/partner has waived his or her rights using the Waiver of Right to Stay of Proceedings form, or
(3) the judge holds a special hearing in your case. You may get a Waiver of Right to Stay of Proceedings
form from the courthouse facilitator or use Form #6G. You may need to talk to an attorney if your
spouse/partner is not willing to sign the waiver.
Check for Response.
Your spouse/partner should mail or deliver a copy of his or her response to you when it is filed with the
court. If you haven’t received a copy of a response after 30 days (from the date of service), you may
check with the court clerk to see if one has been filed. If no response has been filed, you may request a
“default order.” A default means that you may ask the court to enter a judgment giving you the items
you asked for in your petition, with no input from your spouse/partner. If a response has been filed, you
will not be allowed to take a default and you will go straight to step 3.
No Response Filed; Requesting a Default.
To ask the court to enter a default, you must fill out the forms listed in Step 2: Waiting for Response;
Taking Default and file with the court any time after 30 days have expired from the date of service.

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1C Dissolution No Children Jackson
Temporary Orders.
You may ask the court to make temporary orders after the petition is filed. Temporary orders are in effect
once signed by the judge and last until changed by the judge, or until the final judgment is signed by a
judge, or the case is dismissed. For example, either spouse/partner may request an order for spousal
support, an order preventing one or both parties from getting rid of property owned by both
spouses/partners, or an order requiring one spouse/partner to move out of the family home. To make any
of these requests, you file a “motion” (request) asking the court to do what you want. You may need the
assistance of an attorney to file these requests or you may use Packet 4 located at
in the Family Law Forms section.
In addition, all courts have restraining order forms for cases involving domestic violence. A restraining
order can usually be obtained within a day or two of filing if there has been abuse in the last 180 days,
and if there is further danger of abuse. Check with your local court about forms and filing instructions.
Conferences with the Judge.
Many courts will schedule a “status”, “pretrial” or “settlement” conference if a response has been filed.
These meetings usually take place with a judge with both spouses/partners present, along with their
attorneys if they are represented. You must attend any conferences that are scheduled unless you have
received permission from the judge not to attend.
At the conference, the judge will probably talk to you about how the case is going to be resolved, may
consider requests for temporary orders and will probably set future court dates.
Working Toward Agreement.
The court wants to help you resolve the issues that you and your spouse/partner disagree on. You may
discuss these issues with your spouse/partner directly if it is safe for you to do so and if no court order
prohibits that contact. You may also discuss them with your spouse’s/partner’s attorney. If you can’t
resolve the issues on your own, the court may provide a number of options to help you, including
mediation and arbitration.
Mediation. A mediator is a person trained to help people resolve disagreements. You may meet
with a mediator to resolve the financial issues in your case. You may ask to meet with the mediator alone
if you are uncomfortable meeting with the other parent for any reason. Jackson County Court does not
offer financial mediation. You may wish to refer to the yellow pages for private mediation services.
Arbitration. Some courts refer spouses/partners who disagree on how to divide their property to
an arbitrator. The court may also ask the arbitrator to resolve spousal support issues. An arbitrator is a
lawyer appointed by the court who meets with both spouses/partners and their lawyers, if they are
represented, and makes a decision about how the property should be divided. Both spouses/partners are
required to pay for this service unless the court has speci
fically waived or deferred the arbitrator’s fee. If
either spouse/partner disagrees with the arbitrator’s decision, he or she can ask the court for a trial. If a
trial is not requested, the arbitrator’s decision is final unless both spouses/partners agree on another
A divorce is “final” the date the judgment of dissolution (divorce) is signed by a judge. If there are still
items that you don’t agree on, the court will probably set a date for a “final hearing” or trial. Some judges
may want you to attend a “settlement conference” (a meeting between the parties to discuss settlement,
usually led by a different judge than your trial judge) to help you come to agreement.
Forms to Finalize Your Divorce.
Complete the forms listed in Step 4: Finalizing your Divorce.
You may also need to file the following additional form, depending on your circumstances.
Uniform Support Declaration. This form is only required if a response was filed, and you and
your spouse/partner do not agree on spousal support.

