- Health Care Power of Attorney - Maine
- Washington Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
- Health Care Power of Attorney Example - South Carolina
- Statutory Short Form Power of Attorney for Health Care - Illinois
- Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and Living Will
- Power of Attorney for Health Care Will to Live Form - Idaho
Fillable Printable Power of Attorney Form for Health Care - Wisconsin
Fillable Printable Power of Attorney Form for Health Care - Wisconsin

Power of Attorney Form for Health Care - Wisconsin

P O BOX 2659
Scott Walker MADISON WI 53701-2659
State of Wisconsin 608-266-1251
Kitty Rhoades FAX: 608-267-2832
Secretary TTY: 888-701-1253
Department of Health Services dhs.wisconsin.gov
Instructions to Complete the Power of Attorney for Health Care Form
To Whom It May Concern:
Enclosed is the Power of Attorney for Health Care form you requested. The Power of Attorney for Health
Care form makes it possible for adults in Wisconsin to authorize other individuals (called health care
agents) to make health care decisions on their behalf should they become incapacitated. It may also be
used to make or refuse to make an anatomical gift (donation of all or part of the human body to take effect
upon the death of the donor).
Be sure to read all six (6) pages of the form carefully and understand it before you complete and sign it.
Talk with those you select as your health care agent and the alternate health care agent about your
thoughts and beliefs about medical treatment. Neither the health care agent nor the alternate may be your
health care provider, an employee of a health care facility in which you are a patient, or a spouse of any of
those persons, unless he or she is also your relative.
Two witnesses are required. Witnesses must be at least 18 years of age, not related to you by blood,
marriage, domestic partnership, or adoption, and not directly financially responsible for your health care.
A witness cannot be a health care provider who is serving you at the time the document is signed or an
employee of the health care provider unless the employee is a chaplain or social worker. A witness cannot
be an employee of an inpatient health care facility in which you are a patient, unless the employee is a
chaplain or social worker. A witness cannot be your health care agent or have a claim on any portion of
your estate. Valid witnesses acting in good faith are immune from civil or criminal liability.
An original signed form may be kept on file with your physician. A signed Power of Attorney for Health
Care form may also be kept in a safe, easily accessible place until needed. You should make relatives and
friends aware that you have created a Power of Attorney for Health Care and the location where it is kept.
Relatives and friends should also be told whom you select as the health care agent and the alternate. The
document may, but is not required to be, filed for safekeeping, for a fee, with the Register in Probate of
your county of residence. The fee for filing with the Register in Probate has been set by State Statute at
$8.00. A Power of Attorney for Health Care that is an original signed form or is a legible photocopy or
electronic facsimile copy is presumed to be valid. If you have both a Power of Attorney for Health Care
and a Declaration to Physicians, the provisions of a valid Power of Attorney for Health Care supersede
any directly conflicting provisions of a valid Declaration to Physicians.
One copy of the Power of Attorney for Health Care form is available free to anyone who sends a stamped,
self-addressed, business-size envelope to: Power of Attorney, Division of Public Health, P.O. Box 2659,
Madison, Wisconsin 53701-2659. You may make additional blank copies of the form you receive from
the Division of Public Health. The form is also available on the Department of Health Services Web page,
https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/forms/advdirectives/index.htm. If you have any questions about the
availability of the Power of Attorney for Health Care form or obtaining larger quantities of the form, you
may contact the Division of Public Health by telephoning 608-266-1251.

