Fillable Printable Idaho Residential Lease Agreement
Fillable Printable Idaho Residential Lease Agreement

Idaho Residential Lease Agreement
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Dated: _________________________
THIS LEASE made and entered into this date by and between:
(list full name of each Lessee)
for the leasing of the following leasehold premises for Lessee named herein only;
LEASEHOLD PREMISES: Located at ____________________________________,
_____________________, ____________________ County, Idaho together with:
Apartment # ______ Carport #______ ParkingStall #______ Garage#______
Storage Room #______, if applicable.
TERM: _________________ (____) months COMMENCING on the first (1
) dayof
__________________, 20____at 12:00 NOONandterminateon __________________,
20____. The lease term herein shall commence on the first (1
) dayof the month, and in
the event the Lesseeshall take possession prior to the first (1
) day of the month, then
Lessee shall pay the rent pro-rated to the first (1
) day of the following month.
At the expiration of the term, this lease agreement maycontinue with mutual agreement
thereafter on a month-to-month basis from the first dayof each month to the last dayof
each respective month under the same terms and conditions except rent and except a
written thirty(30) daynotice to vacate shall be given Lessor bythe thirtieth (30
) dayof
the month prior to the month Lessee seeks to vacate.
RENT: Lesseeagrees to payrent each month in advancewithout demand,duringthetermof
this lease and anyextension thereof, $__________ commencingon
__________________, 20____, and continuing in advance on the first (1
) dayof each
and everymonth thereafter, without relief. Rent is DELINQUENT on the second (2
dayof the month. Lesseeshall payten percent (10%) of monthlyrent amount surcharge
as additional rent if the full amount of rent is not paid on or before the first (1
) day of
each month, in advance. Rent is due in lawful moneyof the UnitedStatesofAmericaand
can be paid bycash, personal check, cashier’s check, or moneyorder and all forms of
payment areaccepted subject to funds being paid to Lessor. All personal checks,
cashier’s checks, or moneyorders areto be made payable to
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_____________________________ at ______________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
Lessor reserves the right to refuse to accept personal checks in payment ofrentormonies
due. Rents must be received byLessor or Lessor’s agent on or before the first (1
) dayof
each month. Deliveryand prompt payment of rents and moniesowedis theresponsibility
STATE CHECKS ACCEPTED. Lessor may take any action allowed under the laws of
the State of Idaho to collect due and owing rents and monies.
Irrespective of any restrictive endorsement ordirective of Lessee, monies received will
be applied to Lessee’s obligations in the following order: unpaid deposits; outstanding
nonrefundable fees; reimbursement for damagesorassessments;fees and costsincluding
attorney fees; late fees; rental arrears; and finally current rents due.
AnyLessee whose personal check, moneyorder, cashier’s check or anyform of rent
payment is dishonored foranyreason must immediatelypaythe amount of the
dishonored check, PLUS a thirty($30.00) dollar dishonored check fee. PLUS a two
($2.00) dollar per daysurcharge from and including the first (1
) dayofthe month
through the date the dishonored check is redeemed in cashorcashier’scheck toLessoror
Lessor’s agent, plus all costs necessaryto collect monies owing. After tender of a
dishonored check onlycashier’s check or moneyorder will be accepted for remainder of
lease term.
Anyrent tax payable to the City, County, State or anygovernmental authorityduringthe
life of this lease or anyextension thereof shall be paid bythe Lessee. The same shall be
payable within fifteen (15) days of receiving notice of said taxes due.
OCCUPANCY: Occupancy is limited to the following: ________________________
______________________________________ and offspringborn or legallyadopted
duringthe tenancy. Anyvisitor shall become an unauthorized occupant if he or she
occupies overnight the subject leasehold premises two (2)consecutive nights duringany
twelve (12) month period. Lesseeagrees to payadditional rent as set forth herein for
additional occupants in subject leasehold premises. Lessee shall provide Lessor prior
written notice of additional occupants. Nothingherein shall waive the Lessor’s right to
terminate tenancyfor unauthorized assignment and/or subletting ofthe leasehold
PROPERTY CONDITION REPORT: Lessor/agent shall fill out a “Possession” Property
Condition Report on the leasehold premises prior to occupancybyLessee and Lessee
shall reviewand execute the same prior to occupancy. Lesseeshall beresponsiblefor any
damages not listed on said a “Possession” PropertyCondition Report. Said Property
Condition Report is made part of this lease. If this lease is for the lease of a furnished
apartment, the PropertyCondition Report shall contain a complete list of each article of
furniture to be leased. No furnishings or other household items are furnished or leased
with said apartment other than those listed. Lesseeagrees to return all items listed in the
Report, including the leasehold premises, to the Lessor at the end of this lease term in as
good and clean condition as when received,reasonablewearandtearexcluded.Except as
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otherwise indicated on the Property Condition Report, Lessee, by the execution of this
lease and the PropertyCondition Report accepts all items listed as being in good,
serviceable condition as set forth in said Report.