The Final Judgment.
The judgment finalizes your divorce and contains all of the issues decided in mediation, arbitration,
hearing, or through your agreement. If both spouses/partners agree on all issues, it may be prepared
by either spouse/partner as long as it is reviewed and signed by both spouses/partners. If the
spouses/partners don’t agree on all issues, the judge may direct one spouse/partner to fill out the
If your spouse/partner didn’t file a response, the information you fill out in the final judgment must be
the same as what you requested in the petition. If your spouse/partner filed a response, the
information must be the same as was decided in mediation, arbitration, hearing or through your
If you are responsible for filling out and filing the final judgment, make a copy for yourself and one for your
spouse/partner (unless he or she didn’t file a response), and file the original with the court. If your case
involves spousal support, file an extra copy of the proposed judgment with the court along with
a copy of both Confidential Information Forms (CIFs) that you filed when opening your case.
INSTRUCTIONS - Page 6 of 6
1C Dissolution No Children Jackson 6/12/15

1C Petition Jackson
In the Matter of □ the Marriage of: )
, )
Case No.
and )
, )
Filing Fees at ORS 21.155 (Marriage) and
ORS 21.135 (RDP)
1. (Check one:)
Date of marriage: Place of marriage:
Date of registration of domestic partnership:
County of registration:
2. Irreconcilable differences between the parties have caused the irremediable breakdown of their
marriage/domestic partnership.
3. Statement of Residency.
Spouses: One or both of the parties to this case currently live in the county in which this petition is
being filed. □ Petitioner □ Respondent has/have been a resident of and domiciled in the state of
Oregon continuously for six month s immediately prior to the filing of the Petition for Dissolution of
Domestic Partners: One or both of the parties to this case currently live in the county where this petition
has been filed, or □ neither party currently resides in Oregon but the petition has been filed in the
county where □ Petitioner or □ Respondent last resided.
4. No other domestic relations suit or support proceeding involving this marriage/domestic partnership is
pending in this or any other state.
5. There are no children under the age of 18 to this marriage, OR no child of this marriage/partnership is
age 18 to 21 and a “child attending school” as defined in ORS 107.108.
6. By filing this petition, I acknowledge that I am bound by the terms of the statutory restraining order
prohibiting either party from disposing of marital assets, a copy of which I have received and read, and
understand that this restraining order is effective immediately upon service of this petition and the
summons upon the Respondent.

1C Petition Jackson
7. Spousal Support and Life Insurance.
□ No spousal support or life insurance claims are made in this case (skip the rest of paragraph 7).
A. Spousal Support.
Support should be paid by □ Petitioner to Respondent □ Respondent to Petitioner:
□ In the amount of $ per month for the following period of time:
, or
□ In the amount of $ by (date), or
□ In an amount to be determined before trial or entry of judgment.
List reason(s) support should be paid:
The support shall be called (check one or more): □ transitional □compensatory □spousal maintenance
based on consideration of the following factors (list):
B. Payments.
The judgment entered in this case should provide that □ Petitioner □ Respondent make spousal
support payments on:
□ The first (or
_) day of the month following the date of the judgment and continuing on the
same day of each month thereafter, or
□ The date Respondent was served with the petition and continuing on the same day of each month
□ All payments of spousal support should be made directly into ’s
checking or savings account. A receipt of deposit should be kept by the paying spouse as proof of payment.
The spouse receiving support should provide the paying spouse with current deposit slips and/or bank name,
account name, and account number.
Spousal support payments are taxable to the obligee spouse and deductible to the obligor spouse. All
payments terminate upon the death of either party.
8. Life Insurance.
□ Petitioner □ Respondent should buy and maintain life insurance for the benefit of □ Husband □
Wife throughout the period of the spousal support obligation, in the amount of $
9. Real Property.
□ Neither Petitioner nor Respondent has any interest in any real property located in this or any other
□ Petitioner □ Respondent has/have an interest in real property located at the address of:

