Fillable Printable Sacrifice Love Letter Sample
Fillable Printable Sacrifice Love Letter Sample

Sacrifice Love Letter Sample
You are the greatest thing that happened in my life. However, now that I
have to move to support the weak financial condition of my family, it will be
best for both of us to separate our ways. I would be highly obliged if you
can support this decision of me because my family is in need now. I know
that these words will give more pain to both of us but they are important to
discuss now.
I consider myself as a culprit in causing you so much pain and believe me; I
will never be able to forgive myself. However, sweetheart, you are a great
person and you will find someone better than me. I wish you a very good
life ahead and I will pray everyday that you get a very loving person to take
care of you forever.
God Bless You.
Yours, Pulkit