Fillable Printable Mother's Day Teapot Card Template
Fillable Printable Mother's Day Teapot Card Template

Mother's Day Teapot Card Template

How to make the teapot cards:
Materials (per person):
Thick colored card/paper
White and black oil crayon
• Glue stick
• Lead pencil
Various brightly colored pieces of tissue paper – enough to
make 8 circles (2cm diameter).
Tag and string from a teabag.
• Scalpel or sharp knife
Sticky tape
• Circle and teapot templates (attached to this document)
1. Photocopy teapot template onto thick, colored card/paper.
2. Use a white oil crayon to color in teapot.
3. Using the circle template, trace 8 circles (total) onto different
colored pieces of tissue paper, cut out and glue onto teapot.
4. Trace around teapot lines with black oil crayon.
5. Cut a slit in the teapot where the black oil is drawn for the lid,
thread the string through to the other side and use a small
piece of tape to stick it down on the reverse side. Make sure
the string doesn’t hang too low from the teapot.
6. Fold card in half and write a lovely message inside, such as:
Dear Mum,
Happy Mothers Day!
I love you because…
Thanks for …
With love from …
7. Sign your name and write the short date on the back of the
* Pastel/light color tissue paper will not have the same effect as
bright or dark colors.
* Gluing on the tissue paper leaves sticky fingers – be careful to
not get sticky, dirty finger prints on the card.
* Don’t be cheap and buy No Frills tea bags or you’ll have a tacky
tag for your teapot.

Cut up page into groups of 4 circles and hand to students. Students place
circles underneath tissue paper, trace the circle and cut it out to put on the
teapot. 8 circles is a good amount for decorating the teapot.

Cut up page into groups of 4 circles and hand to students. Students place
circles underneath tissue paper, trace the circle and cut it out to put on the
teapot. 8 circles is a good amount for decorating the teapot.