1C Petition Jackson
This property should be distributed: □ equitably, or □ as follows:
□ The legal description of the real property is attached as Exhibit and incorporated in this
□ Distribution of this property is not within the jurisdiction of this court.
10. Personal Property (including motor vehicles).
□ The Petitioner and Respondent have divided between them all personal effects, household goods, and
other personal property they own separately or together, and neither should claim those items now in possession
of the other.
The Petitioner should be awarded: □ an equitable distribution of the parties’ personal property, or
□ the following personal property:
□ The Petitioner should be awarded his/her retirement benefits, pension plan, profit-sharing plan,
deferred-compensation plan, and /or stock option plan held by Petitioner’s employer, free of any interest in the
The Respondent should be awarded: □ an equitable distribution of the parties’ personal property, or
□ the following personal property:
□ The Respondent should be awarded his/her retirement benefits, pension plan, profit-sharing plan,
deferred-compensation plan, and/or stock option plan held by Respondent’s employer, free of any interest in the
□ Additional page attached; see section labeled “paragraph 10 continued.”
11. Distribution of Debts.
□ There are no outstanding debts of this marriage/domestic partnership.
□ The debts should be paid as follows:
Name of
(who debt is owed
What debt is for
Who should pay (Petitioner
□ Additional page attached, labeled, “paragraph 11 continued”.
Each spouse/partner should be responsible for the payment of all debts incurred by him/her individually
since the date of their separation; all debts which are distributed to him/her by the court; and all debts which are
secured by property distributed to that spouse/partner. Also, if any creditor asks the spouse/partner not
responsible for a debt to pay all or a portion of it, and he or she does so, the spouse/partner responsible for that
debt should reimburse the other spouse/partner for any monies he/she paid to the creditor after the date of the

1C Petition Jackson
12. Transfer of Debts and Property.
Within 30 days of the date of judgment, each party should execute, acknowledge, and deliver whatever
documents are necessary to accomplish the distribution of debts and property ordered by the court. The
judgment should operate to convey title to the spouse awarded the property if the other spouse fails t o comply
with this requirement.
13. Former Name.
□ ’s former name of should be restored.
14. Information Required by ORS 25.020 and ORS 107.085.
□ Disclosure of the following information would unreasonably put to risk the health, safety, or liberty
of □ Petitioner □ Respondent or child/ren for the
following reasons:
□ Otherwise: (Fill out the information in the table below)
Petitioner Respondent
Full Name
Former Legal Name(s)
Not listed here. Listed in UTCR 2.130 CIF. Not listed here. Listed in UTCR 2.130 CIF.
Address or Contact
Telephone Number
Social Security Number
Not listed here. Listed in UTCR 2.130 CIF. Not listed here. Listed in UTCR 2.130 CIF.
Driver License Number
Not listed here. Listed in UTCR 2.130 CIF. Not listed here. Listed in UTCR 2.130 CIF.
Employer Name
Not listed here. Listed in UTCR 2.130 CIF. Not listed here. Listed in UTCR 2.130 CIF.
Employer Address
Not listed here. Listed in UTCR 2.130 CIF. Not listed here. Listed in UTCR 2.130 CIF.
Employer Telephone
Not listed here. Listed in UTCR 2.130 CIF. Not listed here. Listed in UTCR 2.130 CIF.
□ Additional page labeled “Paragraph 14 continued” attached.
15. Court Costs and Fees.
A. Deferred Costs and Fees (required to be paid at a later date)
Any court costs and service fees (if service completed by the Sheriff) that are deferred by the court
should be paid by: □ Petitioner □ Respondent □ Both parties equally □ Other:
B. Costs and Fees Paid by the Parties
□ Each party should be responsible for paying his or her own court costs and service fees for this case.
□ To be paid by both parties equally
□ Petitioner □ Respondent should reimburse the other spouse for his or her court costs and service fees
for this case.
□ Other:

1C Petition Jackson
Judgment should be entered according to the cost and fee allocation listed above.
16. Certificate of Document Preparation. You are required to truthfully complete this certificate
regarding the document you are filing with the court. Check all boxes and complete all blanks that
□ I selected this document for myself and I completed it without paid assistance.
□ I paid or will pay money to for assistance in preparing this form.
WHEREFORE, Petitioner requests a Judgment granting the relief asked for above, and other equitable
relief that the Court thinks is just.
I hereby declare that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that I
understand it is made for use as evidence in court and is subject to penalty for perjury.
Dated: , 20 .
Petitioner’s Signature Print Name
Address or Contact Address City, State, Zip Telephone or Contact Telephone