
Fillable Printable Second Mortgage Deed - Connecticut

Fillable Printable Second Mortgage Deed - Connecticut

Second Mortgage Deed - Connecticut

Second Mortgage Deed - Connecticut

NMLS LO: __________________________________________________
CO ID/Name: ________________________________________________
Page 1 of 2 Form #DAP08MD Rev .01/2014
CHFA Loan # ______________
KNOWYE,THAT ____________________________________________________,
(hereinafter referredto as"Grantor"),for the consideration of
_____________________________________________________________ ($) dollars and
othergood and valuable considerationreceivedto myfull satisfaction ofConnecticut Housing Finance
Authority(hereinafter referred to as"Grantee")doesgive,grant, bargain, sell andconfirm untothesaid
Grantee, itssuccessorsand assignsforever,all that certainpieceor parcelofland,withthebuildingsand
improvementsthereon,situatedin the Townof________________________, Countyof
________________________ and State of Connecticut, more particularly bounded and described as follows:
See Schedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Together with all itemsnormallyconsideredfixtures, includingbut not limited to screens, screen
doors, storm windows anddoors,awnings, plumbing,gasand electric fixtures, oil burnersand ventilation
equipment nowor hereafter placed on, installed in or attached tosaid buildings, all ofwhichare hereby
declared to be partof the realty and covered by this mortgage.
TO HAVE ANDTO HOLD the above grantedand bargained premises, with the appurtenances
thereof, untothe saidGrantee, its successors and assignsforever, to it and their own proper useand behoof.
And alsothesaid Grantor, does for himself, his heirsand assigns, covenant with the saidGrantee, its
successors and assigns, that at anduntiltheensealingofthese presents he is wellseizedof thepremises as a
goodindefeasible estateinFEESIMPLE;andhasgood right to bargain and sellthe same in manner and
form as above written; and that the same is free from all encumbrances whatsoever, except for encumbrances
of record approved byGrantee.
AND FURTHERMORE,the said Grantor doesbythese presentsbind himself,and his heirs,
executorsandassignsforeverto WARRANT AND DEFENDthe above grantedandbargainedpremises to
the said Grantee, its successors andassigns, against all claims anddemandswhatsoever, except for
encumbrances of record approved by Grantee.
THE CONDITION OF THIS DEED IS SUCH, that whereas the said Grantor is justly indebted to the
said Grantee in the principal sum of __________________________________
_______________________ ($ ) dollars with interest thereon evidenced byGrantor's notedated
the date hereof, the terms of which areincorporatedherein byreference, providingfor monthlyinstallments
ofprincipal and interest,with the balanceof the indebtednessifnot sooner paid, due and payable on
AND it is herebyagreed betweenthesaidGrantor, for himself, his heirs, executorsand assigns, and
the Grantee, its successors and assigns:
1.That the improvements nowexistingor hereafter erected orplaced on the said premises will
be kept in good repair in compliance with all applicablelaws, and insured against loss by fire and otherwise
to an amount andbysuch companiesasshall be satisfactoryto saidGrantee, and that said insurancewill be
maintainedfor the benefit ofand payable in case oflossto said Grantee as its interest mayappear, thatthe
insurance policiesshall be deposited with the Granteeand thatno cancellationor return ofanypolicy or
premium shall be claimed except from and after the redemption of this mortgage.
NMLS LO: __________________________________________________
CO ID/Name: ________________________________________________
Page 2 of 2 Form #DAP08MD Rev .01/2014
2.Thatall priormortgages,taxes, assessments, water rates andother governmental or municipal
charges forwhich lien rights exist andthe cost ofemergencyrepairs needed toprotect the propertywill be
promptlypaidbythe Grantor, and,in default thereof, or in default ofpayment of insurance premiums
requiredhereunder, theGrantee maypaythe same,and add the amounts so paidto the debt; and charge
interest on the sameuntil repayment to Grantee atthe interest rateprovidedin the note forwhich this
mortgage is security; and that failure to repayanysaid advance with interest withinone (1)month from the
date of such advancement shall constitute a default,rendering the entire debt, including such advancements,
together with all accrued interest, immediately due and payable without notice.
3.That the Grantor will reside in and occupysaid premises as Grantor's principalresidence
until saidnoteisfullypaidand theGrantorwill not transfer hisinterest in said premises unlessthe said note
is fully paid at the time of said transfer.
4.That all indebtedness secured herebyshall bepaid in the lawful moneyof the UnitedStates
of America.
5.Itis agreed that theGrantee's failure toexercise anyrights hereunder upon anydefault shall
not be deemed a waiver or relinquishment of its right to do so with respect to said default.
6.The covenants herein containedshall bind, and the benefits and advantages shall inure to the
respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, of the parties hereto.
Whenever used, the singular number shall include the plural, the plural thesingular, andthe useof
any gender shall include both genders.
The lien of this instrument shall remain in full force and effect during any postponement or extension
of the time of payment of the indebtedness or any part thereof secured hereby.
NOWTHEREFORE,if all the agreements herein containedshall be fullyand faithfullyperformed
andsaidnote shallbe well andtruly paid in allrespectsaccordingto itstenor, thenthisdeedshallbe void,
otherwise to remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor(s) have hereunto set their hand(s) and seal(s) this
Signed, sealed and Deliveredin the presence of:
) SS: ______________________________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __________ day of
____________________, yr. _____, by _____________________________________________.
(Name(s) of Grantor(s))
Commissioner of the Superior Court
Notary Public
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