Fillable Printable OPM Form 1303
Fillable Printable OPM Form 1303

OPM Form 1303
Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program
Executive Resources Board (ERB) Certification Form
Authority: 5 CFR 362.405 requires all Presidential Management Fellows to obtain ERB certification in meeting program requirements
prior to conversion to the competitive service.
Purpose: The agency’s ERB, or its equivalent, must certify whether a Presidential Management Fellow (PMF; Fellow) has successfully
completed the Program as outlined in 5 CFR 362.405. For those agencies not required to have an ERB, equivalent means the senior
agency official or officials who have been given responsibility for executive resources management an d oversight by the agency head.
The ERB certification process was designed to protect the prestige and competitive nature of this Presidential program while reinforcing
the agency’s commitment to succession planning. Guidance in 5 CFR 362.405(d)(1) specifies that, upon a Fellow's completion of the
Program, the appointing agen cy's ERB must eval uate each F ellow and det ermine whether it can certify in writing that the F ello w met all of
the requirements of the Pr ogr am, incl uding the performanc e a nd dev elop mental expecta tions s et forth in the indivi dual ’s perf orm anc e pla n
and Individual Developm ent Plan (IDP).
Routine Uses: T he information will be used b y the Fellow, his/her supervisor, an d appropriate agency perso nnel to document and track
the Fellow’s program requirements. In addition, this form may be used to document the ERB’s decision and used to authorize the
Fellow’s conversion to the competitive service.
Disclosure: Use of this form and furnishing this information is optional; agencies may utilize alternative formats. Failure to furnish this
information may delay or pr event the certification and conversion of the Fello w.
The agency m ust complete its evaluati on, make a decision regarding certification of succ essful completion, and notify the F ellow, no la ter
than 30 calendar d ays prior to the e xpiration of the Fello w's appointme nt in the Pr ogram. ERBs may also determin e that a Fell ow has not
successfully completed the Program and will not be appointed upon completion.
The Fellows appointment e xpires at the end of the 2-year fellowship period. At that time, if the F ellow has not been granted an e xtension
or has not successfully completed the Program, the Fello ws appointme nt terminates.
According to 5 CFR 362.408, if an agency E RB does not c ertif y successful completio n of the program and as a result does n ot convert the
Fellow at the end of the Program or extend the individual's initial appointment, the appointment expires when certification for Program
completion is denied. The agency must provide written notification to OPM, via the PMF Program Office, when a Fellow is terminated for
this or any reason.
Fellows must meet the agen cy’s certification of program completion or they cannot be converte d to the competitive service. Guidance in 5
CFR 362.405(d)(4)(i) and (ii) states that if the ERB decides not to certify a Fellow, the Fellow may request reconsideration of that
determination by the OPM Director, or designee. Such reconsi deration must be reques ted in writing, with appropri ate documentation and
justification, within 15 cal endar days of the date of the agenc y's decision. The Fellow may c ontinue in the Program pending the outc ome
of his or her request for reconsideration, and the age ncy must continue to provide appro priate developmental activities during this period.
The determination of OPM shall be final and not subject to further review or appeal.
The agency E RB can establ ish its o wn procedur es for conductin g the revie w, but must consider whether: (1) the F ellow has met al l of the
requirements of the Program, as outlined in the Program regul ations found at 5 CFR 362, (2) has demonstrated successful performance
according to the individual’s performance plan, and (3) has achieved the developmental expectations set forth in the Individual
Development Plan (IDP). This may be conducted through a document review or other methods agr eed upon by the ERB. T he results of
the ERB certification are to be forwarded to OPM (via the PMF Program Office) or recorded by the designated Agency PMF Coordinator in
the PMF Program’s Talent Acquisition System.
Fellows reappointed late i n their tenure to a ne w agenc y or position, and/or ne eding addition al time to satisf y developmental requirements
for the target position, may require an extension. Agencies have the authority to extend a PMF appointment up to 120 days to give
agencies greater flexibility to satisfy this certification obligation; however, rendering an ERB decision 30 days prior to the extended
appointment still applies and e xtensions should be used for rare an d unusual circumstances.
The Fellow, Fellow’s Supervisor, Agency PMF Coordinator, and ERB Chairperson (or equivalent) should fill this form out. A Fellow’s
Mentor may be consulted as well.
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PART I – FELLOW: This section should be filled out by the Fellow or the Agency PMF Coordinator, and submitted to the Fello w’s
Supervisor to fill out PART II. (NOTE: Check with the Agency PMF Coordinator for any agenc y-specific policies and procedures.)
1. Full Name
(last, first, middle initial):
2. Entry On Duty (EOD)
(Start Date of Fellowship)
3. PMF Class (year of
becoming a Finalist):
4. Agency/Sub-
Agency/ Office
(do not abbreviate):
5. Work Phone Number:
6. Fellow’s Work
Email Address:
7. Title/Series/Grade (e.g., Program Analyst, GS-0343-09):
7a. At Initial Appointment:
7b. At Present:
8. Before routing to Supervisor, Fellow is to attach copies of: Individual Developmen t Plan (IDP)
Performance evaluation/rating (for each year)
Other documentation (e.g., developmental assignment evaluations,
training certificates, etc.)
