
Fillable Printable Love Letter Guide for Girls

Fillable Printable Love Letter Guide for Girls

Love Letter Guide for Girls

Love Letter Guide for Girls

How to Write a Love Letter (to your future husband)
chastityproject.com/2014/04/how-to-write-a-love-letter-to-your-f uture-husband/
My small hand reached across t he dollar-st ores shelf . I dont know if it was t he roses or swirly
script t hat caught my eye f irst . But t here it was, a not ebook covered in fancy, ant ique designs.
My nine year old heart craved t his book. Af t er all, a romant ic-looking not ebook would be
necessary f or journaling about crushes, wedding dress designs, and ult imat ely, my True Love.
Lit t le did I know t hat t his not ebook would change my lif e.
Wit h exact ly a dollar and eight cent s, I acquired my prize. Soon af t er, the novelt y of owning
such a “romantic” not ebook wore of f . And f rankly, I didnt know what t o do wit h it . I didnt have a
“love lif e to writ e about . So, t he not ebook lay unused under my bed.
About f our or f ive years lat er, I was list ening to a college st udent t alk about “saving herself ” f or
her fut ure husband. She mentioned writing love let t ers t o her fut ure husband. She said it was a
great way t o pray f or him, and t hat it helped her t o save her virginit y and physical af f ect ions
f or marriage.
I pulled my romant ic” journal out from under my bed. Perfect, I thought . And I began to writ e
let t ers t o my f ut ure husband. T hey weren’t prof ound or long; somet imes only an “I was thinking
about you t oday,” or, “Just want to say t hat I love you.
My lif e changed. Inst ead of t hinking of my husband as a f ut urist ic dream, I began t o see him as
a real person. A living, breat hing man whom I would marry. If I would be t empt ed by impure
t hought s, I would whip out t he journal. I would jot a quick not e to him, apologizing f or my
f ailures, or t elling of my t riumphs. On August 10, 2013, I handed t his not ebook to my new
husband. He handed me a pack of let t ers in ret urn. We bot h were overwhelmed wit h t he love
capt ured in t hose let t ers writ t en days, mont hs, and years bef ore our marriage.
It was super easy, as a young t een, to be swept away in f airy-t ale f ant asies and crushes.
Societ y, movies, and music equat e love wit h sex, and make a lif et ime of breakups and broken
heart s seem “normal.” But writing love let t ers t o my husband grounded me in realit y. Each
moment t hat I scribbled a not e, my f ut ure husband was out t herea real man, who I would
marry and raise a f amily wit h.
You Can Write Love Letters to Your Future Spouse, Too!
Give yourself a second chanceWe all make mist akes and mess up. Even if youve
given yourself in impure ways, it s never too lat e t o st art writing t o your husband. Writ ing
t o him can mot ivat e you t o embrace purit y in a whole new way!
Get creativeYou dont even need a not ebook. You can st ick all of your let t ers in a
f older. Or you can put lit t le love not es in a jar. What ever works best f or you, f igure it out
and go wit h it !
Don’t get discouragedSomet imes, I would be tempt ed t o st op writing let t ers all
t oget her, since I wouldnt writ e for weeks or mont hs at a t ime. Its pathetic, I would think. I
have so few. Dont let t hat st op you! Your fut ure spouse will love you and appreciat e any
number of let t ers t hat you writ e t o him/her. Just keep writing!
Write about anything—Tell him/her about your dreams, hopes, what youre excited for
in marriage, what prayers youve been praying for him/her (f or example, “I said a prayer
f or you while washing dishes t oday).
It doesn’t end with marriage—Once youre married, you can keep secret ly writing love
let t ers t o your spouse. Whet her you hide t hem around the house or give t hem direct ly t o
your spouse, he/she will love t hem. One morning, my husband lef t for an out -of -st at e
t rip ext remely early. When I woke up lat er, I f ound that he had t aped love not es all over
our apart ment! Small gest ures like t hat are wonderf ul ways t o show your love.
Above all, it s good t o ask yourself: “How can I best love my future spouse?
Anne Marie Miller st udies T heology and English at Franciscan Universit y of St eubenville. She
has a passion f or t he Cat holic Fait h, chast it y, and St . Francis of Assisi, and f rolicking around
baref oot . In August 2013, she was blessed to marry her incredible husband, and t he t wo of
t hem enjoy t he epic advent ures of married college lif e. When shes not doing homework,
housework, cooking, or playing chess, AnneMarie ref lect s on her random observat ions on her
blog, Sacrif ice of Love. (ht t p://marianninja.blogspot .com)
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