Fillable Printable Form DS-4079
Fillable Printable Form DS-4079

Form DS-4079

3. Place of Birth
If not born in the United States, did you acquire citizenship by birth outside the United States to U. S. citizen parent(s):
1. Name
4. (a) Last U.S. Passport Number (c) Issued on
or Naturalization? (Naturalization petitions prior to 11/29/1990 were submitted to and adjudicated by a court. After that date they were
(Last, First, MI)
(b) Issued at
(Place) (Date)
Yes No
U. S. Department of State
OMB NO. 1405-0178
EXPIRES: 2/29/2020
Estimated Burden - 15 minutes
The following information is needed to determine your present citizenship status and possible loss of U.S.
citizenship. You cannot lose U.S. citizenship unless you VOLUNTARILY perform an act designated by U.S.
statute and do so with the intent to relinquish U.S. citizenship. You are advised to consult an attorney before
completing this form. If you have any questions about the form, you should discuss them with a member of
our consular staff before completing the form. You are requested to complete this form carefully. Use extra
paper as needed and attach any supporting documents to this form.
DS-4079 (Formerly FS-581)
(If more space is needed, use additional paper)
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submitted to and adjudicated by INS/USCIS.)
(a) Name of Naturalizing Court/Office
Dates and Countries of Residence Outside the United States Since Birth
Date (From) (mm-dd-yyyy)
Date (To) (mm-dd-yyyy) Country
(b) Date of Naturalization
Are you a national or citizen of any other country other than the United States?
(a) If yes, of what country?
(b) If yes, did you acquire that citizenship in the foreign country by:
(i) Birth?
Yes No
(ii) Marriage?
Yes No
(iii) Naturalization or registration; if yes, please provide a date
Yes No
6. When did you first become aware that you might be a United States citizen? (Give Approximate Date)
7. How did you find out that you are a citizen of the United States? (For example, did you always know you were a U.S. citizen?
If not, when did you learn about your citizenship? Did someone tell you that you are a U.S. citizen?)
2. Date of Birth

(c) If other, explain.
(d) If you checked YES to question 8 (b) part (iii) by what means, or in what kind of proceeding, were you naturalized as a citizen of a
foreign state?
9. Have you taken an oath or made an affirmation or other formal declaration of allegiance to a foreign state?
Yes No
If yes, please provide a date and country
(a) If you checked YES to question 8 or 9 or both, what was the nature of the oath you took? What were the words used? If you have a copy of
the oath please attach it.
10. Have you served in the armed forces of a foreign state?
(a) If so, what country?
(c) Dates of Service
(d) What ranks did you hold?
(e) What was your highest rank?
(f) What responsibilities did you have and what functions and activities were you engaged in?
(g) Did you take an oath? If so, describe the oath.
Yes No
11. Have you accepted, served in, or performed the duties of any office, post or employment with the government of a
foreign state?
Yes No
(a) If yes, please provide dates of service, country and the job title
(b) What were your duties and responsibilities for each of the foreign government jobs you held?
(b) In which branch of the armed forces did you serve?
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(c) Did you take an oath, affirmation, declaration or allegiance in connection with the job? If yes, describe the oath,
affirmation, declaration or allegiance.
Yes No
12. What ties did you have to the country where you performed the act or acts indicated in Questions 8-11? For example:
(a) Did you maintain a residence? If yes, please explain.
(b) Did you own property? If yes, please explain.
(c) Do you have family or social ties? If yes, please explain.
(d) Do you vote? If yes, please explain.
(e) What other ties did you have to the country where you performed the act or acts indicated in Questions 8-11?
Yes No
Yes No
13. What ties do you retain with the United States? For example:
(a) Do you maintain a residence? If yes, please explain.
(b) Do you own property? If yes, please explain.
(e) Do you file U.S. income or other tax returns? If yes, please explain.
(c) Do you have family or social ties? If yes, please explain.
(d) Do you vote? If yes, please explain.
Yes No
Yes No
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16. Have you renounced your U.S. nationality at a U.S. Consulate or Embassy? If yes, provide a date and place.
(a) If not, in what sense was your performance of the act or acts involuntary?
18. Did you perform the act or acts voluntarily?
Yes No
Yes No
17. Describe in detail the circumstances under which you performed the act or acts indicated in Questions 8-16.
14. What passport do you use to travel to and from the United States?
15. What passport do you use to travel to and from other countries?
(f) Do you maintain a profession, occupation, or license in the United States? If yes, please explain.
Yes No
(g) Have you registered your children as citizens of the United States?
Yes No
(b) Did you perform the acts with the intent to relinquish U.S. citizenship? If so, please explain your answer.
Yes No
19. Did you know that by performing the act described in Questions 8-18 you might lose U.S. citizenship? Please explain your answer.
20. Your answers on this form will become part of the official record in your case. Before signing this form, you are advised to consider
consulting with an attorney, and to read over your answers to make certain that they are as complete and accurate as possible. If you would like
to provide additional information you believe relevant to a determination of your citizenship status, and in particular to your intention or lack of
intention to relinquish U.S. citizenship, you may attach separate sheets with that information.
If your answer to each of the questions above is "No," please sign below before a Consular Officer at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate. If you
answered "Yes", to one or more of questions 8(b)(iii)-11 and your action was completely VOLUNTARY, please continue with PART II.
Subscribed and Sworn
Signature of Consular Officer
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You should be aware that under United States law, a citizen may lose U.S. citizenship
if he/she voluntarily performs any of the acts specified above in questions 8(b)(iii)-11
with the intent of relinquishing United States citizenship. If you voluntarily performed
an act stated above with the intent to relinquish United States citizenship, you may
sign Part II of this statement before a Consular Officer at a U.S. Embassy or
Consulate. The U.S. Consulate or Embassy will prepare the forms necessary to
document your loss of U.S. citizenship.
, performed the act of expatriation indicated in Questions 8-19,
voluntarily and with the intent to relinquish my U.S. citizenship.
Signature Date (mm-dd-yyyy)
Signature of Consular Officer Date (mm-dd-yyyy)
Subscribed and Sworn
AUTHORITIES: The information on this form is requested under the authority of 8 U.S.C. 1104, 1481, 1483, 1488, and 1501, and 22 U.S.C.
PURPOSE: The principal purpose of gathering this information is to determine if the individual performed a potentially expatriating act as
defined in 8 U.S.C. 1481 voluntarily and with the intention of relinquishing U.S. nationality.
ROUTINE USES: The information solicited on this form may be made available to foreign government agencies to fulfill passport control
and immigration duties, to investigate or prosecute violations of law, or when a request for information is made pursuant to customary
international practice. In the event a finding of loss of nationality is made, the information solicited on this form may be made available to
other federal entities with law enforcement responsibilities relating to or affected by nationality, including but not limited to the U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Service, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The information provided also
may be released to federal, state or local agencies for law enforcement, counter-terrorism and homeland security purposes; to Congress
and courts within their sphere of jurisdiction; and to other federal agencies for certain personnel and records management matters. More
information on the Routine Uses for the system can be found in System of Records Notice, State-05, Overseas Citizens Services Records
and the Prefatory Statement of Routine Uses published in the Federal Register.
DISCLOSURE: Although furnishing the information is voluntary, applicants may not be eligible for a U.S. passport or for relinquishment or
renunciation of U.S. nationality if they do not provide the required information.
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Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including time required for
searching existing data sources, gathering the necessary documentation, providing the information and/or documents required, and
reviewing the final collection. You do not have to supply this information unless this collection displays a currently valid OMB control
number. If you have comments on the accuracy of this burden estimate and/or recommendations for reducing it, please send them to: