Fillable Printable Divorce Verification Form - Edgecombe Community College
Fillable Printable Divorce Verification Form - Edgecombe Community College

Divorce Verification Form - Edgecombe Community College

Tarboro campus: 2009 W. Wilson St., Tarboro, NC 27886 • Phone: (252) 823-5166 • Fax: (252) 823-6817
Rocky Mount campus: 225 Tarboro St., Rocky Mount, NC 27801 • Phone: (252) 446-0436 • Fax: (252) 985-2212
Confirmation of Separation or Divorce
____________________________ _______________________ ______ _______________________
Last Name First Name MI SSN or Student ID
Please select one of the following:
I am a Dependent student (I provided income and asset information for myself and my parent on the
FAFSA). Your parent must complete the information below.
I am an Independent student (I did not provide parent income and asset information on the FAFSA).
Student must complete the information below.
I, ______________________________, am currently
separated or
divorced from my spouse,
_______________________________________ since ______________ _________.
Name of Spouse Month Year
My address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Street Address
______________________________________ State: _____________ Zip Code:____________
Spouse address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Street Address
____________________________________ State: ____________ Zip Code: _____________
_________________________________________ ____________________________
Student Signature Date
_________________________________________ ____________________________
Parent Signature (if applicable) Date