
Fillable Printable New York Rental Application

Fillable Printable New York Rental Application

New York Rental Application

New York Rental Application

Mr., Mrs., Ms.: __________________ _________________ ___________________ Date: __________
First Middle Last
SECTION 1: Apartment For Which You Are Applying
Building address: ___________________________________ Apartment number: ____________
Rent per month: __________________ Security: ______________
Dates of Occupancy: From: ___________________ To: ____________________
SECTION 2: Applicant Information
Date of Birth: ____/____/_______ Social Security Number: ____________________________
Driver’s license number: __________________________ State: ________________________
Passport number (if not a U.S. Citizen): ________________ Issuing Country: __________Type: ________
Present home address: ___________________________________________________________________
City________________________ State______ Zip__________ Email_____________________________
Home phone: _________________Work phone: __________________ Cell phone: __________________
How long at present address? ______ Leaseholder: _______________(If different from applicant)
Landlord or Property Manager: _____________________________ Phone: ________________________
Landlord address: ______________________________________________________________________
Applicant Previous Home address: __________________________________________________
City_____________________ State_______ Zip__________
How long at previous address? _______ Leaseholder: ______________________ (If different from applicant)
SECTION 3: Applicant Financial Information
Employer: _______________________________ Address: ______________________________________
City____________________ State__________ Zip_____________
Position/title: __________________________ Supervisor: _________________________________
Phone: ______________ Annual income: ___________ How long with present employer? ___________
Bank Information:
Name of Bank: ____________________________ Address: _____________________________________
City_________________________ State_________ Zip____________
Checking Account Number: ___________________ Savings Account Number: ______________________
Other Accounts:
Name of Institution: ___________________ Account Number_____________ Type of Account_________
Name of Institution: ___________________ Account Number_____________ Type of Account_________
SECTION 4: Guarantor Information
Guarantor Name: __________________ ______________________ ______________________
First Middle Last
Social Security Number: _________________ Date of Birth: _______/________/_________
Relationship to applicant: _________________________ Years known: __________________
Address: _____________________________________ City____________________________
State________ Zip__________
Phone: ________________ Cell phone: ______________ Fax: ______________ Email: ______________
Employer: ______________________________ Address: _______________________________________
City___________________________ State______________ Zip_______________
Position/title: ________________________________ Supervisor: _______________________________
Phone: __________________ Annual income: _____________ How long with present employer? ______
I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge that the above information is true and correct and I hereby
authorize _________________ to obtain any credit, job, and school, past rental history or references at its
discretion. I/we acknowledge that there will be a $____ application processing charge per applicant due at
lease signing.
Applicant’s Signature_______________________________________ Date_____________________
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