$___________ dollars paid in advance byLessee is anon-refundable
administrative/redecorating fee. This fee does not cover cleaning or damage to the
propertynot listed on the PropertyCondition Report. This feedoes not cover anyrents,
fees, costs or attorneyfees due from Lessee. No interest is paid Lessee on said non-
refundable fee.
SECURITY/DAMAGE/CLEANING DEPOSIT: Lessee agrees to pay the sum of
___________ hundred dollars ($________) as a Security/Damage/Cleaning Deposit
of the performance of Lessee’s obligations hereunder. This deposit does not limit
Lessor’s rights or Lessee’s obligations hereunder. Lessee agrees the sum shall be
deposited by the Lessor or Lessor’s agent in the Lessor’s trust account with
______________________________ whose address is______________________
_________________________________ or such other depository as the Lessor or
Lessor’s agent may identify to the Lessee. Lessee understands that all or a portion of
the Deposit may be retained by the Lessor upon termination of the tenancy and that a
refund or any portion of the Deposit to the Lessee is conditioned as follows:
Lessee shall have complied with all of the conditions of this lease agreement. Lessee
shall clean and restore leasehold premises to its condition at the commencementof this
tenancyas evidenced bythe PropertyCondition Report herein below, less wear and tear
from normal usage. Lessee agrees that soilage isnot wear andtearfrom normal usageand
agrees to professionallyshampoo carpets and dry-clean drapes, as part of his/her
cleaning and restoring leasehold premises to its condition at the commencement of this
tenancy, if a cleaningcharge has not been paid in accordancewith this lease. Lesseeshall
replace or repair in a professional manner acceptable to Lessor anymissing or damaged
property provided by the Lessor, including keys. Lessee shall leave, in good condition,
reasonable wear and tear excepted, all equipment, fixtures, and appliances. If occupancy
is for less than a twelve (12) month period, Lessee will be liable for the costof any
required painting. Within thirty(30) days after the termination of the tenancyand
vacation of the leasehold premises, and restoring Lessor to possession of the premises,
the Lessor shall mail to the Lessee’s last known address a full and specific statement of
the basis for retention of any or all of the deposit, together with payment of any refund
due to the Lessee.
PREMISES USE: The premises are to be used and occupied bythe Lessee as a private
dwellingonlyand for no other purposes, and the premises shall be occupied onlybythe
above listed Lessee and no part of the premises are tobesubleased nor this lease assigned
bythe Lessee. Leesee shall not use the premises for anybusiness purpose including but
not limited to: garage sales.
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LESSEE WILL TAKE GOODCARE: Lessee shall take good care of propertyof the Lessor
and will report in writing promptlytothe Resident Manager or Lessor anyrepairs which
may be needed to Lessor’s property, fixtures or furnishings. The Lessee shall also give
the Lessor prompt notice of anydefects in or accidents to the water pipes,electricwiring,
heating, or air conditioning apparatus, or anyother part of said leasehold premises in
order that the same maybe repaired with due diligence. To the extent allowed bylaw,the
Lessee agrees to hold the Lessor harmless against all damageclaims, unless it can be
clearlyproven that it was caused bythe agent, servant, or employee of the Lessor.Lessee
shall, upon request, give Lessor or Lessor’s agent written permission to enter the
leasehold premises for repairs. The Lessor shall have the right to make repairs,
renovations, or alterations at reasonable times.
Lessee is herebynotified that replacement of all batteries in smoke detector devices
and maintaining smoke detector devices is the responsibilityof Lessee.
