Fillable Printable Job Application Letter
Fillable Printable Job Application Letter

Job Application Letter

Michael Carroll
2345 Old Joppa Road, Joppa
Maryland, USA
Dear Mr. Michael,
I have completed my degree in accoun#ng from University of USA in
2003. I am wri#ng this cover le(er for the posi#on of Cer#)ed Public
Assistant (CPA). I have special interest in corporate tax terms,
condi#ons and implica#ons. I am in market to serve as accountant as
I have also completed my CPA in 2005.
It will be honor for me to work as a part of your organiza#on and
u#lize my skills, knowledge and experiences in the best interests and
growth of your organiza#on. I look forward for a personal mee#ng
with you in this regard. I will always be there to make my best e/orts
for good will of organiza#on. Please communicate with me on the
contacts men#oned above.
Thanks for considering my request.
Johnson Mercy
876 Bank Street, Jacksonville
Florida, USA
Applica#on Le(er
[Address 1][Address 2][City, ST ZIP