Fillable Printable Sample Love Letter to Husband
Fillable Printable Sample Love Letter to Husband

Sample Love Letter to Husband
To My Darling Husband,
Words cannot describe my feelings at the close of this day, our first day
together as husband and wife. My love for you is so complete and so pure; that my
happiness is beyond anything I’ve ever imagined. I’ve thought, dreamed and prayed
about this moment for such a long time, and how very much I wanted to make this
decision; the most important one in my life; the right one. I want you to know as we
knelt before the Lord today in His Temple; I have made the right choice; I’ve married
the right person and I promise to love and cherish you throughout this life and all
I’m so very proud of you, your decision as well as the life you have led, to
prepare yourself for me our children and our Heavenly Father. I’m so grateful that
in your preparation, you have come to know how important daily Scripture reading is
and how much it helps an individual in everyday trials and tribulations. I’m proud of you
for keeping a Journal and writing in it; your actions as well as your thoughts and
feelings, whether they are good or bad. Now our children can learn from some of your
own experiences and realize what a good father you really are.
I want you to know how much it means to me that you decided a long time ago
to be morally clean. I look on you now as the most virtuous man on Earth and I know
you always will be, just because you set that goal a long time ago. What tremendous
respect I have for you for making decisions amidst all the pressures we faced in our
youth. I’m so glad you waited for me, your eternal companion, to be your first and only
love. You can’t imagine what that means to me. It makes me treasure you even more.
I want you to know how much it means to me that you sacrificed and prepared
yourself in your youth, to receive your Eagle Scout award and in turn prepared you to
serve an honorable mission. It means so much to me and our Heavenly Father that you
made those important choices that will help you through life. You will be a great
example to our children.
I want you to know I watched how you treated your parents, especially your
mother, and that played an important part in deciding if you were the right one for
me. I should not expect any better treatment than what you gave your mother. I hope
our children learn to honor us as parents, as you have honored your parents.
I feel fortunate that you as my husband, have set goals; personal goals, for
yourself and strived to achieve them, I’m sure our Heavenly Father is very pleased
that you were constantly trying to improve yourself and your testimony. I’m sure this
has helped you to develop patience, and through your little acts of service, your
charity has increased. You will need both in being able to put up with me at times.
I am thankful that you are thrifty and have learned to manage your time and money
wisely. This will help me so very much in being a good wife and mother.
I am proud of you in your attendance at Seminary and Institute, and your
strong testimony is proof that you took full advantage of these programs. I hope you
recognize that I see you as a spiritual equal and not someone who I need to constantly
push and pull along the straight and narrow path. We both need to work together to
see our family back to the Celestial Kingdom. It will take as much faith and spiritual
strength from you, as it will from me.
Last, but certainly not least, I’m glad you have a strong testimony of Prayer;
that even when you were very young, you understood how important daily prayer was
and that through your prayers, you were able to stay close to our Father in Heaven
and seek His help and guidance.
Once again, I would like to tell you now how very much you mean to me. I’m so
grateful that you support me as a wife and mother in our home. I will do the very best
I can, and if I get out of line, please do not be afraid to get me back in shape. That
is something I admire in you. Through hard work and sacrifice, this love of ours will
continue to grow and blossom until we are brought before our Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ. I can’t wait to say, "look Heavenly Father; look who helped me to return back
to you. I love him so very much; please allow us to stay together forever."
Forever yours,
Your Wife
P.S. Don’t forget Monday is Family Home Evening. If you give the lesson, I’ll prepare
your favorite treats!
Printed from Young Women Suggestions -