Fillable Printable Meeting Minutes Templates
Fillable Printable Meeting Minutes Templates

Meeting Minutes Templates

Meeting Minutes
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Date of Meeting:
April 9, 2009
LIB 304
Minutes Prepared By:
Donna L. Griego
Charge time to:
1. Purpose of Meeting
Strategic Planning
2. Attendance at Meeting
add rows as necessary)
Name Name Name Name
Heather Heersink Michael Mumper Erik van de Boogard
Don Johnston Mike Nicholson Diana Wenzel
Tony Laker Frank Novotny Joel Korngut-Guest
Larry Mortensen Tracy Rogers Armando Valdez-Guest
Ken Marquez David Svaldi
4. Meeting Notes, Decisions, Issues
Provost Mumper called the meeting to order at 9:08 AM
ASC FY 09-10 Budget Reduction Summary:
Additional Revenues 1,009,300
State cut (1,043,076)
The following items were previously funded by the ASC Foundation. The Foundation is no longer
able to support them; therefore, ASC will build them into the 09-10 budget.
Foundation Ag Business Support (100,000)
Foundation Alumni Scholarships (12,510)
Foundation Work-study (65,000)
Foundation Scholarships (220,000)
Foundation Admissions Travel (45,000)
Foundation Marketing Scholarships (35,000)
Foundation A-Stater -

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Foundation Salaries (Alum Director & Support Staff) (110,725)
Foundation Alumni Travel & Operating
Foundation Summer Bridge (25,000)
Foundation Employee Tuition Waivers (20,000)
Foundation Total (680,235)
Health Safety Officer (36,000)
Summer Bridge (15,000)
HDL increased costs-Faculty/Staff/Classified (273,990)
Maintenance Escalation (Banner, Touch net, E2 Campus) (6,793)
Retention and Recruitment (166,000)
Grant Funding of Permanent Salary Decrease (25,083)
Oracle License and Software (38,725)
Reserve (172,000)
Total Shortfall (1,447,602)
Total Reductions 1,447,645
Over/(Under) Target 43
The following budget reductions are recommendations brought to the President from the Executive
Team. They are now being presented to the Cabinet, and will be taken back to the President for final
approval and then presented to the campus.
Plan A Includes only the items below
Plan B The items below plus 2 developmental instructors, offset with $45K vacancy savings
Various Cut 3 Administrative Positions 79,200
Grad Office Move to Cash 178,000
Inst Adv Vacant VP IA 100,000
Sophomore Retention Scholarship 80,000
Amount Set in Reserve for SEOG/Work Study Match 97,500
Teacher Ed Grant Salary Savings 38,000
Pres Office Operating 7,000
Provost Freeze Vacant Director of Developmental Ed 40,000
Provost Move Print Shop to 100% Fee Based 30,000
Provost Reduce Institutional Work Study with Federal Offset 47,500
Provost Freeze Vacant Library Position 51,000
Provost Reduce Org 654 (Savings from not printing catalog) 5,000
VP Finance Move a portion Assoc VP to Projects 58,700
VP Finance Eliminate Vacant Admin & ½ of Controller Sponsored Prog 44,595
VP Finance Eliminate Vacant Structural Trades I
VP Finance Hold Anticipated Vacant Computing Svcs Position at MdYear

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VP Finance Reduce Org 353 (Grant Match, Operating, Travel, etc.)
Athletics New Sport Budget Reduction
Athletics Move Athletic Scholarship Tuition Adjustment to Grizzly Club 25,000
Academics TED Freeze Vacant Faculty Line
Academics TED Freeze Vacant TOSA Line 46,000
Academics Freeze Vacant Admin I TED 39,000
Academics Freeze Vacant Nursing Faculty Less $30K Grant Loss 29,000
Academics Freeze Vacant Physics Faculty Line Less Adjuncts 54,000
Academics Freeze Vacant Spanish Faculty Line Less Adjuncts 50,553
Academics Freeze Vacant Biology Faculty Line Less Adjuncts
Academics Freeze Vacant Counselor Ed Faculty Line
Student Aff Move Dean of Students to Auxiliaries 25,358
Student Aff Reduce Org 501 Student Hourly 1,000
Various Voluntary separation, voluntary furlough, vacancy savings,
Revenue budget to actual surplus -
MOTION: Dr. Novotny moved to approve plan B. Mr. Mortensen seconded. Motion passed
Campus Renewal and Planning (CRaP) Requests:
Mr. van de Boogaard indicated that the following were presented to the CRaP committee, and need
final approval by Cabinet.
Student Life Terminal Project
AITC Build Wall in ES 237/238
Move Melissa Freeman’s Office
Housing Office/Demo Wall
MOTION: Dr. Wenzel moved to approve the CraP requests. Ms Heersink seconded. Motion passed
Ms Heersink presented a supplemental budget item. She stated that due to mandated postage
increases, an additional upgrade to the technology in the mailroom for $1,300 was necessary.
MOTION: Mr. Marquez moved to approve the technology upgrade in the mailroom. Dr. Novotny
seconded the motion. Motion passed.

