Fillable Printable Letter of Intent or Acknowledgement Form
Fillable Printable Letter of Intent or Acknowledgement Form

Letter of Intent or Acknowledgement Form
Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art
Artists of the 21
Student Art Exhibition - 2013
Letter of Intent/Acknowledgement Form
Please print legibly.
I _____________________________________________, from
_______________________________________________ School of
______________________________________ School District,
am submitting this letter of intent to participate in the Artists of the 21
Century: Student Art Exhibition.
I acknowledge that I have read and agree to abide by the guidelines as they
pertain to the Student Art Exhibition and SAMA regulations. I understand if
the guidelines are not met for any object, that object will be excluded from
the exhibition.
Authorized signature:
_____________________________________________ Date:_________
Agreement of Responsibility
The Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art will take the appropriate measures
to insure the safety of the artwork during installation and while on display.
Any loss OR damage to the artwork is NOT the financial responsibility of
the Museum.
I verify that I have read and understand the above statement:
_____________________________________________ Date:_________
This form is to be mailed to Bobby Moore, Registrar, SAMA, Post Office Box Nine,
Loretto, PA 15940. All letters must received by December 14, 2012. NO FAXES