Fillable Printable Letter of Intent Sample Form
Fillable Printable Letter of Intent Sample Form

Letter of Intent Sample Form
Bucks County Community College
Penn State Abington
Letter of Intent Form
Bucks County Community College (“BCCC”) and The Pennsylvania State University, Abington (“PSAB”) enter
into this articulation agreement to enable students admitted into an Associate of Arts (“A.A.”) or an Associate of
Science (“A.S.”) degree program at BCCC to be admitted into a Bachelor’s degree program at PSAB or other
programs leading to a Bachelor’s degree at PSAB on the condition that they: graduate from BCCC with a minimum
cumulative grade-point average of 2.0; enroll at PSAB within one year of BCCC graduation; do not attend another
institution of higher education between the time they graduate from BCCC and enroll at PSAB; complete a Letter of
Intent Form at the time of admission to BCCC, or no later than when they have completed 30 transferable credits at
BCCC; and satisfy all other PSAB admissions requirements.
When students satisfy the conditions of the Articulation Agreement, PSAB agrees to do the following:
1. Waive the $50 admissions application fee;
2. Award a one-time $1000 academic scholarship to BCCC students who have a final cumulative GPA of 3.2-
3.59, or a one-time $1500 academic scholarship to BCCC students who have a final cumulative GPA of 3.6
or above, as calculated by Penn State, and who will be attending PSAB full-time; and
3. Provide the BCCC student with the opportunity to meet with PSAB representatives for assistance with
transferring to PSAB (prior to graduating from BCCC).
This Letter of Intent may be voided by you, the student, at any time with written notification to BCCC and PSAB.
Please complete the following information and return it to the BCCC Transfer Services Office. You will receive an
acknowledgment letter from PSAB.
Name (please print) _____________________________________________________________
Date of Birth __________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code____________________________________________________________
Home Phone ______________________________Work/Cell Phone ______________________
Email (print clearly) ____________________________________________________________
Major at BCCC __________________Anticipated date of BCCC Graduation_______________
(month & year)
Intended Major at PSAB _________________________________________________________
By signing this Letter of Intent Form, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the conditions of the
Articulation Agreement. In addition, I understand that my signature gives BCCC and PSAB the right to exchange
information regarding my academic progress at BCCC and PSAB.
______________________________________________________________ ___________________
(student’s signature) (date) Revised 04/14
(Majors for Articulation Agreement)
American Studies*
Art (A portfolio must be approved for admission)
Biology (daytime only)
Genetics and Developmental Biology Option
Vertebrate Physiology Option
Accounting Option
Financial Services Option
Health Services Option
Management and Marketing Option
Individualized Business Option
Corporate Communication (daytime only)
Criminal Justice (B.A. or B.S.)
Information Sciences and Technology
Integrative Arts
Letters, Arts, and Sciences
Psychological and Social Sciences (B.A. or B.S.)
Rehabilitation and Human Services (starting Fall 2014)
Science (daytime only)
General Science Option
Life Science Option
Mathematics Option
*This major may be replaced by new majors. Please contact the Admissions Office at Penn State
Abington for details (215-881-7600, option 2).
Revised 11/14