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With no further Cabinet business, the group reviewed the following Strategic Planning agenda:
9:00-10:00 Cabinet Meeting
10:00-11:00 Tiger Team Updates
11:00-11:15 Break
11:15-12:00 Review of the Strategic Planning Process
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 Vision Update
2:00-3:00 Review of Institutional Goals (or Noel Levitz Update)
Meeting Objectives:
Review of the current quarterly process
Review and approve the revised vision statement
Begin a review of ASCs institutional goals
Multi-tiered ASC designation
Governance update
Updates from other Mt. Princeton offsite teams
Tiger Team Update:
Multi-tiered ASC Designation:
Dr. Johnston reported that a group meets every two weeks to discuss ASC's current structure and the
university name change. A consultant from Noel Levitz was brought in to assist the campus with a
proposal to establish the community college and university models. The plan is to review the
information submitted by Noel Levitz, and to present a proposal to the Cabinet with a
recommendation. It was stated that the Board of Trustees was open to the name change and they
thought it would enhance our marketing efforts.
Shared Governance Update:
The Shared Governance group is busy gathering data and assessing it. A survey was sent to the Board
of Trustees regarding their perspective on Shared Governance. The group is currently in the process
of devising a survey for the Classified Staff on campus. The group obtained information from AS&F,
and they opted to not be directly involved, they are comfortable with where they are at this point. The
group will have a strong report prepared for HLC. This report will be brought to the Cabinet and the
Board of Trustees prior to the HLC visit. They would also like to present focus groups or direct
presentations to the campus.
Assessment Update:
Dr. Novotny reported that those academic program reviews that were due this year are now complete.
He stated that there are some concerns with the General Education curriculum at this point.
Considering this, he is confident that we are all okay with the assessment pieces to date.
Administrative Structure Update:

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Provost Mumper commented that for the upcoming HLC visit, our organizational charts on our
website need to be revised to reflect our current structure.
Higher Learning Commission Update:
President Svaldi reported that a team of two individuals will comprise the site team in October. One
individual is from Western New Mexico and the other from Oklahoma. He commented that his team
is sympathetic to rural institutions and the issues they face.
Review of the Strategic Planning Process:
The Cabinet agreed to support a quarterly strategic planning approach at its Mt. Princeton
As of this session we will have held three quarterly sessions.
It’s time to assess whether or not this approach is accomplishing what we hoped it would
President Svaldi and Provost Mumper stated that our planning documents still need to be revised.
They didn’t see a need to formulate a separate committee to do this. So far, the Strategic Planning
Committee seems to be working just fine. Others in the group felt that there is a need to get to work
on the nuts and bolts of each planning document.
Planning Options include:
Formalize the current quarterly process and establish meeting objectives to support annual
campus milestones.
Establish a separate campus Planning Committee that meets on a regular basis to address
strategic planning issues.
Other considerations:
Hire a consultant to either lead or facilitate the campus planning efforts.
Formally assign strategic planning lead responsibility to a position within ASC.
Mr. Nicholson inquired with the group as to whose role it is to facilitate this process. He asked if
there is anyone who can perform this role properly and affectively, or who is qualified to move us
forward in the direction that we need to go?
With regard to Noel Levitz, Cabinet agreed that there are positives of having an outside consultant
come in to facilitate these discussions. There is a need to have someone on campus manage it
internally-setting deadlines and making sure that work is being done. The group felt comfortable with
Mr. Nicholson’s current facilitation of the meeting structure. They also thought that hiring a
consultant is also an option. Someone who could come in every three years or so to specifically target
areas that are in need.
ACTION: Mr. Nicholson will schedule the next four planning sessions; he will reconvene the
Strategic Planning subcommittee to define the next steps and discuss a possible offsite session

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Professor Armando Valdez, was introduced. Professor Valdez has been instrumental in building
vision and mission statements with other entities.
Definition and Purpose of a Vision Statement:
The mission is what we are currently doing. The vision is not reality, it’s where you want to take your
Difference Between a Mission Statement and a Vision Statement: Professor Valdez explained that the
vision and the mission are two statements that drive everything that ASC does. A Vision is a
destination. Mission drives the Vision.
At the last Strategic Planning Meeting, a subcommittee was formed to bring forth a proposal for a new
vision statement. The following is the proposed statement:
Expand innovative pathways to give everyone the opportunity to learn and succeed.
The Cabinet engaged in discussion and proceeded to revise the vision statement further. The
following are two versions:
Building pathways for everyone to learn and succeed.
Building opportunities for everyone to learn and succeed.
ACTION: Take the two vision statements back to our own areas for review and comment. The
Planning Sub-Committee will determine the campus review process.
Review and update ASC Institutional Goals:
After discussion, the following revised goals were identified:
Grow Enrollment
Improve Student Retention
Cultivate a high-quality, student-centered environment
Provide educational access and opportunity for learning and success
Promote the history, culture, and economic development of the region
Build financial stability
Meeting adjourned.

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Action Items
(add rows as necessary)
Action Assigned to Due Date
MOTION: Dr. Novotny moved to approve plan B. Mr.
Mortensen seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Dr. Wenzel moved to approve the CraP requests.
Ms Heersink seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
MOTION: Mr. Marquez moved to approve the technology
upgrade in the mailroom. Dr. Novotny seconded the motion.
Motion passed.
ACTION: Mr. Nicholson will schedule the next four planning
sessions, and will reconvene the Strategic Planning
subcommittee to define the next steps and discuss a possible
offsite session somewhere.
ACTION: Take the two vision statements back to our own
areas for review and comment.
6. Next Meeting