
Fillable Printable Letter of Intent for Employees

Fillable Printable Letter of Intent for Employees

Letter of Intent for Employees

Letter of Intent for Employees

Laredo Independent School District
Human Resources Department
1702 Houston St., Laredo TX 78040
Telephone (956) 273-1008 FAX (956) 795-3205
Letter of Intent for Employees
Please include a resume.
Give position title as listed on job posting one position per letter of intent.
Campus/ De partmen t or L ocati o n of po sition
Name Last 4 digits ofSocial Security Number/ Employee #
Address Home/Cell / Work Phone (include area code)
City, State, & Zip Code Present work location and position
Briefly state related experience for position you are applying for:
Employer & Location Position / Title Dates Employed
Start, month/yr. –
End, month/yr.
Type of Work
Check the highest level of education attained:
Not a high school graduate (circle last grade completed) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
High school gradua te G.E.D.
Two or more years of college Bachelor’s degree
Master’s degree other training or education
Licenses and certificates held
(Please provide copies of all diplomas, certificates and licenses.)
Attach your resu me to this letter of intent and submit to the Human Resources De partment or fax to
(956) 795-3205 or E-mail it to hum[email protected]
mail to LISD Human Resources Department, 1702 Houston Street, Laredo, TX. 78040
Applicants for Administrative/Professional Positions are advised that reference checks will be conducted prior to interview.
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