
Fillable Printable Format for submitting project proposal

Fillable Printable Format for submitting project proposal

Format for submitting project proposal

Format for submitting project proposal

Format for submitting project proposal
Section 1: project summary
Give project title, PI name, Co-PI from the Institute and Co-PI from ISRO side
(mandatory to speed up the process of project sanction), name of Institution (s) involved
before writing the summery.
Written in telegraphic language, the summery should give an account of (a)
research objectives (b) methodology to be adopted and (c) expected outcome of the
project. This summery may be published in the list of on-going projects and will be
widely circulated amongst scientists/scientific institutions interested in the subject. In
order to facilitate the circulation, a list of potentially interested individuals/institutions
(with addresses) is required to be furnished along with the proposal.
Section 2: Origin of the Proposal
Identify the stimuli, which prompted preparations and submission of the project
proposal to the STC. The source of stimuli could be other reports published by STC,
proceedings of a special workshop/ seminar, announcements by ISRO on Thrust Area
Programmes, earlier project etc. In all such cases, give specific details so that the source
is clearly identifiable. If the project has no such origin, please state so.
Section 3: Definition of the Problem
Please give precise technical statement of only those problems which the project
is expected to cover with the specified duration (normally 3 years). Do not include
statement, instead, a straightforward definition of the problem.
Section 4: Objectives
Instead of an essay, it is suggested that the objectives be spelled out point by point
in telegraphic language keeping in view the definition of the problem outlined in section
Section 5: International Status & National Status
Please indicate the recent development in the proposed field of work, both in the
country and in the other part of the world. This should be in 2 separate parts (namely
Indian and international situations) and based on literature survey, inclusion of list of
important review articles, if available, is recommended. The section will enable the
referees to appreciate the effort that has been put in preparing the project proposal.
Section 6: Relevance of the proposal in Indian/ISRO context
The importance of the project should be brought out in this section in the light of
the Indian/ISRO context. If the proposal is prepared in consultation with ISRO
Scientists/Engineers please indicate the presenters name and address. (It is advised that
the project proposal be discussed with ISRO before submitting for funds)
Please indicate the matters relating to scientific and technical advancement of
knowledge, issues concerning application of the new knowledge to the needs of ISRO for
promoting Space Technology in the country.
Section 7: Review of the available expertise within the investigation group/
The section is essentially to summarize the background of the investigators. Bio-
data of the Principal Investigators who are already in position and available for the
project are to be given here, to establish credential for undertaking the project and to
highlight relevance of the project to the research already going on in the sponsoring
While providing the list of publications include (a) names of journal/Publisher etc.
Summery details of the projects (completed/on-going or proposed) with different
Investigators may be given.
Section 8: Work plan/ Methodology
It is essential that from this statement the other experts in the field should get a
clear understanding of the research technique to be employed in the project as distinct
from data/sample collection activities and routine activities. Further, the description
should indicate precisely how the stated objectives will be achieved. Discuss different
methods of approach in order of priority.
Section 9: Time schedule
On the basis of work elements identified earlier, the time schedule should be
drawn. Here specific indications of milestone will help in periodic evaluation of the
progress of the project. It is once again cleared here that lead-time for creation of
infrastructural facilities be computed on realistic basis.
Section 10: Budget
Summery of the budget (year wise) may be prepared after filling on Budget for
manpower and Budget for permanent equipment. Give realistic estimate of costs of
different items involved. While doing so, please ensure that all the constraints have been
taken note of and time of different activities properly estimated.
All costs are to be expressed in rupees only.
A : Budget for manpower
While major part of the project work is to be carried out by the principal
Investigator and Co-Investigators. Some additional Scientific and technical personnel
may be asked for working full time on the project. Please assess you’re your additional
requirements carefully taking into account the level of personnel required and their likely
availability for working on the project. You may like to select your requirement from
amongst the following categories of personnel.
(i) Post-doctoral or equivalent ( scientist/professor)
(ii) Personnel with two to three years of research experience
(iii) Fresh Post-graduates or equivalent
(iv) Technical staff
(v) Secretariat
Salaries payable are to be expressed in lump-sum indicating the regular scale of
pay. “Full-time” personnel are those who would be recruited fresh or employed from
existing staff of the institute full time for the project (and their salaries /wages debited to
project account). People who are already in position and whose honorarium/ job-rate
payment/over-time allowance/ part of salary is to be debited to project account, may be
classified under part-time personnel. For both categories of personnel, the extent of
involvement, especially for computation of budget estimates, may be expressed in terms
of man-months per year.
Please prepare the list in descending order of salary. Personnel with same
designation but with different salary are to be shown separately.
B: Justification for salaries & wages
Justification for number and level of stuff to be recruited, their year of
deployment and comments on whether personnel from institutions will be deployed on
deputation basis.
Section 10.2.
A : Budget for other costs
Some projects may have special requirements not covered under section 9.1 costs
for such requirements are to be indicated in this section specifying the item under i & ii.
Contingencies are meant to cover incidental and other miscellaneous expenditure.
B: Justification for other costs
Please specify the special requirements. These requirements could be of
computer time, payments for using specialized instrumentation facilities etc. The basis of
calculating the costs should be clearly stated.
Section 10.3.
A: Budget for permanent equipment
Specifically list all items of permanent equipment costing RS. 1000/- or above, or
requiring import. Other minor items may be clubbed.
Be as specific as possible while naming, the equipment. Indication of the make
and model will help identifying the exact nature of the equipment better. Include
provisions for installation charge, inland transport insurance etc. in the estimated cost.
B: Justification for permanent equipment
Justification for each item of equipment (including their accessories, specific
characteristics, resolution etc. in relation to specific experiments/measurements/tests)
contemplated in the project is to be given.
State what efforts will be made to utilize existing equipment in your department,
other departments of the institution, other institutions in the neighbourhood.
In case of a demand for import of equipment, give reasons why indigenous
models, if available cannot be used.
General Terms and Conditions:
The project investigator may submit;
Certified that the project proposal entitled
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- will be carried out
in -------------------------------- (name of the department) subject to approval of the
proposal for funding from IRO-IIT(B), Space Technology Cell. The proposal is not
currently under consideration for financial support from any other agency.
Name and Date Signature
1. Principal Investigator
2. Co-investigator
Certified that -------------------------- (name of the department) welcomes the
participation of -------------------------------( PI) and ------------------------------ (Co-PI)
in the project entitled
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------to be taken up by the
----------------------------- (Dept.) subject to funding by ISRO-IIT(B), Space Technology
Cell and that the necessary facilities for carrying out the work will be made available to
the investigators of the project.
Head of the Department
Date :
1. Certificate from the Investigator
2. Endorsement from the Head of the Institution
Convener of the ISRO-IIT(B) Space Technology Cell
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