Fillable Printable It Project Proposal Template
Fillable Printable It Project Proposal Template

It Project Proposal Template

Student’s Name________________________ I.D. #______________________
School_______________________________ Grade Lev el ___ ___ __ _________
Title of Proj ect _ ___ ________ ____________ __ Project Starting Date__________
1. Complete the Proposal form in ink and sign it. Print clearly or type. Attach
additional page(s), as needed.
2. Have the Proposal form signed by a parent or guardian.
3. Submit the Proposal for approval and signature. (Seniors submit the form for
approval to their government or economics teacher. All other students submit
the form to the appropriate Occupational Specialist or the principal’s
Project Description – W hat is your project? Be specific about what you will do.
Need – Why is this project needed? For whom will it be valuable?
Final Results – What do you hope to accomplish as a result of your work?
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I have reviewed my son/daughter’s Community Service Project Proposal and
understand that a community service project must be completed in order to meet the
graduation requirements for Miami-Dade County Public Schools.
Parent/Guardian’s Name______________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature___________________________
Student’ s Si g natur e_____ ______________ ____________ ___
Signature of approving Teacher, Occupational Specialist, or Principal’s Designee

Student’s Name__________________________ I.D. #______________________
Title of Proj ect _ ___ ________ ____________ __________________________________
1. Complete the Project Summary Report in ink and sign it. Print clearly or type.
2. Complete all parts of the required essay as outlined below on your own paper.
3. Attach the essay to the Project Summary Report form. (It is strongly suggested
that a duplicate copy be made of the essay.)
4. Have the completed Summary Report reviewed and signed by a
5. Submit the Summary Report and the attached essay for final approval and
signature. (Seniors submit the Summary Report for approval to their
government or economics teacher. All other students submit the Summary
Report to the appropriate counselor or the principal’s designee.)
Required Essay: Summarize your community service experience in essay
form. Address each of the following in your essay.
A. Briefly describe your project and the main activities of your project. Describe
changes you made from your original proposal.
B. Briefly outline the steps you took to plan, implement, and complete the project.
Indicate how much time you spent in com pleting all aspects of this project.
C. Describe the problems that occurred during the project. Explain how these problems
were handled.
D. Describe the impact you believe your project had on the community or on the people
who received your service.
E. Describe what you learned about your community as you worked on your project.
Describe what you learned about yourself and the importance of giving something
back to others.
I have reviewed my son/daughter’s Summary Report and understand that a community
service project must be completed in order to meet the graduation requirements for
Miami-Dade County Public Schools.
Parent/Guardian’s Signature___________________________________
Student’ s Si g natur e___________ __ ___ _____________ __ ___ ________
Signatur e of Teacher, Counselor, or Principal’s Designee________________________

Addendum C
All students must use the Activity Log Form to record their community service activities.
Use additional sheets as needed.
_________________________________ _______________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Student’s Signature
Signature of Teacher, Counselor, or Principal’s Designee
** Only students working to meet the requirements for the Florida Academic Scholars certificate or
the Superintendent’s Diploma of Distinction need to complete the “Hours Complete” section of
the Acti vit y Log form.

William H. Turner Technical Arts High School
This is to certify that ______________________________ ID# ___________________,
has completed _______ hours of community service work toward graduation
requirements for the Miami-Dade County Public School System.
_______________________________ __________________________
C o mp any Name Business Phone
Business Address
_______________________________ __________________________
Employer Name Title
_______________________________ __________________________
Employer Signature Date
St ude nt Addr e ss
_______________________________ __________________________
Student Signa tur e Date