Fillable Printable Letter of Intent for Speakers or Performers
Fillable Printable Letter of Intent for Speakers or Performers
Letter of Intent for Speakers or Performers
Student Assembly Finance Commission (SAFC)
Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Finance
Commission (GPSAFC)
Cornell University
109 Day Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-2801
Telephone: 607 255-9610
Telephone: 607 255-8274
Fax: 607 255-2182
Letter of Intent for Speakers/Performers
Student organization name
Person representing organization
Title within organization
Phone number fax email
Name of agency
Person representing organization
Phone number fax email
Name of speaker/program
Date of program and nature of event location
Suggested engagement fee $ TOTAL estimate of program $
To Agency
The above named organization is interested in submitting an offer for the speaker/program listed above. By signing
this letter of intent, you are verifying that the information above is accurate, and the speaker/program is available and
willing to participate in a program with the student organization on the date listed above, and for the price listed above.
THIS LETTER IS NOT A FORMAL OFFER OR CONTRACT. This letter will be used by the Cornell University Student
Assembly Finance Commission (SAFC) to verify that the student organization has in fact solicited the services of an
agent for the program, and the speaker/program is, in fact, available.
The above named organization is an independent student organization and it neither a unit of Cornell University nor an
agent of Cornell University. The above name organization is not authorized to commit Cornell University contractually
and therefore this agreement does not contain the commitment of, and is not in any manner binding upon or
enforceable against, Cornell University.
To Student Organization
By signing this letter, you understand that this is not a formal offer or contract. After obtaining the signature of the
Agent, this letter should be turned in to the SAFC for consideration of funds allocation for this specific program. If
funds are allocated for the program, you should contact the Agent immediately to discuss further details and request a
Both the Agency and the student organization understand that if the student organization does not receive sufficient
funds to sponsor this event, then the student organization will not submit an offer unless they can provide funds from
additional resources.
For the student organization For the agency
Signature of organization representative Signature of agency representative, speaker or performer
Print name Print name
Date Date
January 2011