Fillable Printable Michigan Rental Application Form
Fillable Printable Michigan Rental Application Form

Michigan Rental Application Form

licants Last Name:
First: MI Birth date:
Drivers License Number :
Social Security Number:
Email Address: ___________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________
Co Applicant Last Name:
First: MI Birth date:
Drivers License Number:
Social Security Number:
Email Address: _________________________________________Phone Number: ______________________________
Expected Move In Date:
Do you have any pets?
If so, how many? Description of Pets:
Size of pet: _________lbs
Present Address / City / State:
How long?
Area-Code Phone: Own/Rent/Other:
Name and Address of Current Landlord or Mortgage Company:
Area-Code Phone: Monthly Rent/Payment:
Previous Address / City / State:
Previous Landlord Address:
Area-Code Phone:
How Long: Have you ever been evicted:
Applicant’s Employer
: Supervisor’s Name: How Long? ___________
Area-Code Phone Number:
Position: Salary:
Previous Employer:
Supervisor’s Name:
Area-Code Phone Number:
Position: Salary:
Co Applicant’s Employer:
Supervisor’s Name: How Long?
Area-Code Phone Number:
Position: Salary:
Previous Employer:
Supervisor’s Name:
Area-Code Phone Number:
Position: Salary:

Additional Income: Child support, alimony, etc
Amount: per:
Number of Vehicles on Property:
Do you have any motor homes, vans, boats, or motorcycles? If so, specify:
Auto Number 1 Year/Make/Model:
License Plate: State: ______
Auto Number 2 Year/Make/Model
License Plate: State: ______
Total Number of Occupants: _______
List Occupants with Birthdates:
__________________________ ____________ ___________________________ ______________
__________________________ ____________ ___________________________ ______________
In Case of Emergency Call:
Area-Code Phone:
In the event of the rental application is approved, the owner or agent may apply the deposit of $
on account of security due or to become
due. If the application is approved and was not cancelled within 3 days (72 hours) but the undersigned chooses not to enter into the lease the deposit will be forfeited as
liquidated damages incurred by the owner as a result of not having been able to rent the apartment to another part y during this time.
Beginning Date:
Ending Date: Size of Apartment:
Monthly Rental:
Yearly Rental: Move In Date:
Pro Rate:
Security Deposit:
Balance due upon execution of lease by certified check or money order: $
I/We authorize the landlord to verify my credit record, employment, residences and other income references. I/We certify that I have
paid my mortgage/rent payment, have not broken a lease, and have not filed for bankruptcy within the past five (5) years. I/We
understand that the discovery of false information or negative credit or financial information will result in denial.
A non-refundable charge of $
will be retained for cred it check purp oses,
I/We authorize Lessor and/or SafeRent to verify the accuracy of all statements in this application. I/We authorize all employers,
landlor ds and creditors to release all information co ncerning th e applicant for purposes of verifying this applicant’s ability to afford
the contractual obligations of this lease.
Applicant Signature:
Applicant Signature:
Resident Representative Signature: