Fillable Printable Love Letters Straight From Your Heart
Fillable Printable Love Letters Straight From Your Heart

Love Letters Straight From Your Heart
Dear John,
This is your love on the other side. Time has passed like tide from the moment we first
saw each to her on the college ball day until today.
Things have changed around us, but one thing which shall never be hampered by time
or anything else is our love. Every passing moment strengthens the bond between us.
I wonder what would have happened to my life had you never met me. Your love has
completed my life and if there is anything which I can provide you with in return to this is
my love for lifetime.
No matter what may come tomorrow, my love shall always be as strong as ever for you
and I know even you shall love me till eternity.
I thank God for giving me my love and shall be thankful to every moment I have spent
with you, for all the love you showered.
Your love,