Definitions. ‘Department’ means the Department of Health Services. ‘Health Care’ means any care,
treatment, service, or procedure to maintain, diagnose, or treat an individual’s physical or mental
condition. ‘Health care decision’ means an informed decision in the exercise of the right to accept,
maintain, discontinue, or refuse health care. ‘Health care facility’ means a facility, as defined in State
Statute 647.01(4), or any hospital, nursing home, community-based residential facility, county home,
county infirmary, county hospital, county mental health center, tuberculosis sanatorium or other place
licensed or approved by the department under State Statutes 49.70, 49.71, 49.72, 50.02, 50.03, 50.35,
51.08, 51.09, 58.06, 252.073 or 252.076 or a facility under s. 45.365, 51.05, 51.06, 233.40, 233.41.
233.42 or 252.10. ‘Health care provider’ means a nurse licensed or permitted under State Statute Chapter
441, a chiropractor licensed under Chapter 446, a dentist licensed under Chapter 447, a physician,
podiatrist or physical therapist licensed or an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant
certified under Chapter 448, a person practicing Christian Science treatment, an optometrist licensed
under Chapter 449, a psychologist licensed under Chapter 455, a partnership thereof, a corporation
thereof that provides health care services, an operational cooperative sickness care plan organized under
State Statute 185.981 to 185.985 that directly provides services through salaried employees in its own
facility, or a home health agency, as defined in State Statute 50.49 (1) (a). ‘Incapacity’ means the
inability to receive and evaluate information effectively or to communicate decisions to such an extent
that the individual lacks the capacity to manage his or her health care decisions. ‘Feeding tube’ means a
medical tube through which nutrition or hydration is administered into the vein, stomach, nose, mouth or
other body opening of the declarant.
Who may sign a Power of Attorney for Health Care? An individual who is of sound mind and has
attained age 18 may voluntarily execute a Power of Attorney for Health Care. An individual for whom an
adjudication of incompetence and appointment of a guardian of the person is in effect under State Statute
Chapter 880 is presumed not to be of sound mind.
Procedures for signing a Power of Attorney for Health Care. The principal (person creating the Power
of Attorney for Health Care) and the witnesses all must sign the form at the same time.
When does it take effect? Unless otherwise specified in the Power of Attorney for Health Care
instrument (form), an individual’s Power of Attorney for Health Care takes effect upon a finding of
incapacity by 2 physicians, as defined in State Statute 448.01 (5), or one physician and one licensed
psychologist, as defined in State Statute.455.01 (4), who personally examine the principal and sign a
statement specifying that the principal has incapacity. Mere old age, eccentricity, or physical disability,
either singly or together, is insufficient to make a finding of incapacity. Neither of the individuals who
make a finding of incapacity may be a relative of the principal nor have knowledge that he or she is
entitled to or has a claim on any portion of the principal’s estate. A copy of the statement, if made, shall
be appended to the Power of Attorney for Health Care instrument.
Revocation. A principal may revoke his or her Power of Attorney for Health Care and invalidate the
Power of Attorney for Health Care instrument at any time by doing any of the following: canceling,
defacing, obliterating, burning, tearing or otherwise destroying the Power of Attorney for Health Care
instrument or directing another in the presence of the principal to so destroy the Power of Attorney for
Health Care instrument; executing a statement, in writing, that is signed and dated by the principal,
expressing the principal’s intent to revoke the Power of Attorney for Health Care; verbally expressing the
principal’s intent to revoke the Power of Attorney for Health Care in the presence of 2 witnesses; or,
executing a subsequent Power of Attorney for Health Care instrument. The principal’s health care
provider shall, upon notification of revocation of the principal’s Power of Attorney for Health Care
instrument, record in the principal’s medical record the time, date and place of the revocation and the
time, date and place, if different, of the notification to the health care provider of the revocation.

Immunities. No health care facility or health care provider may be charged with a crime, held civilly
liable, or charged with unprofessional conduct for any of the following: certifying incapacity under State
Statute 155.05 (2), if the certification is made in good faith based on a thorough examination of the
principal; failing to comply with a Power of Attorney for Health Care instrument or the decision of a
health care agent, except that failure of a physician to comply constitutes unprofessional conduct if the
physician refuses or fails to make a good faith attempt to transfer the principal to another physician who
will comply; complying, in the absence of actual knowledge of a revocation, with the terms of a Power of
Attorney for Health Care instrument that is in compliance with Chapter 155; complying with the decision
of a health care agent that is made under a Power of Attorney for Health Care that is in compliance with
Chapter 155; acting contrary to or failing to act on a revocation of a Power of Attorney for Health Care,
unless the health care facility or health care provider has actual knowledge of the revocation; or, failing to
obtain the health care decision for a principal from the principal’s health care agent, if the health care
facility or health care provider has made a reasonable attempt to contact the health care agent and obtain
the decision but has been unable to do so. No health care agent may be charged with a crime or held
civilly liable for making a decision in good faith under a Power of Attorney for Health Care instrument
that is in compliance with Chapter 155. No health care agent who is not the spouse of the principal may
be held personally liable for any goods or services purchased or contracted for under a Power of Attorney
for Health Care instrument.
General provisions. The making of a health care decision on behalf of a principal under the principal’s
Power of Attorney for Health Care instrument does not, for any purpose, constitute suicide. No individual
may be required to execute a Power of Attorney for Health Care as a condition for receipt of health care
or admission to a health care facility. No insurer may refuse to pay for goods or services covered under a
principal’s insurance policy solely because the decision to use the goods or services was made by the
principal’s health care agent.
F-40085A (Rev. 01/2015)
You must keep pages 1-6 of the form together as your executed
document. Copies distributed to health care providers, etc. must
include pages 1- 6.