Failureon part of Lessee to changebatteries and maintain smoke detection
devices is against the law and Lessee is subject to the fine asprovidedbylaw.
Lessee shall not shake dust mops or anyobject out of doors or windows or balconies
of leasehold premises. Lessee shall not hang, drape, or displayanypersonal
belongings, signs or advertising of anykind from anypart of the leasehold
premise or premises. Lesseeshall not install anyaerial, antennae, cable, or
fixture of anykind to anypart of the leased premises or anypart of the
premises. Lessee shall wear a headset attached to anymusical instrument,
radio, TV, or stereo when playingthe same outside of leasehold premises so
as to not interfere with the quiet enjoyment or disturb others in or about the
No animals, birds, or pets of anykind shall be permitted, kept or harbored in the
leased premises withoutLessor’s prior written consent. No pets or animals
(other than verified service/companion animals) are allowed withvisitorsfor
anylength of time. No Lessee shall permit a pet or animal(otherthan verified
service/companion animals) of anotherperson to enterthe lease premises or
the premises.
Washers and dryers in apartment shall not be used before7:00 a.m., or after 7:00
Lessee shall keep the apartment locked at all times and Lessor shall not be liable for
anybreak-in, burglary, or robbery. Lesseeshall paythe cost of all repairs
caused by any break-in, burglary, or robbery.
No waterbed or water-filled furniture is allowed in apartments.
Lessee shall not store anyarticle or item of personal propertyin anypart of the
common area of the premises.
Lessee shall not litter in any common area.
Lessee shall clean and maintain debris free the area immediatelyoutside Lessee’s
entrance door.
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ALTERATIONS: Lessee shall not, withoutthe Lessor’s prior written consent, make any
alterations in the leasehold premises, and will not intentionallyor negligentlydestroy,
deface, impair, or remove any part of the structure or dwelling, with the appurtenances
thereto including the facilities, equipment, furniture, furnishings, and appliances, or
permit anymember of his family, invitee, licensee or anyperson actingunder his control
to do so. To do so is a Criminal Offense under the laws of the State of Washington.
LESSEE CAUSED DAMAGES: For anyinjuryto property or rights of Lessor caused by
Lessee, his agents, family, guests, servants, assignees, undertenants,or employeeswhich
can affect the health and safetyof the Lessee or other persons, or substantiallyincrease
the hazard of fire or accident that can be remedied byrepair, replacement of a damaged
item, or cleaning, the Lessee shall complywithin five (5) days after written notice bythe
Lessor specifying the damage or injury, or in case of emergencyas promptlyas
conditions require. If the Lessee fails to remedythe damageor injurywithin five (5)days
(or in case of emergency, as promptlyas conditions require), the Lessor mayenter the
leasehold premises and cause the work to be done and submit a bill for the cost of repair
to Lessee which Lessee shall pay on the next date when periodic rent is due or payable
immediately, if Lessor so demands. All remedial action shall beperformedbyaqualified
and/or licensed, bonded person in a professional manner consistent with existing finish
and in qualityand manner acceptable to Lessor. Anyfailure bythe Lessee to meet the
conditions of this paragraph will constitutegrounds forlegal actionincludingtermination
of tenancy.
CONDUCT OF LESSEE: Lesseeshall seethattheconductofhimself/herself,his/herfamily,
invitees, guests, servants, assignees, undertenants, and employees is never disorderly,
boisterous, vulgar, offensive, or obscene; that it does not disturb or interfere with the
rights, comforts, quiet enjoyment, or convenience of other Lessees orotherpersons onor
around the premises, including management staff of landlord; that it is not unlawful or
immoral. Lessee shall not permit, maintain or commit a nuisance or common waste on
or about the leasehold premises. Lessee shall keep the volume of anyradio, TV, or
musical instrument in his/her residence sufficientlyreduced at all times so as to not
disturb or be heard byother persons on the premises, and shall not conduct or permit to
be conducted vocal or instrumental practice or instructions. The Lesseeagreesthatvisits
by the police to premises for improper behavior are grounds fortermination of tenancy
and eviction byLessor or other legal action. Lessee, family, guests,andinviteesshall not
engage in anycriminal activityand/or drugrelated activityon or near the leasehold
premises. The parties agree that anysubstantial and materialviolation oftheterms ofthis
paragraph shall be considered a nuisanceor common waste on or about the leasehold
CONDUCT OF GUESTS: Lessee has a dutytosupervise andcontrol theconductofLessee’s
family, guests, invitees, employees, and agents. Violation bythe Lessee, his/her family,
invitees, guests, employees, and agents of anyof the terms of this lease shall be deemed

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as a violation by Lesseeand shall give the Lessor the right to terminate the tenancyand
commence eviction proceedings as provided for by law.
