Fillable Printable Form I-929
Fillable Printable Form I-929

Form I-929

Form I-929 04/13/17 Y Page 1 of 7
Form I-929, Petition for Qualifying Family
Member of a U-1 Nonimmigrant
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Bene. A-file
U-1 A-file
Bene. filed I-485
U-1 adjusted
U-1 I-485 pending
Action Block Bar Code (USCIS Use only)
OMB No. 1615-0106; Expires 04/30/2019
I am filing for my: (Select one)
Part 1. Information About You
Last Name (Family Name)
First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
Last Name (Family Name)
First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
Part 2. Information About Your Alien Relative
Street Number and Name Apt. Number
City Zip Code
Current Address Current Address
Street Number and Name Apt. Number
City State/Province
Country Postal/Zip Code
Safe Mailing Address If Other Than Above Mailing Address If Other Than Above
Apt. Number
City Zip Code
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
Biological Child
Adopted Child
Biological Parent
Parent who adopted me
Street Number and Name

Form I-929 04/13/17 Y Page 2 of 7
Country of Birth Social Security Number
Country of Citizenship/Nationality
Gender: (Select one)
If you ever used other names, provide them below:
Last Name (Family Name) First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
Last Name (Family Name) First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
Last Name (Family Name) First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
If alien relative ever used other names, provide them below:
Last Name (Family Name) First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
Last Name (Family Name) First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
Last Name (Family Name) First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
Last Name (Family Name) First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
Last Name (Family Name) First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
Place of Marriage Place of Marriage
Country of Birth Social Security Number
Country of Citizenship/Nationality
Gender: (Select one)
Marital Status: (Select one)
Spouse's Name:
Marital Status: (Select one)
Spouse's Name:
Male Female
Single (Never Married)
Single (Never Married) Married
Divorced Widowed
Part 1. Information About You (Cont'd)
Part 2. Information About Your Alien Relative (Cont'd)

Form I-929 04/13/17 Y Page 3 of 7
Number of marriages including current marriage:
List any previous marriages beginning with the most
recent. If you need more space, attach an additional sheet
of paper.
Last Name (Family Name) First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
Place of Marriage
Place of Termination
Prior Spouse's Name:
Date of Marriage
Date of Termination
Reason for Termination:
Number of marriages including current marriage:
List any previous marriages beginning with the most
recent. If you need more space, attach an additional sheet
of paper.
Last Name (Family Name) First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
Place of Marriage
Place of Termination
Prior Spouse's Name:
Date of Marriage
Date of Termination
Last Name (Family Name) First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
Place of Marriage
Place of Termination
Prior Spouse's Name:
Date of Marriage
Date of Termination
Reason for Termination:
Last Name (Family Name) First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
Place of Marriage
Place of Termination
Prior Spouse's Name:
Date of Marriage
Date of Termination
Reason for Termination:
Divorce Death Annulment
Reason for Termination:
Divorce Death
Divorce Death Annulment
Divorce Death
Part 1. Information About You (Cont'd)
Part 2. Information About Your Alien Relative (Cont'd)

Form I-929 04/13/17 Y Page 4 of 7
Receipt Number
Check one: Complete if your relative is in the United States
Place of AdmissionDate of Admission
Class of Admission Date Authorized to Stay
Part 3. Information About Your Alien Relative's Children
Middle Name
First Name (Given Name) Last Name (Family Name)
Date of Birth Place of Birth
State/ProvinceStreet Number and Name Apt. Number City
Postal/Zip CodeCountry
Gender: (Select one)
A-Number Country of Birth
Biological Child Stepchild Adopted Child
Male Female
I am a Lawful Permanent Resident
My Form I-485 is currently pending
I obtained my Lawful
Permanent Residence on:
First Name (Given Name)
Name of Mother
Middle Name Last Name (Family Name)
Middle Name
Name of Father
First Name (Given Name) Last Name (Family Name)
Part 1. Information About You (Cont'd)
Part 2. Information About Your Alien Relative (Cont'd)
Last Name (Family Name) First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
Place of Marriage
Place of Termination
Prior Spouse's Name:
Date of Marriage
Date of Termination
Reason for Termination:
Last Name (Family Name) First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
Place of Marriage
Place of Termination
Prior Spouse's Name:
Date of Marriage
Date of Termination
Reason for Termination:
Divorce Death Annulment
Divorce Death

Form I-929 04/13/17 Y Page 5 of 7
Part 3. Information About Your Alien Relative's Children (Cont'd)
Middle Name
First Name (Given Name) Last Name (Family Name)
Date of Birth Place of Birth
State/ProvinceStreet Number and Name Apt. Number City
Postal/Zip CodeCountry
Gender: (Select one)
A-Number Country of Birth
Biological Child Stepchild Adopted Child
Male Female
First Name (Given Name)
Name of Mother
Middle Name Last Name (Family Name)
Middle Name
Name of Father
First Name (Given Name) Last Name (Family Name)
Middle Name
First Name (Given Name)
Last Name (Family Name)
Date of Birth Place of Birth
State/ProvinceStreet Number and Name Apt. Number City
Postal/Zip CodeCountry
Gender: (Select one)
Last Name (Family Name)
A-Number Country of Birth
Biological Child Stepchild Adopted Child
Male Female
First Name (Given Name)
Name of Mother
Middle Name
Middle Name
Name of Father
First Name (Given Name) Last Name (Family Name)
First Name (Given Name)
Middle Name
Last Name (Family Name)
Date of Birth Place of Birth
Gender: (Select one)
Biological Child Stepchild Adopted Child
Male Female

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Middle Name First Name (Given Name) Last Name (Family Name)
Apt. NumberStreet Number and NameC/O: (In Care Of)
Postal/Zip CodeCountryCity/State or Province
Name and address of your alien relative in the language written in the country where he/she currently resides.
Part 3. Information About Your Alien Relative's Children (Cont'd)
State/ProvinceStreet Number and Name Apt. Number City
Postal/Zip CodeCountry A-Number Country of Birth
First Name (Given Name)
Name of Mother
Middle Name Last Name (Family Name)
Middle Name
Name of Father
First Name (Given Name)
Last Name (Family Name)
Middle Name
First Name (Given Name)
Last Name (Family Name)
Date of Birth Place of Birth
State/ProvinceStreet Number and Name Apt. Number City
Postal/Zip CodeCountry
Gender: (Select one)
A-Number Country of Birth
Biological Child Stepchild Adopted Child
Male Female
First Name (Given Name)
Name of Mother
Middle Name Last Name (Family Name)
Middle Name
Name of Father
First Name (Given Name) Last Name (Family Name)

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Part 4. Processing Information
1. Select one:
City and Country
U.S. Embassy or consulate at:
2. Is the person named in Part 2 or has this person ever been in deportation or removal proceedings in the United States?
Part 5. Signature
I certify, or if outside the United States, I swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America,
that this petition and the evidence submitted with it, is all true and correct. I authorize the release of any information from my record
that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services needs to determine eligibility for the benefit I am seeking.
Print Your Full Name Date
Signature (sign in ink)
Part 6. Preparer's Information, If Other Than Person Signing Above
I declare that I prepared this petition at the request of the above person, and it is based on all the information that I have knowledge.
Print Your Full Name Date
Suite NumberStreet Number and NameFirm Name
Telephone NumberPostal/Zip Code
City/State or Province
The person named in Part 2 is now in the United States.
The person named in Part 2 is now outside the United States. (Indicate below at which U.S. Embassy or consulate
your relative will apply for a visa.)
Yes (Indicate when and where):
Signature (sign in ink)