Division of Public Health
F-00085 (Rev. 06/11)
Chapter 155.30(1),(3)
Effective Date August 3, 2009
608 266-1251
You have the right to make decisions about your health care. No health care may be
given to you over your objection, and necessary health care may not be stopped or
withheld if you object.
Because your health care providers in some cases may not have had the opportunity to
establish a long-term relationship with you, they are often unfamiliar with your beliefs
and values and the details of your family relationships. This poses a problem if you
become physically or mentally unable to make decisions about your health care.
In order to avoid this problem, you may sign this legal document to specify the person
whom you want to make health care decisions for you if you are unable to make those
decisions personally. That person is known as your health care agent. You should take
some time to discuss your thoughts and beliefs about medical treatment with the person
or persons whom you have specified. You may state in this document any types of health
care that you do or do not desire, and you may limit the authority of your health care
agent. If your health care agent is unaware of your desires with respect to a particular
health care decision, he or she is required to determine what would be in your best
interests in making the decision.
This is an important legal document. It gives your agent broad powers to make health
care decisions for you. It revokes any prior power of attorney for health care that you
may have made. If you wish to change your power of attorney for health care, you may
revoke this document at any time by destroying it, by directing another person to
destroy it in your presence, by signing a written and dated statement or by stating that it
is revoked in the presence of two witnesses. If you revoke, you should notify your agent,
health care provider(s), and any other person(s) to whom you have given a copy. If your
agent is your spouse or your domestic partner and your marriage is annulled or you are
divorced or your domestic partnership is terminated after signing this document, the
document is invalid.
You may also use this document to make or refuse to make an anatomical gift upon your
death. If you use this document to make or refuse to make an anatomical gift, this
document revokes any prior record of gift that you may have made. You may revoke or
change any anatomical gift that you make by this document by crossing out the
anatomical gifts provision in this document.
Do not sign this document unless you clearly understand it. It is suggested that you keep
the original of this document on file with your physician.

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Page 2 of 6
Document made this day of (month), (year).
(print name, address, and date of birth), being of sound mind, intend by this document to create a
power of attorney for health care. My executing this power of attorney for health care is voluntary.
Despite the creation of this power of attorney for health care, I expect to be fully informed about
and allowed to participate in any health care decision for me, to the extent that I am able. For the
purposes of this document, “health care decision” means an informed decision to accept, maintain,
discontinue, or refuse any care, treatment, service, or procedure to maintain, diagnose, or treat my
physical or mental condition.
In addition, I may, by this document, specify my wishes with respect to making an anatomical
gift upon my death.
If I am no longer able to make health care decisions for myself, due to my incapacity, I
hereby designate
print name, address and telephone number) to be my health care agent for the purpose of making
health care decisions on my behalf. If he or she is ever unable or unwilling to do so, I
hereby designate
(print name, address and telephone number) to be my alternate health care agent for the purpose
of making health care decisions on my behalf. Neither my health care agent nor my alternate
health care agent whom I have designated is my health care provider, an employee of my health
care provider, an employee of a health care facility in which I am a patient or a spouse of any of
those persons, unless he or she is also my relative. For purposes of this document, “incapacity”
exists if 2 physicians or a physician and a psychologist who have personally examined me sign a
statement that specifically expresses their opinion that I have a condition that means that I am
unable to receive and evaluate information effectively or to communicate decisions to such an
extent that I lack the capacity to manage my health care decisions. A copy of that statement must
be attached to this document.

