Fillable Printable School Fundraising Letter Sample
Fillable Printable School Fundraising Letter Sample

School Fundraising Letter Sample
August 7, 2010
Dear Parents and Friends,
As we all are very much aware that every year on the Children’s Day we as
an institute we help the children who are less fortunate. On this day we try
and make such children happy and give them happy moments. This year
our school management is going to help parents suffering from leprosy.
We all are expecting donations from all of you in any manner. Donation in
the form of money, clothes, food grains or any other required articles will be
accepted. This event is organized in our school assembly hall. This
program is an open event and all of you arte invited.
This event is expected to be a grand success and a good cooperation is
expected from all of you.
Yours Sincerely,
Delly More (Headmistress)
Saint Genny Higher Secondary School