Fillable Printable OPM Form 1305
Fillable Printable OPM Form 1305

OPM Form 1305

PMF Appointment Eligibility Extension Request Form
Authority: The Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program, part of the Pathways Programs, is administered by the U.S. Office of
Personnel Management (OPM) and recruits eligible individuals to be selected as Finalists annually. As stated in 5 CFR 362.404(a)(3), OPM
will establish an eligibility period during which participating Federal agencies may appoint Finalists as Fellows. The appointment eligibility
period consists of 12 months from the date Finalists are announced. Finalists are then eligible for appointments as PMFs\Fellows. A
participating Federal agency may appoint a Finalist to a 2-year excepted service appointment under the Schedule D Hiring Authority. A
participating Federal agency is defined in 5 CFR 362; agencies in the excepted service may participate via a Memorandum of Agreement.
Purpose: This form is used by participating Federal agencies to formally request an appointment eligibility extension for a Finalist who has
been made an appointment offer AND accepted the offer, but cannot onboard as a PMF by the applicable appointment eligibility deadline.
Such a request must come from the participating agency’s designated Agency PMF Coordinator and submitted to the PMF Program Office
at OPM. If an additional extension is needed, then the agency must submit an additional request prior to the expiration of the previous
extension. This form can also be used to submit updates (e.g., additional extension or cancellation).
Routine Uses: This form is to be used to request an appointment eligibility extension, an additional extension, or a cancellation.
Disclosure: Use of this form and furnishing this information is the preferred method for participating Federal agencies to submit a request.
It is important to note how this request should ONLY be submitted once an official PMF appointment offer has been made to AND accepted
by the Finalist. The PMF Program Office and Agency PMF Coordinator must be informed of any such pending appointments.
Agency PMF Coordinator: If a participating Federal agency has made a PMF appointment offer to a Finalist AND the Finalist has
accepted, but the agency cannot onboard by the appointment eligibility deadline, then use this form to submit a request for an appointment
eligibility extension. The most common justification is additional time for completion of a background investigation. If approved, the request
is only valid for the Finalist referenced and for the agency making the request. Approved extensions are typically granted in 90-day
increments. If a previously approved extension needs to be extended, the agency must submit an updated form with appropriate
justification. If the appointment offer is rescinded for any reason, the agency must submit an updated form as provided below and inform the
impacted Finalist. Submit requests via email to [email protected].
If the appointment offer is rescinded for any reason and the applicable appointment eligibility deadline has passed, the impacted Finalist will
lose eligibility. It is the appointing agency’s responsibility to inform the Finalist of any changes. Once an established Entry on Duty (EOD)
start date is known, the Agency PMF Coordinator must update the appointment information in the PMF TAS (Talent Acquisition System).
PMF Program Office: Upon receipt, the PMF Program Office will review for applicability. The requesting agency will be sent an email
upon a decision. If approved, the PMF Program Office will record the extension in the PMF TAS, then send a confirmation email to the
requesting agency, and copy the referenced Finalist. Approved extensions are valid for 90 days and may be extended upon a second
request with appropriate justification. The Finalist may be recorded as pending a PMF appointment in the PMF TAS under the agency\sub-
agency making the request and show an Entry on Duty (EOD) start date of “12/31/20xx” as a placeholder.
Date of Request
Reason (Check One): Initial Request Update Cancellation
Finalist’s Name (First, MI, Last): Finalist’s Class Year (yyyy):
Full Agency Name (Headquarters):
Full Sub-Agency (Facility/Program Office):
Estimated Entry on Duty (EOD) Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy): NOTE: If approved, the Finalist will be recorded as a
pending appointment with a date of “12/31/20xx” to serve as a placeholder by the PMF Program Office in the PMF TAS.
Estimated Pay Schedule and Grade Level Upon Initial
Appointment (e.g., GS-9, 11, 12, or equivalent):
Job Series of Position (e.g., 0343):
Position Title
(e.g., Program Analyst):
Target Grade Level of Position
(e.g., GS-13 or equivalent):
Justification for Request (e.g., pending a
background investigation):
Agency PMF Coordinator’s Name, Work
Email Address, and Work Phone Number:
PMFPO Received: PMFPO Recorded: PMFPO Reconciled:
U.S. Office of Personnel Management OPM Form 1305
Presidential Management Fellows Program October 2014