RECREATIONALFACILITIES: To the extent allowed bylaw, all persons using the
recreational facilities, if provided, do so at their own risk. Lessor shall post operating
hours from time to time for recreational facilities and do everything possible to retain
those hours. However, Lessor has no dutyto operate recreational facilities and reserves
the right to close said facilities or anypart thereof at anytimeas the same are hereby
agreed to not be considered a material portion of the leasehold premises conveyed. All
recreational facilities are for Lessee use only. No guests allowed.
DAMAGE BY FIRE OR ACT OF GOD: Lessee shall not permit any act or thing deemed
hazardous byLessor on account of fire or that mayincreasethe rate of insuranceon said
premises. In case the premises shall be damaged byfire, rain, wind or othercausebeyond
the control of the Lessor, unless the same shall occur for anyreason for which theLessee
is responsible, then the premises maybe repaired within a reasonabletime at theexpense
of the Lessor; and in case the damage be so extensive as to render the premises unfit for
human habitation, the rent shall ceaseuntil such time as the premises shall be put
completelyin repair. In case of total destruction of the premises byfire or otherwise, the
rent shall be paid up to the time of such destruction and from thenceforth this agreement
and the tenancyshall cease and come to an end. In the event the damage is caused byact
of Lessee, or someone on the propertybyreason of Lessee, there shall be no reduction of
rent and Lesseeshall be liable and payfor costs of repair, without deduction for
depreciation. Anyinsurance deductible incurred by a loss caused byLesee or Lessee’s
family, guests, invitees, or others shall be payable byLessee. All Lessees shall obtain
fire, flood, and extended coverage insurance to compensateLessoragainstlosscausedby
Lessee and/or Lessee’s family, invitees, guests, employees, agent, or others. Lessee is
not covered byLessor’s insurance for anyloss whatsoever.Unless requiredbystatute,to
the extent allowed bylaw, lessor shall not be responsible for relocatingLessee or others
in the event of destruction of the leasehold premises byanycause. Lessee accepts full
liabilityfor use of barbeque or like equipment on or about the leasehold premises.
Portable barbeques or similar appliances are not permittedintheinteriorofanyleasehold
or on any wood decks or surfaces.
UTILITIES AND SERVICES: The Lessor will furnish water and removal of garbage in
accordance with regulations of the city. Lessee will use utilities supplied by the Lessor
onlyforordinaryhousehold uses and for no otheruse including washing car on the
premises. The hot water tank thermostats areset at 120. If Lesseesets thermostats at
anythingother than 120the Lesseeassumes such risk. The Lessor requires that any
attempt to alter the thermostat setting be done bya qualified electrician. Lesseeshall pay
for all utilities and services including utilitydeposits wheredemanded byutility
companies and shall keep said utilitybills paid current. Anydamage caused to leasehold
premises byfailure of Lessee to payutilitybills shall be at the expense of the Lessee.
Lessee shall properlyuse and operate all electrical, gas, heating, plumbing, and other
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fixtures and appliances supplied bythe Lessor. Lessee agrees to payfor anyand all
damages caused byflooding, freezing, and broken pipes because of failure of Lessee to
provide heat to leasehold premises duringthe winter months, andshallberepairedbythe
Lessor at Lessee’s expense without deduction for depreciation. Lessee shall properly
dispose from his/her residence all rubbish, garbage, and other organic or flammable
waste at reasonable and regular intervals, and assume all costs of refuse removal,
extermination and fumigation for infestation causedbyLessee. Lesseeshall keepall parts
of the leasehold premises which he occupies and uses in a clean and sanitarycondition at
all times.
