
Fillable Printable Limited Power of Attorney Form - Louisiana

Fillable Printable Limited Power of Attorney Form - Louisiana

Limited Power of Attorney Form - Louisiana

Limited Power of Attorney Form - Louisiana

BY: _______________________________ STATE OF LOUISIANA
Name of Principal
TO: _______________________________ PARISH OF__________________________
Name of Agent
BE IT KNOWN, THAT ON THIS ___________ day of __________________, 20______
BEFORE ME, ______________________________, a Notary Public, duly commissioned
and qualified in and for the Parish of ______________________, State of Louisiana, and in the
presence of the witnesses hereinafter named and undersigned:
PERSONALLY CAME AND APPEARED ___________________________________, a
Name of Principal
person of the full age of majority, whose mailing address is _____________________________,
Street or P. O. Box of Principal
________________________________, State of Louisiana, and whose Social Security Number is
City and Zip of Principal
_________________________, hereinafter referred to as “Principal,” who declared that Principal
SSN of Principal
has made and appointed, and by these presents Principal does make, name, nominate, ordain,
authorize, constitute and appoint in Principal’s stead, __________________________________, a
Name of Agent
person of the full age of majority, whose mailing address is ______________________________,
Street of P.O. Box of Agent
________________________________, State of Louisiana, and whose Social Security Number is
City and Zip of Agent
__________________________, hereinafter referred to as “Agent,” to be Principal’s true and
SSN of Agent
lawful Agent and attorney-in-fact, giving, and by these presents granting unto the Agent, full
power and authority for Principal and in Principal’s name and behalf to wit:
To receive the retirement check payable in the name of Principal from the Louisiana State
Employees Retirement System (LASERS) and deposit said check into the Principal’s bank
account or negotiate said check to pay the bills, and handle the affairs of the Principal herein, and
the Principal does give, grant and convey unto his or her Agent, full and complete authority to do
as the Agent may in his or her sole and uncontrolled discretion deems necessary and proper, to
sign any and all documents, changes of address forms, receipts or instruments that the Agent may
deem necessary and proper in connection with the handling of the receipt of the Retirement Check
and payment of the Principal’s bills and finally, to do and perform every act in connection with the
proposed transaction substantially as hereinabove set forth, to the same extent and in the
same manner as the Principal could do if personally present with Principal hereby ratifying,
approving and confirming each and every act done by the Agent.
THUS DONE AND PASSED before me, Notary, and the undersigned competent
witnesses ________________________________ and _____________________________ on the
_____ day of __________________, 20_____, at ____________________________, __________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature of Witness PRINCIPAL
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature of Witness NOTARY PUBLIC ID No:
BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary, personally came and appeared
________________________________ who stated that he or she does hereby accept the Limited
Name of Agent
Power of Attorney granted to him or her by _____________________________ on the ________,
Name of Principal
day of _________________________, ___________.
THUS DONE AND PASSED before me, Notary, and the undersigned competent
witnesses ___________________________________ and __________________________ on the
_______ day of ___________________, 20_____, at __________________________, _________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature of Witness AGENT Tax ID#:
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature of Witness NOTARY PUBLIC ID No:
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