Fillable Printable General format for ISFP Summary Project Proposal to the European Commission
Fillable Printable General format for ISFP Summary Project Proposal to the European Commission

General format for ISFP Summary Project Proposal to the European Commission

ISFP Summary Project Proposal to the European Commission
Country: Mauritania
Agency: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Project Title: Emergency assistance to vulnerable farmers and breeders
affected by climatic events and soaring food prices in
Sector: Agriculture and Livelihoods
Objective: Improve sustainable food security and agricultural production
of vulnerable farmers affected by soaring food prices
Beneficiaries: 377 000 smallhoders
Implementing Partner(s): Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock, National Centre for
Agricultural Research (CNARADA), and non-governmental
organizations (NGOs)
Project Duration: January 2009 to March 2010 (15 months)
Funds Requested: USD 18 172 702
Needs Assessment
Food security in Mauritania is heavily dependent on imports. National agricultural production
only partially satisfies the internal demand for food, particularly for cereals (estimated to be
about 430 000 tonnes). In the best-case scenario, national production satisfies about
30 percent of the population’s needs, while the remaining 70 percent is assured by
commercial imports and food aid.
In Mauritania the food price crisis and outbreak of animal diseases (Peste des Petits
Ruminants, Sheep/goat pox, brucellosis and Rift Valley Fever) severely affected the food
security of poor farmers and breeders, who resorted to consuming their seed stocks. There
is an urgent need to provide seeds and veterinary medicines to enable vulnerable farmers
and breeders to resume their farming activities and rebuild their seed stocks. Support to
breeders is also essential to diversify the beneficiaries’ diet and reduce their dependence on
imported cereals. Training is also essential to promote the use of appropriate agricultural
practices and increased productivity.
The Government of Mauritania has developed a Special Plan of Action (PSI) to assist
vulnerable farmers in overcoming the current situation. In particular, the PSI aims at
reducing the effects of soaring food prices and reinforcing food security. For the medium
term, the Government of Mauritania aims at achieving cereal self-sufficiency (rice and
traditional cereals) by 2012.
The initiative of FAO on Soaring Food Prices (ISFP) is designed to assist countries in
increasing food supplies, and is complementary to the PSI of Mauritania. Within this
framework, this project is designed to provide emergency assistance to vulnerable farmers
and breeders affected by climatic events and soaring food prices. These climatic events had
the incidence of major livestock diseases.

As a result of soaring food prices on the international and domestic markets, there is a new
additional demand for local production. FAO’s Initiative on Soaring Food Prices is designed
to assist countries in increasing food supplies. In Mauritania one of the limiting factors to
increasing productivity is the lack of access to seeds and outbreak of animal diseases.
The imports of wheat heavily affect the national budget and national cereal self-sufficiency.
Soaring food prices and recurrent animal diseases have aggravated this situation and
increased the food deficit of the country. Tests conducted between 1977 and 2007 with
seeds of a total of 60 selected varieties of wheat from Syria
and Morocco have given
promising results and indicated a good potential for growing wheat in Mauritania.
This project would aim at increasing the production and productivity of crops and livestock.
Expected impact, outcome and outputs
The project would address the following areas:
a. Emergency assistance to vulnerable farmers and breeders affected by drought and
soaring food prices in Mauritania
This component will enhance food security of about 60 000 households. The increase in the
national production of cereals will allow to reduce dependence on food aid (currently
Mauritania imports over two thirds of its needs of cereals).
As outcomes, this component would assist in the production of cereals, vegetable crops and
livestock. In particular:
Enhancement of food security
Increase of household incomes
Selected beneficiaries will have received the inputs needed in a timely manner
Animal health will be improved
Selected beneficiaries will have received the training needed to improve their
Agricultural production will be increased
More food will be available in communities and local markets
The outputs will be the delivery of seeds and veterinary drugs to about 60 000 smallholder
b. Production of traditional seeds for food security
This component will benefit to 300 farmer associations for seed production and 300 000
smallholders belonging to 36 Departments (Moughataa’s).
The outcomes will be:
The quality and productivity of the crops concerned will increase
The availability of seed to farming communities will increase
The Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD) and International Centre for
Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Cereal production will increase and more food will be available to the communities
and local markets
Dependence on food imports will be reduced
The outputs will be:
The delivery of basic seed to 300 farmer associations and about 300 000
Farmers will be trained in seed multiplication
c. Improving households’ food availability through the evaluation and promotion of
improved and adapted wheat varieties
This component will benefit to about 7 000 households. This project will validate the
promising results obtained in the past, in view of the expansion of the cultivation of wheat at
national level. In the long term this would reduce the dependence of the country on the
importation of cereals.
Its outcomes will be:
Validation of potential for growing wheat in Mauritania.
Selected beneficiaries will receive the inputs needed in a timely manner.
Increased and diversified wheat production under the project will allow the expansion
of the cultivated areas in the regions considered, and will reduce the country’s
dependency on imports. This will also alleviate the effects of soaring food prices.
Basic seed of selected varieties was distributed to about 7 000 farmers
Seed was multiplicated
Farmers were trained on participatory variety testing
Public health improvement
Proposed Activities
a. This component would assist in improving food security and agricultural production
through the following activities:
Provision of high-quality seeds of rice, maize, sorghum, millet and vegetables; and
Provision of veterinary medicines (surveillance for major animals diseases,
vaccination/treatment against animals diseases). Two round of vaccination will be
carried out during the time frame of the project and one round of sero-
monitoring/surveillance to assess the prevalence for major diseases and sero-
conversion after vaccination. It understood that 60-75% of the sheep (8 300 000) and
goat (12 000 000) population will be vaccinated during the time frame of the project.
Restocking/conservation of meat
Create of awareness for animal health issues.
Inputs will be chosen among those recommended by the Government and adapted to
local farming systems and agro-ecological zones.