SEPARATE SERVICE: If anyagent of Lessor renders anyother services of anynature for
or at the request of the Lessee, his family, employees, invitees, or guests, then, for the
purposes of such service, such agent shall be deemed the agent of the Lessee, regardless
of whether or not payment is arranged for such services, and Lessee agrees to relieve
Lessor and hold Lessor harmless from anyand all liabilityin connection with such
Solicitors are not permitted on the premises or part thereof.
LOCKS & KEYS: Lessee shall not change existing locks on leasehold premises and no
additional locks shall be placed on doors of premises. Lessor shall have the right to
replace and/or reconfigure locks without Notice in the event Lessee alters existinglocks.
Upon termination of this lease, the Lessee shall surrender to the Lessor all keys to locks
on the premises, including but not limited to, mail boxkeys, storage keys, laundryroom
keys, garage keys, pool keys, recreational keys and/or cards.
CAR PARKING: Lessor shall provide car parkingspace per residenceon site to Lessee.
Lessor has granted Lessee this parking privilege for which the Lessee pays no rent and
the Lessee has no right to loan, rent, or assign this parking space for use byanyother
person, Lesseeshall park onlythat vehicle registered with the LessororLessor’sagent in
said space. All other vehicles will be towed at owner’s expense bytowing company
posted on site. Currently licensed passenger cars only are allowed to be parked on site.
No all terrain vehicles, trucks, campers, trailers, boats,buses, motorcycles,motorhomes,
or anyother motorized vehicles of anytype or description areallowed parked on site. No
storage of anyvehicles allowed on site. Absolutelyno maintenanceor repair of anykind
to vehicles allowed on site and no vehicles with flat tires or in anystate of disrepair,
whethervisible or not, shall be allowed to park on site. No car washing on site, excepton
coin operated car wash stalls, if applicable.
SUBORDINATION: this lease is subordinate to all security interest which may now or
hereafter affect the real property, of which the premises form a part, and toall renewals,
modifications, consolidations, replacements, and extensions thereof. In confirmation of
such subordination, Lesseeshall executepromptlyanycertificatetheLessor mayrequest.
Lessee herebyconstitutes and appoints Lessor as Lessee’sattorney-in-fact toexecuteany
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such certificate or certificates for and on Lessee’s behalf.
LESSOR LIABILITY: Except in cases of Lessor’s negligence or as otherwise provided by
law, the Lessor shall not be liable to the Lessee, his/her family, invitees, agents,
employees, or guests for anydamageto persons or propertycausedbyactoromissions of
other Lessees or other persons, whether such persons be off the propertyof Lessor or on
the propertywith or without permission of Lessor, nor shall Lessor be liable for losses or
damage from theft, fire, water, rain, storm, explosion, sonic boom, or other cause
whatsoever; nor, to the extent allowed bylaw,shall Lessor be liable for losses or
damages from failure, interruption or malfunction in the utilities provided to Lessee
under this lease; nor, to the extent allowed bylaw, shall Lessor be liable for injuries in or
around the recreational facilities or elsewhereon the premises. Further, Lessor shall not
be liable for anydefects in the premises or damagecaused bysuch defects, if the defects
areunknown to the Lessor. Lessee agrees to obtain personal propertyand Renter’s
insurance for the benefit of Lessee and Lessor as an addition coinsured.
LESSOR ENTRY RIGHTS: The Lesseeshall not unreasonablywithhold consent from the
Lessor to enterthe leasehold premises in ordertoinspect the premises,makenecessaryor
agreed repairs, alterations or improvements, supply necessary or agreed services, or
exhibit the leasehold premises to prospective or actual purchasers, mortgages, Lessees,
workmen, or contractors. The Lessee herebyconsents to entryand the LessororLessor’s
agent mayenterthe leasehold premises withoutthe further consent of the Lessee in case
of suspected emergency or abandonment, or with two (2) days notice, or such shorter
time as allowed by law.Lessor agrees to provide a telephone number for contact when
issuing Notice of Intent to Enter.
WAIVER: Waiver by the Lessor of any breach of any covenant or duty under this lease is
not a waiver of a breach or any other covenant or duty by the Lessee, or of any
subsequent breach of the same covenant or duty. Lessor’sacceptance ofrent after issuing
a notice of default shall not be construed as a waiverof said notice of default other than
the Lessee’s failure to pay that portion of the particular rent so accepted.