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Unless I have specified otherwise in this document, if I ever have incapacity I instruct my
health care provider to obtain the health care decision of my health care agent, if I need
treatment, for all of my health care and treatment. I have discussed my desires thoroughly with
my health care agent and believe that he or she understands my philosophy regarding the health
care decisions I would make if I were able. I desire that my wishes be carried out through the
authority given to my health care agent under this document.
If I am unable, due to my incapacity, to make a health care decision, my health care agent is
instructed to make the health care decision for me, but my health care agent should try to discuss
with me any specific proposed health care if I am able to communicate in any manner, including
by blinking my eyes. If this communication cannot be made, my health care agent shall base his or
her decision on any health care choices that I have expressed prior to the time of the decision. If I
have not expressed a health care choice about the health care in question and communication
cannot be made, my health care agent shall base his or her health care decision on what he or she
believes to be in my best interest.
My health care agent may not admit or commit me on an inpatient basis to an institution for
mental diseases, an intermediate care facility for the persons with mental retardation, a state
treatment facility, or a treatment facility. My health care agent may not consent to experimental
mental health research or psychosurgery, electroconvulsive treatment or drastic mental health
treatment procedures for me.
My health care agent may admit me to a nursing home or community-based residential facility
for short-term stays for recuperative care or respite care.
If I have checked “Yes” to the following, my health care agent may admit me for a purpose
other than recuperative care or respite care, but if I have checked “No” to the following, my health
care agent may not so admit me:
1. A nursing home - - Yes No
2. A community-based residential facility - - Yes No
If I have not checked either “Yes” or “No” immediately above, my health care agent may admit
me only for short-term stays for recuperative care or respite care.

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If I have checked “Yes” to the following, my health care agent may have a feeding tube
withheld or withdrawn from me, unless my physician has advised that, in his or her professional
judgment, this will cause me pain or will reduce my comfort. If I have checked “No” to the
following, my health care agent may not have a feeding tube withheld or withdrawn from me.
My health care agent may not have orally ingested nutrition or hydration withheld or
withdrawn from me unless provision of the nutrition or hydration is medically contraindicated.
Withhold or withdraw a feeding tube - - Yes No
If I have not checked either “Yes” or “No” immediately above, my health care agent may not
have a feeding tube withdrawn from me.
If I have checked “Yes” to the following, my health care agent may make health care decisions
for me even if my agent knows I am pregnant. If I have checked “No” to the following, my health
care agent may not make health care decisions for me if my health care agent knows I am
Health care decision if I am pregnant - - Yes No
If I have not checked either “Yes” or “No” immediately above, my health care agent may not
make health care decisions for me if my health care agent knows I am pregnant.
In exercising authority under this document, my health care agent shall act consistently with
my following stated desires, if any, and is subject to any special provisions or limitations that I
specify. The following are any specific desires, provisions or limitations that I wish to state (add
more items if needed):
Subject to any limitations in this document, my health care agent has the authority to do all of
the following:
(a) Request, review, and receive any information, oral or written, regarding my physical or
mental health, including medical and hospital records.
(b) Execute on my behalf any documents that may be required in order to obtain this
Consent to the disclosure of this information.

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(The principal and the witnesses all must sign the document at the same time.)
(Person creating the Power of Attorney for Health Care)
Signature Date
(The signing of this document by the principal revokes all previous powers of attorney for health
care documents.)
I know the principal personally and I believe him or her to be of sound mind and at least 18
years of age. I believe that his or her execution of this power of attorney for health care is
voluntary. I am at least 18 years of age, am not related to the principal by blood, marriage,
domestic partnership, or adoption, and am not directly financially responsible for the principal's
health care. I am not a health care provider who is serving the principal at this time, an employe
of the health care provider, other than a chaplain or a social worker, or an employe, other than a
chaplain or a social worker, of an inpatient health care facility in which the declarant is a patient.
I am not the principal's health care agent. To the best of my knowledge, I am not entitled to and do
not have a claim on the principal's estate.
Witness Number 1
(Print) Name Date
Witness Number 2
(Print) Name
principal) has designated me to be his or her health care agent or alternate health care agent if he
or she is ever found to have incapacity and unable to make health care decisions himself or
herself (name of principal) has
discussed his or her desires regarding health care decisions with me.
Agent's Signature
Alternate's Signature
I understand that (name of

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Failure to execute a power of attorney for health care document under chapter 155 of the
Wisconsin Statutes creates no presumption about the intent of any individual with regard to his or
her health care decisions.
This power of attorney for health care is executed as provided in chapter 155 of the Wisconsin
Upon my death:
I wish to donate only the following organs or parts: (specify the organs or parts).
I wish to donate any needed organ or part.
I wish to donate my body for anatomical study if needed.
I refuse to make an anatomical gift. (If this revokes a prior commitment that I have made to
make an anatomical gift to a designated donee, I will attempt to notify the donee to which or to
whom I agreed to donate.)
Failing to check any of the lines immediately above creates no presumption about my desire to
make or refuse to make an anatomical gift.
Signature Date