2. Provision of training to farmers on good practices for agricultural production,
conservation, processing and marketing and animal diseases recognition/
These activities would be complementary to the ongoing projects TCP/MAU/3105 and
b. This component would assist in the development of seed production through the following
procurement of basic seeds;
training of farmers in seed multiplication using quality assurance schemes;
multiplication of traditional seeds by farmer associations;
promotion and training on seed stock management systems by farmer associations;
support to farmers in seed conditioning and marketing.
c. This component would assist in assessing the potential for producing wheat through the
following activities:
procurement of basic seed of selected varieties from agricultural research centres;
multiplication of seeds using quality assurance schemes;
training of selected farmers on participatory variety testing;
cultivation of a total of 250 hectares of wheat under rain-fed, dam and irrigated
conditions by selected farmers;
creating awareness on the results and best wheat agricultural practices;
creating awareness on the use of by-products; and
implementation of a seed multiplication scheme for selected wheat varieties.
Linkages with existing and proposed programming
Within the framework of ISFP, FAO is currently supporting to the Government of Mauritania to
assist poor farmers through the provision of agricultural inputs (seeds) to help them to
resume and increase production during the 2008 growing season. Two projects are currently
in progress - the TCP/MAU/3105 and the GCP/GLO/216/SPA - in six agricultural regions
(Wilaya) suffering from climatic events and soaring food prices. These projects are reducing
the vulnerability of these populations and are fighting hunger. Seeds of local traditional crops
have been distributed and the crops are being cultivated.
The projects proposed will build on and expand the assistance currently provided.
Implementation strategy
This project would be executed by the Emergency Coordination Unit of FAO, in collaboration
with the Direction of Agriculture (DA) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAE), and
with the regional Delegations (offices) of MAE at regional level and Departmental Services of
MAE at departmental level, as technical partners.

The identification of beneficiary farmers will be conducted in a participative way by the
Regional Development Committee (also including NGOs, SPOs, etc.), FAO and DA/MAE on
the basis of criteria of vulnerability and agricultural potential.
A possible implementation constraint could be the volatile political situation, that led to the
recent coup d’état, new government and possible social unrest. Also, possible reshuffling of
the staff of Ministries could slow down the activities of the project.
Budget Items USD
Staff costs
1 486 834
Input costs
13 700 000
350 000
Administration costs
1 447 000
Indirect programme support costs, including TSS (7%)
1 188 868
18 172 702