Fillable Printable OPM Form 1306
Fillable Printable OPM Form 1306

OPM Form 1306

PMF Appointment Intake Form
Authority: 5 CFR 362.103 authorizes participating Federal agencies to make an appointment under the Pathways Programs (including the
Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program) to a position defined in 5 CFR 213.3402.
Purpose: This PMF Appointment Intake Form is used to collect appointment information of a PMF/Fellow and submit to the Agency PMF
Coordinator and PMF Program Office, including any updates to the initial appointment or reappointments.
Routine Uses: The information will be used by the PMF Program Office and Agency PMF Coordinator to process PMF appointments (e.g.,
initial appointment or reappointment) within their agency and record in the PMF Program’s TAS (Talent Acquisition System).
Disclosure: Use of this form and furnishing this information is optional; however, it is designed to ensure accurate information is collected
and recorded. Agencies may use alternative formats.
Fellows: A newly appointed Fellow may obtain this form from the PMF website at Upon accepting or starting
an initial PMF appointment, the Fellow should fill out this form and submit a copy to their Agency PMF Coordinator and
fax/email a copy to the PMF Program Office at 202-606-3040 or [email protected]. The Fellow can confirm proper recording by
contacting their Agency PMF Coordinator. A list of Agency PMF Coordinators can be found on the PMF website. Use this
form to also submit updated appointment information (e.g., work email/phone number upon starting appointment) or for
Agency PMF Coordinator: Upon receipt, record appointment information within your agency’s human resources system
and log into the PMF TAS to record the appointment or reappointment. The PMF Program Office may have initially recorded
the appointment information; however, you should ensure all such information is accurate. Once the appointment is
recorded, ensure other program requirements are followed (e.g., signed Participant Agreement, creation of an Individual
Development Plan, issuance of Performance Standards, assignment of a Mentor, and reimbursement of PMF placement
fee). Ensure appointing office submits reimbursement to the PMF Program Office. Retain copy for your records.
PMF Program Office: Upon receipt, record information in PMF TAS in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures.
Date (mm/dd/yyyy): Reason (Check One): Initial Appointment Reappointment Update
PMF’s Name (First, MI, Last): PMF’s Class Year (yyyy):
Full Agency Name (Headquarters):
Full Sub-Agency (Facility/Program Office):
Target Entry on Duty (EOD) Start Date (if actual
unknown; mm/dd/yyyy):
Actual Entry on Duty (EOD) Start Date
Pay Schedule and Grade Level Upon Initial Appointment
(e.g., GS-9, 11, 12, or equivalent):
Job Series of Position
(e.g., 0343):
Position Title
(e.g., Program Analyst):
Target Grade Level of Position (e.g., GS-13):
PMF’s Work Email Address: PMF’s Work Phone Number:
PMF Supervisor’s Name: PMF Supervisor’s Phone Number:
PMF Supervisor’s Email Address: PMF Supervisor’s Fax Number:
PMF’s Work Mailing Address (e.g., Street, Building/Room
Number, City, State, and ZIP Code):
(if any):
PMFC Received: PMFC Recorded: PMFPO Recorded:
U.S. Office of Personnel Management OPM Form 1306
Presidential Management Fellows Program September 2014