Fillable Printable Goodbye Letter to Wife Sample
Fillable Printable Goodbye Letter to Wife Sample

Goodbye Letter to Wife Sample
Dear Lillian
It has been twenty years since we took our wedding vows, and promised to
cherish each other for life. Since that very day, not a day has gone by when
you have not been by my side.
Times are hard now and I have been forced to accept the job in New Delhi,
forcing us to spend weeks, if not months apart. I am writing you this letter to
bid you a proper goodbye.
You have stood by me through the good and the bad for the past twenty
years, especially when times got tough. You are always there for me. I
sincerely hope that you will continue to support me even though we have
been forced to live apart. I will send you my new contact details just as
soon as I have my new address and cell phone number.
Your loving husband