Fillable Printable Letter of employment Sample
Fillable Printable Letter of employment Sample
Letter of employment Sample
Employee Vericaon Leer
Your Name: _________________
Company Name: _________________
Address: _________________
City, State, Zip: _________________
Date of Leer: _________________
Recipient’s Name: _________________
Title: _________________
Company Name: _________________
Address: _________________
City, State, Zip: _________________
Re: Veri"ca#on of Employment for _________________ [Employee Name]
To Whom it May Concern,
Please accept this leer as con"rma#on that _________________ [Employee Name] has been
employed with _________________ [Company Name] since ____/____/______. Currently,
_________________ [Employee Name]:
Holds the #tle of _________________ [Employee Title]
Earns a salary of _________________ [Employee’s Salary], payable ☐monthly ☐bi-
weekly ☐weekly, with an annual bonus of _________________ [Amount]
Works on a ☐part ☐full #me basis of _________________hours per week.
If you have any ques#ons or require addi#onal informa#on, please give me a call at the above
Best Regards,