Fillable Printable Letter Of Intent Template For Business Enterprise Program
Fillable Printable Letter Of Intent Template For Business Enterprise Program

Letter Of Intent Template For Business Enterprise Program

State of Illinois
Letter of Intent v.14.1
Instructions: The Prime Vendor is required to submit a separate, signed Letter of Intent (LOI) from each BEP/VSB certified vendor.
LOIs must be submitted with the bid/offer and must be signed by both parties. The Prime Vendor shall not prohibit or otherwise
limit the BEP/VSB certified vendor(s) from providing subcontractor quotes to other potential bidders/vendors. Each LOI must
include the negotiated contract percentage, a detailed scope of work to be performed by each identified BEP/VSB certified vendor
and the amount of the subcontract, if known. All LOI’s shall be subject to Agency approval. Any changes involving or affecting the
identified BEP/VSB certified vendor may not be permitted without written approval of the procuring Agency.
Project Name: Project/Solicitation Number:
Name of Prime Vendor: BEP/VSB Compliance Contact:
City: State: Zip Code:
Telephone: Fax: Email:
Name of Certified BEP or V SB Ve n dor :
BEP/VSB Compliance Contact:
City: State: Zip Code:
Telephone: Fax: Email:
Type of agreement: Services Supplies Both Services/Supplies
Anticipated start date of the Certified BEP/VSB Vendor: ____________________________________________________
Proposed ___ % of Contract to be performed by the BEP/VSB Vendor.
Proposed Subcontract Amount, if known $ _______________________________________________________________
NOTE: The Prime Vendor must indicate the percentage of the estimated contract award that will be subcontracted to the certified
BEP/VSB Vendor.
Detailed description of work to be performed or goods/equipment to be provided by the BEP/VSB Vendor:
The Vendor and the certified vendor above hereby agree that upon the execution of a contract for the above-named
project between the Vendor and the State of Illinois, the Certified
BEP VSB Vendor will perform the scope of work
for the amount/percentage as indicated above.
Vendor (Company Name and D/B/A): Certified BEP/VSB Vendor (Company Name and D/B/A):
Signature Signature
Print Name: Print Name:
Title: Title:
Date: Date: