Fillable Printable Letter of Intent Format Sample
Fillable Printable Letter of Intent Format Sample

Letter of Intent Format Sample

Nu Skin Enterprises Australia, Inc. ABN 90 057 203 531 - 2 Eden Park Drive, North Ryde, NSW, 2113
Nu Skin Enterprises New Zealand Inc. Montgomerie Road, Airport Oaks, Auckland, 2022
Primary aPPlicant namE
Primary aPPlicant SiGnatUrE DatE
SEcOnDary aPPlicant namE
SEcOnDary aPPlicant SiGnatUrE DatE
Please attach a studio quality photo of all partners in your distributorship. Write your Distributor
Identification Number and the name of your Distributorship on the back of the photo. If faxing this
agreement, mail your photo with this original form. You may also send an electronic file (.jpg) of your
picture to: (Australia) or (New Zealand). This
may be used in Nu Skin Enterprises acknowledgments on the website when a new pin level is achieved
and will be kept on file for future use.
incorporated with limited liability in Utah, USa
i, iD #
submit this Letter of Intent (LOI) requesting consideration for Executive candidacy commencing the month of ___________.
I understand that the Executive Qualification Program is as follows; and that I must meet minimum active requirements (as
outlined in the Sales Compensation Plan) to qualify for any bonuses.
aUStralian BUSinESS nUmBEr (aBn) (if applicable)
nEW ZEalanD GSt nUmBEr (if applicable)
To be considered for the month requested, this LOI must be received at Nu Skin Enterprises Australia/New Zealand, Inc. by the last business day in that calendar month
Code: 121582 06/09
Distributorship Name
Distributor ID
In Australia mail to:
Executive Support
Nu Skin Enterprises Australia, Inc.
Or fax to: 02 9491 0907
In New Zealand mail to:
Executive Support
Nu Skin Enterprises New Zealand, Inc
PO Box 107145, Auckland Airport 2150,
Or fax to: 09 254 4181
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3
100 PSV, 50 PV Minimum ADR, 1000 GSV 100 PSV, 50 PV Minimum ADR, 1500 GSV 100 PSV, 50 PV Minimum ADR, 2000 GSV
Having read this application, I acknowledge that I understand and agree to meet all of the requirements as outlined in this Letter of Intent.
I also understand that any information I submit becomes the sole property of Nu Skin Enterprises, allowing the use of my name and likeness in any way
deemed necessary in the ordinary course of Nu Skin Enterprises’ business.
Tick box to receive email confirmation that my LOI has been received. Please insert email address below.