PART II – FELLOW’S SUPERVISOR: This section should be fi lled out by the Fello w’s Supervisor and then submitted to th e Agency
PMF Coordinator to fill out PART III. Please indicate whether or not this PMF is a reappointment from another agency.
1. Supervisor’s Full Name, Title and
2. Supervisor’s Phone Numbe r:
3. Supervisor’s
Email Address:
4. Has this Fellow completed at least160 hours of formal training, in
accordance with 5 CFR 362.405(b)( 2)? (See attached IDP)
4a. YES (training completed as indicated in attached IDP)
4b. TENTATIVE (will be completed prior to conversion date)
4c. NO (training hours have not been fully met)
5. Has this Fellow completed at least one 4-6 month developmental assignment (not to be confused with
rotations), in accordance with 5 CFR 362.405(b)(4)? (Developmental assignment(s) should be listed on
Fellow’s attached IDP.)
6. Has this Fellow performed satisfactory or better during his/her fellowship? (See attached evaluation/rating.) YES NO
7. Was this PMF reappointed from
another agency?
NO YES, if so indicate
agency and original EOD.
7a. Original appointed agency/sub-agency (if reappointment
occurred during fello wship):
7b. Verified
Original Entry on
Duty Date
(Start Date of
8. Indicate your recommendation for ERB certification or
agency action, and submit to the Agency PMF
Coordinator for next steps. Consult with your Agency
PMF Coordinator for any questions.
8a. RECOMMEND Certification (requirements completed satisfactorily)
8b. DO NOT RECOMMEND Certification (note reasons below)
8c. OTHER (note resignation, termination, or other infor mation below)
Note: If an extension is needed, follo w your agency’s PMF ext ension
9. COMMENTS: If recommending against certification,
provide the reason(s) to the right. Indicate date
(mm/dd/yyyy) and GS Grade (or equivalent) that the
Fellow resigned or was terminated, if applicable.
10. If ERB
certified, Fellow
will be:
10a. CONVERTED, without a break in service, to a competitive service term or permanent appoin tment.
10b. APPOINTED to a permanent position in an exc epted service agency.
11a. Supervisor’s Signature: 11b. Date:
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AGENCY PMF COORDINATOR: This section should be filled out by the Agency PMF Coordinator and submitted with
attached documentation to the ERB, or equivalent, for review and certification. The ERB Chairperson must notify the Fellow,
Supervisor, Human Resources Office, and the Agency PMF Coordinator of its decision. The Agency PMF Coordinator must submit
decision to OPM (via the PMF Program Office). Recording should be done in the PMF Program’s Talent Acquisition System. Note
deadlines for notifying Fellow of any actions.
1. Coordinator’s Name:
2. Coordinator
2a. Agency-wide PMF
2b. Sub-Agency PMF
3. Coordinator’s Phone Number:
4. Coordinator’s
Email Address:
5. Indicate your recommendation for ERB
certification or agency action and submit to the
ERB, or equivalent, as appropriate:
5a. RECOMMEND Certification (requirements completed satisfactorily)
5b. DO NOT RECOMMEND Certification (note reasons below)
5c. OTHER (note resignation, termination, or other infor mation below)
Note: If extension is needed, follo w your a ge ncy’s PMF extension procedures.
6. COMMENTS: If recommending against
certification, provide the reason(s) to the right.
Indicate date (mm/dd/yyyy) and GS Grade (or
equivalent) that the Fellow resigned, or was
terminated, if applicable.
7. Has the Fellow’s agency processed and submitted appointment reimbursement to the PMF
Program Office at OPM for this PMF appointment (reimbursement is due within 30-days upon a
Fellow’s initial appointment)?
8a. Agency PMF Coordinator’s Signature: 8b. Date (mm/dd/yyyy):
EXECUTIVE RESOURCES BO ARD: This section s hould be filled out b y the agenc y’s ERB Chairpers on, or equ ivalent, to
indicate results of ERB certification process. Upon decision, please forward to the Agency PMF Coord inator for further processing.
1. ERB Chairperson’s Full
Name, Title and Organization:
2. ERB Chairperson’s Phone: 3. ERB Chairperson’s Email Address:
4. ERB Decision:
4a. CERTIFY Satisfactory Completion (5 CFR 362.405). The ERB has found this Fellow satisfactorily meets all
program requirements, demonstrated successful performance, achieved the developmental e xpectatio ns set
forth in his/her attached Individual Deve lopment Plan, and is now certified to be converted to the compe titive
4b. DENY CERTIFICATION. T he ERB has found that this Fellow has NOT satisfactorily met all program
requirements, demonstrated successful performance, and/or achieved the develo pmental expectations set
forth in his/her attached Individual development Plan and is NOT certified to be converted to the competit ive
service for the reasons below. Fellow will not be converted to the competiti ve service and the fellowship
appointment will expire.
5. COMMENTS: If recommending against
certification, provide the reason(s) to the right.
6a. ERB Chairperson’s (or equivalent) Signature: 6b. ERB’s Decision Date (mm/dd/yyyy):
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