Fillable Printable Sample Letter Auto Leaseholders
Fillable Printable Sample Letter Auto Leaseholders

Sample Letter Auto Leaseholders
Sample Notification Letter to Automobile Leaseholders
to Terminate a Lease under the SCRA
Note: The following is a sample only. It is not legal advice of any kind. Any letter notifying a
automobile leaseholder of termination of a lease should be sent via CERTIFIED MAIL,
RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED to comply with the SCRA and provide the sender with proof
it was received.
[Service member’s Return Address]
Dear [Sir or Madam]:
On or about [DATE] I signed a motor vehicle lease agreement for the use of a [YEAR,
MAKE, MODEL, and VEHICLE IDENTIFCATION NUMBER]. At that time I was [not on
active duty in the armed services OR had not received notification I would be deployed].
I have now [entered active military service in the U.S. BRANCH OF SERVICE on
DATE OR received notification I will be deployed for at least 180 days on DATE]. A copy of
my orders is enclosed. This change in my status as a m ember of the armed services materially
affects my ability to continue leasing the motor vehicle identified above.
The Service Member’s Civil Relief Act (50 U.S.C. App. §§ 501-596) allows service
members in my situation to terminate a motor vehicle lease without penalty prior to the end of
the lease term. Pursuant to 50 U.S.C. App. § 535, I will be returning the vehicle to [LOCATION
WHERE VEHICLE WAS LEASED FROM] within 15 days of the date of this letter. I will be
contacting you to arrange a mutually convenient time to return the vehicle.
Please note that the law prohibits you from charging any fees for early termination of this
obligation. I understand that I am responsible for any taxes, summonses, title and registration
fees, and other obligations under the original terms of the lease, including reasonable charges for
excess wear, use, and mileage, that remain due and unpaid at the tim e of termination of the lease.
Thank you for your attention in this matter. I can be reached at the address above with
any questions you may have.
[Service member's name, rank and branch of service]