Fillable Printable Template Of Authorization Letter for the University
Fillable Printable Template Of Authorization Letter for the University
Template Of Authorization Letter for the University
Letter of Authorization to Conduct Research at Facility
*Correspondence must be on the facility’s letterhead*
[cut and paste all below to your document]
Office of Research Integrity – Human Subjects
University of Nevada Las Vegas
4505 Maryland Parkway Box 451047
Las Vegas, NV 89154-1047
Subject: Letter of Authorization to Conduct Research at .
Dear Office of Research Integrity – Human Subjects:
This letter will serve as authorization for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (“UNLV”)
researcher/research team, [PI name must be included] to conduct the research
project entitled at [facility name and location] (the “Facility”).
The Facility acknowledges that it has reviewed the protocol presented by the researcher,
as well as the associated risks to the Facility. The Facility accepts the protocol and the
associated risks to the Facility, and authorizes the research project to proceed. The
research project may be implemented at the Facility upon approval from the UNLV
Institutional Review Board.
If we have any concerns or require additional information, we will contact the researcher
and/or the UNLV Office of Research Integrity – Human Subjects.
Facility’s Authorized Signatory Date
Printed Name and Title of Authorized Signatory
Facility Authorization 7-2010