- Limited Continuing Power of Attorney - Ontario
- Limited Power of Attorney Form - Maine
- Power of Attorney Form - Alaska Division of Motor Vehicles
- Combined Medical Power of Attorney and Living Will - West Virginia
- Limited Power of Attorney for Motor Vehicle Transactions - Indiana
- Limited Power of Attorney - Wyoming
Fillable Printable Limited Durable Power of Attorney - New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division
Fillable Printable Limited Durable Power of Attorney - New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division
Limited Durable Power of Attorney - New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division
REV. 10/10
New Mexico Taxation & Revenue Department, Motor Vehicle Division
I, ______________ ________________ ___, her eby appoint ____ _______ ____ _______ _______ ____ as m y
attorney-in-f act to take all actions I w ould be r eq uired to take or to sig n all documents I would be r eq uired to s ig n
to complete any tr a nsaction s, includin g a sale, of th e vehicle d escrib ed herein.
Ty pe of tr a nsac tion ___________________ ______________ ______________ _________________
Vehicle make:
Model: Model Year:
Veh ic le iden tifica tion number (V IN) : __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ __ __ __
This P ower of Attor ney sh all not be affe c ted by my incapa c ity bu t will ex pire wit hin 3 0 days or upon m y death
unless I hav e r evoked it prior to m y death.
Printed name of vehicle owner
_____________________________________________________ __________________
Signature of vehicle owner Date
SUB SCRIBE D A N D SW O R N to before me this __ ___ day of ___________ _____ 20__
by _________ ______ ________________________________.
Notary Public signature
My Com m ission Expires :
I hereby dec lar e under penalty of perju ry tha t I am the pers on a uthorized to act under th is Power of Attorney a nd
tha t I am not aware the Power of Attorne y has been revoked or that the Gr antor of th e P ower of A ttor ney ha s died.
An d I a c kn ow ledge m y personal liab ility for any loss to the owner or any other p er son b y my m is-use of th is powe r
of a ttor ney.
_____________________ _______ _________________________ __________________
Signature of person submitting affidavit Date
SUBSC RI BE D A N D SW ORN to before me this _____ day of ______________ __ 20__
by _________ ______ ________________________________.
Notary Public signature
My Com m ission Expires :
Warning: Any person who makes any false affidavit, or knowingly swears or affirms falsely to any matter
required by the Motor Vehicle Code is guilty of perjury, which is a fourth degree felony (Sections 66-5-38
and 30-25-1 NMSA 1978).