
Fillable Printable Letter Of Intent For School

Fillable Printable Letter Of Intent For School

Letter Of Intent For School

Letter Of Intent For School

 !"
Please supply the required information on both the front and back of this form. (all tabs below)
This form must be returned to the Section 2 Oice no later than September 15th.
Failure to return this form by the speci#ed date will result in denial of participation in sectional play.
Return of this form implies that you will participate in the Section 2 Tournament, Regional Tournament an
NYSPHSAA Tournament until eliminated or to conclusion.
A school may, however, rescind its decision to participate, if the Principal or Athletic Director
of the school involved notied the Section 2 Sports Coordinator prior to the seeding meeting for
the Section 2 Tournament in the sport or 48 hours prior to competition in an Unseeded
Failure to comply with the above regulation per the Section 2 Constitution (unless extenuating circumsta
can be demonstrated such as: Team Training Rule Violations, Team Illness, Act of God or
Other Emergency) will result in the following: The school involved will be #nd $250.00,
payable to Section 2 for the #rst oense. For the second oense (or failure to pay the #ne) a
school will be ineligible to participate in Sectionals in the sport in question, for the subsequent
year until the matter is resolved.
Athletic Director: ___________________________Contact Phone: ______________
High School Principal: _______________________Contact Phone: ______________
Superintendent: ______________________________Contact Phone: ______________
If yes, please explain below:
All of the signatures requested below must be included:
Does your school have speci#c rules governing the entering of post-season competition? Yes No
Please supply the required information on both the front and back of this form. (all tabs below)
Failure to return this form by the speci#ed date will result in denial of participation in sectional play.
Return of this form implies that you will participate in the Section 2 Tournament, Regional Tournament an
A school may, however, rescind its decision to participate, if the Principal or Athletic Director
of the school involved notied the Section 2 Sports Coordinator prior to the seeding meeting for
the Section 2 Tournament in the sport or 48 hours prior to competition in an Unseeded
Failure to comply with the above regulation per the Section 2 Constitution (unless extenuating circumsta
payable to Section 2 for the #rst oense. For the second oense (or failure to pay the #ne) a
school will be ineligible to participate in Sectionals in the sport in question, for the subsequent
? Yes No
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