Fillable Printable Georgia Rental Application Form
Fillable Printable Georgia Rental Application Form
Georgia Rental Application Form
Property Applying For:______________________________
Requested Move-In Date: ______________________________
LastName:_____________________First: ____________________Middle:____________
SSN:____________________ Drivers License: _____________________________
Date of Birth: ____________________ Phone #: () __________________________
Text Service on Cell Yes No Cell #: ( ) __________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________________
Current Address: ____________________________________________________________
City ____________________________ State: __________Zip: ____________
Landlord:_____________________________ Phone # ( ) ________________
How long? From: ______________To: ___________ Current Payment: ________________
Reason for Leaving:____________________________________________________________
PreviousAddress: ____________________________________________________________
City ____________________________ State: __________Zip: ____________
Landlord:_____________________________ Phone # ( ) ________________
How long? From: ______________To: ___________ Current Payment: ________________
Reason for Leaving:____________________________________________________________
Current Employment: _______________________________________________________
Street Address:_____________________________________________________________
City ___________________________ State: __________ Zip: _____________
Supervisor: ___________________________ Phone # ( ) ___________________
How long? From: ____________________________To: _____________________________
Income: ___________________________ per Week Month Year
Previous Employment: _______________________________________________________
Street Address:____________________________________________________________
City ___________________________ State: ___________Zip: ____________
Supervisor: ____________________________ Phone # ( ) ________________
How long? From: ____________________________To: ____________________________
Income: ____________________________ per Week Month Year
List ALLadditional occupants - include age of minor children.
Name: ___________________________Relationship: ___________________Age:_____
Name: ___________________________Relationship: ___________________Age:_____
Name: ___________________________Relationship: ___________________Age:_____
Name: ___________________________Relationship: ___________________Age:_____
Name: ___________________________Relationship: ___________________Age:_____
Pets: Description/Weight_________________________________________________
Have you ever been evicted? Yes No Foreclosure/Repossession?Yes No
If yes, explain ________________________________________________________________
Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? Yes No If yes, Chapter 7 Chapter 13
If yes, explain ________________________________________________________________
Have you been convicted of a felony? Yes No
If yes, explain ________________________________________________________________
In case of emergency, name and address of two nearest relatives not living with you:
Name: ______________________________ Address:___________________________
City:______________________________ State: ______________ Zip: _________
Relationship: _______________________________Phone Number: ( )_______________
Name: ______________________________ Address: __________________________
City:______________________________ State: ______________ Zip: _________
Relationship: ______________________________ Phone Number: ( )________________
Applicant has submitted the sum of $______________, whichis a non-refundablepayment for acredit check, and processing of this
application by the Landlord or his/her agent. This sum does not represent a rental payment or payment of the leasefee.In the event
that thisapplication is disapproved, or applicant cancels, this sum will be retained bythe Landlord to cover the cost of processing this
application as furnished by the applicant.
A reservation payment of $________________isrequired for processing this application, and is being paid herewith. By signing this
application the undersigned expressly agrees to rent this unit (if application is approved) and agrees that if applicant(s) is accepted by
managementthendecidesnot to moveinto thepremises, this reservation fee willbe forfeited as liquidated damagessince other
prospective tenants mayhave been turned away and it maybe necessary for Management to re-advertise the property and evaluate
other applicants. If applicant is not approved, all monies given herewith, less application fee shall be returned to applicant.
Processing of applicant shall be as timely as possible and the results may be offered via telephone, fax, or mail.
I certify that the information given herein is complete and correct. The Landlord or his agent is hereby expresslyauthorized to verify
the accuracy and correctness of these statements, to communicate with myemployers, creditors and landlords, and to procure such
other information (including credit reports) which the Landlord may require to evaluate this application at the time application is
submitted and at any time in the future, with regard to any agreement entered into with Management. Any falseinformation will
constitute grounds for rejection of application, or Management may immediately terminate any tenancy entered into in relianceupon
misinformation given on the application.
Signature: ____________________________ Date: __________________________