SUBLETTING/ASSIGNMENT: The Lessee shall not assign this lease, sublet, or allowany
other person to occupy the premises hereby leased or any part of his/her interest
thereof, without the prior written consent of the Lessorandthepayment ofan assignment
feein an amount equal to one (1) month’s rent. The feeand required information is due
to Lessor at the time of request to sublet from the Lessee. Lessor has no dutyto consent
to assignment and/or sublease. The Lessor reserves the right to assign his/her interest in
this lease, and sums received hereunder, on sale or release of leasehold premises.
NOTICE TO TERMINATE: At the expiration of the original term of this lease and a
continued mutually agreed month-to-month tenancy of Lessee, the tenancy agreement
must be terminated by written notice delivered to the Lessor, or Lessor’s agent, thirty
(30) days or more before the next rent paying period. Lessee shall vacatethe leasehold
premises on or before the last day of the month.
Lessee agrees to pay rent and utilities for the entire last month of tenancy. A written
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thirty(30) daynotice to vacate received byLessor, or Lessor’s agent less than (30) thirty
days prior to the first dayof the next rental period is not valid and Lesseeis obligated for
the next month’s full rent and utilities.
Lessee shall not vacate or abandon the premises at anytime during the lease term;
and if Lesseedoes abandon, vacate, or surrender said premises,orbedispossessed by
process of law, or otherwise, any personal property belongingto Lesseeand left on
the premises shall be deemed to be abandoned, at the option of the Lessor. Lessee is
responsible for all advertisingcosts to re-rent leasehold premises and for all costs to
re-rent said leasehold. Lessee is responsible for all rents and all utilitiesuntilsuch re-
VIOLATION: Lessee has a dutyto supervise and control theconduct ofLessee’sfamily,
guests, and agents. Violation bythe Lessee, his/her family, invitees, guests,
employees, and agents of anyof the terms of this lease shall be deemed as a violation
byLessee and shall give the Lessor the right to terminate the lease and commence
eviction proceedings as provided for by law.
FEES, ATTORNEY FEES AND COSTS: If, byanyreason of anydefault on the part of
the Lessee, it becomes necessaryfor the Lessor to issue a 3-DayNotice to PayRent
or Quit, or a 3-Day Notice to Comply to the Lease, or any notice, then Lesseeshall
paya $40.00 fee as additional rent to the Lessor for the issuance,service, andmailing
of said 3-DayNotice, or anyNotice to Comply. Said fee is due at the issuanceof any
notice. If, byreason of anydefault or breach onthe part of either partyin the
performanceof this agreement, alegal action is instituted the losing partyagrees to
paythe prevailing partyall reasonable costs and attorney’s fees in connection
therewith. It is agreed that the venue of any legal action brought under the terms of
this lease shall be commenced and maintained in the Countywherethe leasehold
premises is situated regardless of Lessee’s residence or place of business.
If Lessee terminates leaseprior to leaseexpiration dateorwithoutpropernoticebeing
given after expiration and term is month-to-month, Lessee shall be responsible for
anyand all advertising costs, plus all other costs to re-rent said leasehold in addition
to all rents and utilities due under said lease.
LEASE: This lease, with written addendums hereto, represents the entire agreement
between Lessor and Lesseeand no other representations shall be binding or valid.
Anymodification to the lease must be in writingand executed byLessor and Lessee,
as the agent does not have authorityto bind the Lessor unless the same is reduced to
writing. The Lessor’s agent has no authorityto modifythe term and covenantsof this
lease, the onlyauthoritythe agent has is to fill in the blanks as indicated on the lease.
If any term, conveyance, or condition of this lease agreement is found to be void or
unenforceable byreason of law, the remainingportions of this lease shall sever and
survive, remaining in full force and effect.

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a) Smoke Detector
b) Lead Paint Reduction Act, including “Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home”
c) EPA Mold Addendum-“Mold Moisture and Your Home”
d) House/Duplex Rules
e) ______________________________________________
f) ______________________________________________
Lessor maintains anaddress/agent inthecountywherethepremisesis situated.Lessor/Agent
Name and address for receipt of rent and/or Notice:
Lessee hereby acknowledges receipt of a copy of this agreement and property condition checklist.
Lessee may request one free replacement copy of the lease during tenancy. _____ (Please Initial)