Fillable Printable Letter Of Intent For School
Fillable Printable Letter Of Intent For School
Letter Of Intent For School
Please supply the required information on both the front and back of this form. (all tabs below)
This form must be returned to the Section 2 Oice no later than September 15th.
Failure to return this form by the speci#ed date will result in denial of participation in sectional play.
Return of this form implies that you will participate in the Section 2 Tournament, Regional Tournament an
NYSPHSAA Tournament until eliminated or to conclusion.
A school may, however, rescind its decision to participate, if the Principal or Athletic Director
of the school involved notied the Section 2 Sports Coordinator prior to the seeding meeting for
the Section 2 Tournament in the sport or 48 hours prior to competition in an Unseeded
Failure to comply with the above regulation per the Section 2 Constitution (unless extenuating circumsta
can be demonstrated such as: Team Training Rule Violations, Team Illness, Act of God or
Other Emergency) will result in the following: The school involved will be #nd $250.00,
payable to Section 2 for the #rst oense. For the second oense (or failure to pay the #ne) a
school will be ineligible to participate in Sectionals in the sport in question, for the subsequent
year until the matter is resolved.
Athletic Director: ___________________________Contact Phone: ______________
High School Principal: _______________________Contact Phone: ______________
Superintendent: ______________________________Contact Phone: ______________
If yes, please explain below:
All of the signatures requested below must be included:
Does your school have speci#c rules governing the entering of post-season competition? Yes No
Please supply the required information on both the front and back of this form. (all tabs below)
Failure to return this form by the speci#ed date will result in denial of participation in sectional play.
Return of this form implies that you will participate in the Section 2 Tournament, Regional Tournament an
A school may, however, rescind its decision to participate, if the Principal or Athletic Director
of the school involved notied the Section 2 Sports Coordinator prior to the seeding meeting for
the Section 2 Tournament in the sport or 48 hours prior to competition in an Unseeded
Failure to comply with the above regulation per the Section 2 Constitution (unless extenuating circumsta
payable to Section 2 for the #rst oense. For the second oense (or failure to pay the #ne) a
school will be ineligible to participate in Sectionals in the sport in question, for the subsequent
? Yes No
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