Fillable Printable Form DS-298
Fillable Printable Form DS-298

Form DS-298

11. This is a complete and accurate description of the duties and
responsibilities of this position. There is a valid management need
for this position.
9. This is a complete and accurate description of the duties and
responsibilities of my position.
Signature of Supervisor
10. This is a complete and accurate description of the duties and
responsibilities of this position.
Position Title and Series Code
Date (mm-dd-yyyy)
2. Agency
6. Post Title Position (If different from official title)
Prepare according to instructions given in Foreign Service National Handbook, Chapter 4 (3 FAH-2).
U. S. Department of State
3a. Position Number
4. Reason For Submission
a. Redescription of duties: This position replaces
(Series) (Grade)
b. New Position
5. Classification Action
a. Post Classification Authority
b. Other
c. Proposed by Initiating Office
7. Name of Employee
a. First Subdivision
c. Third Subdivision
Signature of Employee
Date (mm-dd-yyyy)
Signature of Section Chief or Agency Head
12. I have satisfied myself that this is an accurate description of this
position, and I certify that it has been classified in accordance
with appropriate 3 FAH-2 standards.
Date (mm-dd-yyyy)
Signature of Admin or Human Resources Officer
(Continue on blank sheet)
13. Basic Function Of Position
% of Time
14. Major Duties and Responsibilities
3b. Subject to Identical Positions? Agencies may show the number of such positions authorized and/or established after the "Yes" block.
(Position Number)
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Date (mm-dd-yyyy)
c. Other
8. Office/Section
b. Second Subdivision
(Formerly OF-298)
1. Post
Printed Name of Admin or Human Resources Officer Printed Name of Chief or Agency Head
Printed Name of Employee
Printed Name of Supervisor

15. Qualifications Required For Effective Performance
a. Education
b. Prior Work Experience
c. Post Entry Training
d. Language Proficiency: List both English and host country language(s) proficiency requirements by level (II, III) and specialization (sp/read).
e. Job Knowledge
16. Position Element
a. Supervision Received
b. Supervision Exercised
c. Available Guidelines
d. Exercise of Judgment
e. Authority to Make Commitments
f. Nature, Level, and Purpose of Contacts
g. Time Expected to Reach Full Performance Level
f. Skills and Abilities
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